- Accept a rematch, human, I will not tear you apart. - She said.
- If you have a ring, and there are no problems, no hard feelings. – Tsuki questioned.
- Right in the other hall. - She said.
- I want to know if you can win without a malicious plan. - She said.
- I won't let you draw blood, just immobilization, taking it to the ground, simple as that. - One of them said.
- So, let us go. Tsuki said.
Then, they went to the center of the tank, towards a short and circular platform, they picked up a long stick along the way, when they looked at each one, Tsuki looking at the place, saw the woman coming running towards him jumping for a tightrope.
Then, jumping down a ramp, towards a platform, when she went to deliver the blow, towards her, he dodged, right, right, left, jumping with a somersault, smiling, tiring her, with jumps and dodging with your investments.