- Even if I know, even if I could run away, or delay getting caught. - Said Tsuki Miki. – One hour everything would lead to a single result. Tsuki said. - It was when even if they travelled through the multiverse, went back in time, history would repeat itself. Tsuki said.
- So, you realized that a speedster cannot change the future, he can travel in time, but he cannot control events. – Darkness said.
- I sent a version of myself to the horizon of events, I sent him to the ends of time, I went along, but nothing changed, so we decided to enter into an agreement and change the future, changing the past in intricate details, until this moment we met. Tsuki said.
- A tacit agreement then, you became allied and uniting your counterparts by manipulating time and being your sovereign at my side and at the side of Um-Mu's order. – Darkness said.
- Your plan to distract me or run away. - Said the new god.
- Do you think I did not notice? - Questioned Darkness.