-You will use it. - Darkness countered. – In this ancient ship, there is information, the systems were not erased, they have original data, which are proof of the secrets that the selenites and Kryptonians were not erased, all content, from sessions, old materials, that is, that if you have something that relates to assembly and agreements, you will find it there, you must do something for me. – Darkness said.
- What would it be? – Tsuki questioned.
- Expose the dirt on Kryptonians and Selenites. – Darkness said.
- You must show to all discredit. – Darkness said.
- You with her will have living proof of what they did with their mutants.
- No manipulation, no cover up, it's a bomb, with a serious impact on everyone and every civilization. – Darkness said.
- I want everyone to know. – Darkness said.