- Yes, I found them on a trip. – Darkness said. – I saw potential, I had the intention of collecting them, but I saw their factories and they were useful. – Darkness said.

- Usefulness? – Tsuki questioned them. - You don't find miners or workers? Tsuki said. – Are they the only ones? – Tsuki questioned him. – Plus, Neanderthals willing to work for you. Tsuki said.

- Their bodies are fit to resist the heat, in all realities they converge to their operations and their businesses, they themselves are part of the mining and steel industry. – Darkness said.

- What are they anyway? Tsuki said. – They willingly work for you, why? – Tsuki questioned him.

- I have a reputation that weighs, which makes it difficult to work for me, these, and other reasons, which make me produce my own army. - Darkness said.