Meeting Her

Note from the author: I added a prolog in the beginning. Please check.


"No, Miss! Why did you make such a stupid mistake?" Mr. Wilson shouted angrily. "What did you do in the past? Did you always sleep at school?"

Lukas just looked at the two adults with giggles. He managed to turn Mr. Wilson's attention to Julia. Not only that … he managed to humiliate Julia in front of his strict math teacher.

"Miss, young master is far better than you. You should be the one who is studying."

The naughty little guy recorded the embarrassing incident. He will seize the beautiful moment someday.

Meanwhile, Lukas realized that everyone in his house was busy, seizing the opportunity to implement his original plan. This morning, when she had asked one of the maids where the woman she had brought home had gone, the maid said that Ted had brought her home.

Therefore, at this moment, Luke walked over to Ted and asked in a whisper, "Ted, where did you take the beautiful woman who helped me last night?"

Ted, having a cup of coffee, turned to his little master. "Ah, you asked about Miss Smith?"

"Smith?" asked Luke back.

"Yes, her name is Ava Smith."

"Oh, so her name is Ava Smith?" Luke answered, nodding. It was clear that the woman was not his mother, Paula Anderson. "Take me to her house!"

Ted paused, looking confused. His eyes narrowed.

"Why are you stupefied?" asked Luke again. "Take me to her house!"

Ted shook his head. His gummy cheeks swayed. "Today is my schedule off!"

"I will report to my dad if you don't comply!" snapped Luke again. The boy's green eyes looked intimidating.

"Have you received permission to go out?" asked Ted suspiciously.

"Of course! Do you think I'm lying?" snapped Luke again. However, the driver seemed still in disbelief. "Okay, if you don't believe me! I'll call Dad for proof and I'll make sure you get fired afterward because I don't like a dissident driver like you anymore."

Ted was freaking out. "Ah, young master! Do not do it!" he screamed.

Finally, Ted gave up and agreed to take Lukas to where Ava asked to be taken last night. Without the knowledge of the butler, Lukas managed to get out of the mansion.

Not long after, the car stopped in front of the bakery. Luke was amazed. "Why did you bring me here?"

"Last night, Miss Smith asked to be brought here." Ted looked at his young master with great confidence. "Look, young master! That woman you're looking for, right?"

Luke's eyes were stunned when he saw a graceful figure coming out of the bakery door. Ava's shift was over. It was time for her to go home because Monica asked her not to be too tired working. The wound still hadn't healed properly.

"Find her, young master! I will wait here. Remember, don't take too long, okay?" said Ted, looking at his little master expectantly.

Lukas, of course, did not nod. He wanted to spend more time with Ava. Surely he wouldn't make it happen if Ted was waiting there.

Lukas' eyes wandered around. When he saw two policemen standing guard not far from him, he immediately ran over to them.

"Officer! Help me!" he shouted at them, widening his eyes.

One of the police turned and bent down to align his face with the child who was looking panicked. "What's wrong, child?"

"Look at that man! He's very suspicious. He forced me to get into his car. Could he be involved in the child kidnapping that happened yesterday?" Lukas reported with a reassuring face.

The two cops glanced at each other. Indeed, yesterday there was an attempted kidnapping case carried out by two street thugs who tried to harm Lukas. The officers then approached poor Ted and interrogated the man.

"Yes!" Luke cheered, pleased with his feat of successfully eliminating Ted for the time being. He then immediately caught up with Ava who had walked some distance ahead of him.

Ava walked into the apartment very quickly. Tonight, she was alone there because Cassie was staying over at a friend's house. Just as she was about to close the door, the girl was startled by a hand patting her butt.

"Hi, Ava!"

Ava would have almost screamed if she hadn't seen that it was a little guy who was slapping her butt who certainly didn't know about sexual harassment. Her eyes narrowed, studying the blonde-haired boy in front of her. His green eyes were something Ava would never forget. Those eyes were very seductive on a grown man's body. However, it looked so cute on the little guy's body.

"Still remember me?" asked Lukas, expectantly. His face was red.

"Hey, you're the kid from yesterday, right?" Ava asked frantically.