Musk attracting attention!

The Li clan Patriach didn't seem happy either, his face was gloomy. Things where not going according to his knowledge, and he was even afraid he might end up loosing talented descendants just from the current situation. But he couldn't do anything about it, the best he could do at the moment was watch.

Within the golden barrier, several Saint realm peak descendants already unleashed their momentum. But this didn't seem to change the fact that the massive thunder and dark clouds were becoming more and more intense.

A colossal dragon that had taken shape let out and angry roar towards the ground from the sky. The moment it is roared, almost all the saint realm felt their minds tremble.

From where Musk was sitting, he could hear wailing filled with fear, and this made his expression somewhat weird. But he didn't bother, he looked in the sky solemnly, as he could already feel that the power was already beyond the saint realm.

"What is this?"