Heart Higher than the Heavens (II)

His enlightenment was then stopped at the moment, but he was happy. He than picked up the struggling fish. It had a stone in its mouth, the purple stone was not bad.

"Huh! I seem to have gotten myself a pebble." As he spoke he held the fish tightly with his left hand as he bit on the carrot held in the right hand.

He than walked toward the Lotus Pond. By the time he reached the Pond, he had already finished the carrot and left behind the leaves. He threw them into the pond and the fish gathered to eat them.

Using his right hand, he forcefully opened the fish's mouth and took out the pebble. He then threw it back into the pond, as he could see it's was still alive and struggling.

The more he looked at the pebble the ordinary it felt. But he was going to show it to his grandmother. But he was lost in thought, as he put the stone in his pocket and pulled out another carrot.