Ch 13. So Sad... So Uncomfortable...

"What an ungrateful little wild cat..."

At seven o'clock in the morning, Hoshimi woke up muttering in a low voice.


After complaining, Hoshimi sat up, covering his dizzy head with his left hand.

He sat on the bed for a while until the dizziness subsided, then lifted the quilt, ready to get out of bed and stretch his muscles.

"Oh, shit~"

Just as he got out of bed, before he could stand still, Hoshimi lost his balance and staggered to the side of the bed.


Hoshimi supported himself with his left hand, sat up unsteadily, and leaned against the side of the bed.

What's happening? Why am I so dizzy?

Things in my vision seemed to be shaking, and standing on the ground felt like standing on a rickety boat, always unstable.

Even sitting here feels like sitting on a rocking boat.

Is this a hangover from last night? It seems a bit too serious...


Thinking about it, Hoshimi couldn't help retching due to the dizzy feeling in his head.

After retching for a while, Hoshimi's fair face lost the last trace of color, making him look extremely weak at the moment.

"Tsk~ I miscalculated..."

Hoshimi sat on the edge of the bed, weakly rubbing his temples.

He hadn't expected that riding a roller coaster all night in the dream would have such a serious impact on his real body. It's probably because the prolonged stimulation last night disrupted the balance-controlling organs a bit.


Hoshimi felt much better after sitting and resting for a long time, but he still felt a little dizzy...

With the help of the bed, he stood up and staggered towards the bathroom on the first floor.

No point in thinking about breakfast in this state now; he'll take a hot bath and go to school later.


At the same time, on the 15th floor of the apartment, after resting for a long time due to a similar imbalance, Yukinoshita stood up from the bedside, resisting the dizziness, and packed the sheets, mattress, and quilt covers into large garbage bags.

Then, she retrieved new sheets, mattresses, and quilt covers from the closet and meticulously made the bed.

After finishing everything, the pretty-faced Yukinoshita stumbled into the bathroom, soaking herself in the bathtub full of warm water to calm down and recuperate.

After a long while, Yukinoshita clenched her fists tightly, gritted her teeth, and muttered in a low voice, feeling much better.

"Hoshimi! I must show you what cruelty really means!"


Furious, Yukinoshita's head began to spin again; she covered her forehead and rubbed it with a distressed expression.

So miserable...

I've never felt so uncomfortable in my life...

Even my sister didn't bully me this badly back then.

And on top of that, there's that utterly unbearable humiliation!

Hoshimi Kiyokawa, this man truly deserves to die!

I must get revenge! If I don't get revenge on him, I won't be Yukinoshita Yukino!


Furious, Yukinoshita not only felt dizzy but also felt a tightness in her chest...


At eight o'clock in the morning, Hoshimi finally felt almost recovered. He packed up his things and left the house in a flutter.


Entering the elevator, Hoshimi, still feeling a bit uncomfortable, leaned against the inner wall to rest.

After recuperating for an hour, the dizziness had lessened, but there was still a lingering discomfort, causing him to walk somewhat unsteadily, as if he were stepping on clouds, detached from reality and uncomfortable.

It would probably take an hour or two to fully recover...

This time, he really overdid it.

Luckily, his plan had been mostly successful; otherwise, he would have lost a lot of money.


The elevator stopped, and the momentary imbalance made Hoshimi extremely uncomfortable. He rubbed his temples and looked with slight annoyance at the slowly opening elevator door.


The elevator door opened slowly, and when the expressionless Yukinoshita appeared outside the elevator, Hoshimi's eyelids twitched, and he instinctively looked away, sneaking glances at Yukinoshita from the corner of his eye.

Seeing Yukinoshita's cold gaze full of murderous intent, Hoshimi was certain that if looks could kill, he'd be riddled with holes by now.

No, more likely there wouldn't even be ashes left...


After Yukinoshita's icy face let out a cold snort, she began to step into the elevator.

Just as she took the first step, however, she wobbled due to the dizziness in her head.

Seeing this, the kind-hearted Hoshimi quickly stepped forward to support Yukinoshita.

"I don't need your help! Go away, you fake bastard!"

Yukinoshita, unable to steady herself, stubbornly struggled to free herself from Hoshimi's supporting hand.

"Alright, don't be stubborn right now."

Hoshimi didn't bother to argue; he simply grabbed Yukinoshita's left hand with his right and led her into the elevator.

Strangely, as soon as Hoshimi held Yukinoshita's hand, she seemed to calm down suddenly and stopped struggling, letting Hoshimi guide her into the elevator.


The elevator doors closed and began to descend.

Yukinoshita, held by Hoshimi's right hand, bit her lower lip and awkwardly turned her head.


Not long after, the elevator reached the first floor.


The elevator door opened, and Hoshimi, still a bit unsteady on his feet, silently led Yukinoshita out of the elevator.

Like that, the two of them walked out of the apartment holding hands and onto the street.

Once on the street, Hoshimi spotted two familiar faces and carefully identified them. Aren't these the female students from Class J, Grade 2 of Sobu High School who showed him around the school yesterday?

He was particularly impressed by the one on the left with a well-endowed figure.

But why are they laughing? And their smiles seem so ambiguous...

"Hey hey~~ Yukinoshita is really something. You can see Hoshimi can hardly keep steady..."

"Hehehe~ Classmate Hoshimi isn't weak either. Yukinoshita is walking unsteadily and has a flushed face; she must be really happy..."

Hearing the ambiguous conversation floating in the air, Hoshimi involuntarily glanced sideways at Yukinoshita.

Looking at Yukinoshita's delicate, flushed face, he was certain that she was seething with anger...



The two gossiping girls giggled, covering their mouths as they walked away.

After they left, Yukinoshita, her pretty face still flushed, shook off Hoshimi's hand and growled in embarrassment.

"Hoshimi Kiyokawa! Is this your doing?! You trickster! Go to hell!"

After scolding him without regard for manners, Yukinoshita turned around and walked away without looking back.

Hoshimi, standing there, looked after Yukinoshita with a pained expression, swearing that he truly had no ill intentions this time!

He had simply seen Yukinoshita looking a bit pitiful and wanted to help her...

Who would have thought they'd run into classmates the moment they stepped outside...

It's like a thief meeting a vigilante; this is trouble. He'll really have to watch his back in case Yukinoshita plots revenge behind his back to clear her name.


Hoshimi sighed softly and began to walk helplessly, preparing to catch up with Yukinoshita.


But just as he took a step, Yukinoshita suddenly stumbled and fell unsteadily onto the lawn of the green belt.

Seeing Yukinoshita's flat chest hit the grass, Hoshimi's previously solemn expression twitched, and he almost couldn't hold back his laughter.