Ch 77. Do it Again

"Big sister, why are you here?"

Yukino asked, bewildered, as she looked at Haruno, who was standing in the bushes with a few green leaves on her head.


Haruno composed herself, brushing off the leaves and forcing a smile. "Oh, I must have taken a wrong turn. I thought there was a shortcut to the indoor badminton court around here."


Yukino was even more confused. How come she didn't know about a shortcut through the wooded area behind the tennis court? Was her sister lying? But why would she lie?

Moreover, why was her sister in the woods behind the tennis court? And why was she exactly behind her and Hoshimi? Was her sister secretly spying on her?

And also, Hoshimi had just kissed her on the cheek... How should she get back at him for that?

And furthermore, how did Hoshimi know her sister was nearby? How did he know this method would draw her sister out?

One question after another flooded Yukino's mind, causing her to freeze up.

"Shortcut? Are you referring to the one that was sealed off recently?" Hoshimi asked.

"Huh?" Yukino looked at Hoshimi in surprise.

There was really a shortcut? And this transfer student knew about it? Why didn't she know...

"Yes, that's the one!" Haruno quickly nodded. "Hoshimi-kun, do you know why it was sealed off?"

"I heard it was because some pervert was stalking students from our school on that path," Hoshimi said, sounding serious but making things up.

Haruno's eye twitched, and she clenched her right hand behind her back unconsciously.

She forced a laugh. "Well, it was good to seal it off then."

"Yeah, it was for the best," Hoshimi said, tilting his head slightly and smiling meaningfully. "You should come out quickly, Haruno-san, to avoid any misunderstandings."

"Right, thanks for the reminder, Hoshimi-kun." Haruno stepped out of the bushes, brushing off the leaves stuck to her skirt and stockings.

Listening to their conversation, Yukino felt more confused.

Had there really been such an incident at Sobu High recently? Why hadn't she heard anything about it?

Was it because she didn't pay attention to school gossip?

"Haruno-san, would you like to come in and continue watching the tennis match?"

Seeing Haruno finish cleaning herself up, Hoshimi extended an enigmatic invitation.

"No, Shizuka just asked me to help her with something. I need to go now, but I'll come back later if I can."

Haruno's expression shifted briefly before she declined Hoshimi's invitation.

Without waiting for Hoshimi to respond, she quickly walked away.

Once she was far enough, Haruno slowed her pace, deep in thought.

She had underestimated Hoshimi Kiyokawa. This son of a stock market legend was a hundred times more troublesome than she had imagined.

It seemed like he had seen through her true nature and set a trap using that knowledge.

His invitation to watch the tennis match had been a ruse to have a proper conversation with her. She didn't know what he wanted to discuss, but her instincts told her it would only complicate things further.

"Hoshimi Kiyokawa... like father, like son..."

Haruno muttered to herself, stopping to lean against the shadow of a school building as she thought about her next move.

Leaving wasn't an option. Yukino was still with Hoshimi, and she couldn't leave her behind.

But approaching him again was also out of the question. Hoshimi Kiyokawa gave her a bad feeling. Standing in front of him felt like being naked in the snow, exposed and chilled to the bone.

She needed to keep her distance, observe him from afar, and plan her next move once she understood him better.


One thing puzzled her: this was their first meeting, so how did Hoshimi Kiyokawa seem to know so much about her? Even more than her own family?

Where had it gone wrong? Could someone have told him everything about her?


At the tennis court.

After Haruno left, Hoshimi took advantage of Yukino's stunned state to quickly drink all the coconut water.

"Ah, that was refreshing~"

He let out a satisfied sigh, leaning back on the bench lazily, gazing at the sun.

"Hoshimi, were you telling the truth just now?"

With her mind in turmoil, Yukino couldn't focus on the coconut water issue. She looked at Hoshimi, hoping to get all the answers from him.

"Which part?" Hoshimi, basking in the sun, looked utterly relaxed and lazy.


"Yukino, you seem to have gotten dumber," Hoshimi teased, squinting at her.

"Tell me." Yukino stared at Hoshimi, her face devoid of any emotion.

"Alright." Hoshimi straightened up and leaned close to Yukino, whispering in her ear, "I'll tell you, but first, we need to make sure your sister isn't nearby, spying on us."

"How will you make sure?"

"What do you think?"

Hoshimi locked eyes with Yukino, and they saw their reflections in each other's eyes.

Yukino was silent for a while before saying, "My sister should be gone. She just left."

"Your words don't count. Only mine do. I think she might have circled back."

"... She wouldn't fall for the same trick twice." Yukino's expression was downcast, her voice devoid of its usual pride.

"How do you know if you don't try?"


"If you don't speak, I'll take it as consent." With that, Hoshimi slowly leaned in to kiss Yukino's cheek again.

This time, he gave Yukino ample time to react, and she naturally avoided it.

"Hoshimi, why do you think this method will repeatedly draw out my sister?"

"Because I'll tell you the answer," Hoshimi said with a deep smile.

"Really?" Yukino looked at him seriously, her icy blue eyes filled with unprecedented determination. "Hoshimi, if your answer turns out to be a lie, then I will..."

Yukino's eyes turned fierce like a tigress as she growled, "Tear you apart!"

Hoshimi pretended to be startled, leaning back and patting his chest in mock fear. "So scary~ so scary~"

"Humph!" Yukino snorted, raising her chin, signaling Hoshimi to verify.

"Don't dare~ don't dare~" Hoshimi waved his hand in refusal.

"Are you a man or not?" Yukino's eyebrows furrowed in anger.

You bastard! Do you know how much determination it took for me to decide this?

Now, at the last moment, you're backing out?! Are you even a man?!

"As for whether I'm a man or not, maybe we can discuss that tonight."

"Get lost! I'm asking if you'll do it now!"

"No~ no~"

Despite his verbal refusal, Hoshimi's actions were honest as he leaned in and kissed Yukino's cheek decisively.

In the distance, Haruno, who had circled back, watched this scene with vacant eyes.


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