Ch 132. Catching Goldfish.jpg

At the entrance of the tram station, Hoshimi and Nanami were having their final goodbye.

"Hoshimi-kun, thank you for everything. Goodbye."

"It's nothing. See you next week."

After saying this, Nanami lightly waved at Hoshimi and was about to turn and leave.

She had barely taken a few steps when Hoshimi's voice suddenly called out from behind.

"Nanami, I wasn't joking about what I mentioned earlier. You might want to consider it."

Nanami paused, turning back to look at Hoshimi with some confusion.

In the bustling, neon-lit street, Hoshimi's eyes, like stars, were fixed on her with a smile.

"What is it..." Nanami instinctively avoided Hoshimi's gaze, lowering her eyes as she softly asked.

"Maids. Nanami, would you like to come to my house and be a maid? You'd get free meals, help with studying, and also support your dreams~" Hoshimi's tone was teasing, as if a big bad wolf was tempting an innocent little bunny.

"..." Nanami looked at Hoshimi in astonishment, her eyes reflecting a mix of emotions.

She slightly clenched her fingers and, with downcast eyes, nodded faintly, "Um, Hoshimi-kun, I'll think about it seriously..."

Without waiting for Hoshimi's reaction, Nanami quickly walked into the tram station, almost as if escaping.

In the flowing crowd, Nanami's figure quickly vanished from Hoshimi's sight.

After staying in place for a while, Hoshimi leisurely turned and walked away.

However, as Hoshimi left, Nanami, hiding behind a pillar, revealed herself, watching Hoshimi's retreating figure with a complex expression.

Hoshimi-kun, you're a bit different now...

You seem to be living more freely, more detached, and more casual...

Unfortunately, not everyone can be as carefree as Hoshimi-kun...

Hoshimi-kun, I appreciate your kindness, but please forgive me for refusing to be your maid.

If dreams aren't achieved through one's own efforts, what's the point...

As the crowd surged, Nanami made her decision and disappeared into the sea of people.


At night, Hoshimi wandered leisurely through the streets.

He turned left and right, fully experiencing the bustling nightlife of the city.

"Hey there, do you want to come play with us?"

He was approached.

Hoshimi glanced sideways to see two girls, barely passing their grades, looking at him with an unmistakable and intense gaze.

"No thanks, I have a girlfriend." Hoshimi politely declined with a smile.

"It's okay. She doesn't have to know."

"Yeah, it's just for fun, it's no big deal."

The two girls seemed unwilling to give up easily, continuing to try to lure Hoshimi.

Hoshimi smiled and said nothing, pulling over a relatively handsome passerby, "He seems pretty good too. Why don't you try him?"

Before the words were even finished, Hoshimi used the passerby to block the girls' view and slipped into the crowd, disappearing.

After evading the two girls, Hoshimi changed streets and continued to wander.

Seeing the couples coming and going in the crowd, Hoshimi considered whether he should email Yukino to go shopping.

After some thought, he figured he'd probably be rejected.

Yukino was likely still lost in her own world, thinking about how to handle her relationships with him and with Iwanaga Kotoko.

Hoshimi quietly dismissed the idea of inviting Yukino out and bought a cup of milk tea from a roadside stand, continuing his aimless wandering.

Soon, while squatting by the roadside looking at goldfish, another young and attractive girl approached him...

"Hey, want to come play with me?"

Hoshimi sighed inwardly.

Can't anyone come up with something new? The pick-up lines are all the same. A little creativity would be nice...

And could you not be so blatantly revealing your desires? Your lust is practically overflowing.

Really, why are human desires so active at night?

Indeed, I'm not suited for nighttime outings. Is it because my white hair and red eyes are too conspicuous?

"Ah~" Hoshimi sighed slightly, pointing to a black goldfish in the basin, "Catch that one, and I'll go with you."

"Eh?! Really?" The attractive young girl, wearing hot pants and showing off her long legs, asked in surprise.

"Yeah, I promise."

"Alright then, boss, give me ten paper nets!" The girl spent a fortune for her happiness tonight.

"Here's your paper nets, miss," the boss handed her a stack of paper nets with a smile.

The girl took the nets and, as a casual gesture, ruffled Hoshimi's soft white hair.

Hoshimi's mood dropped by 1 point at the touch of an unfamiliar hand.

"Watch closely, this is how you catch the goldfish."

With that, the girl squatted beside Hoshimi, concentrating as she took out a paper net and carefully dipped it into the water to catch the goldfish.

The first attempt failed; the net broke.

The girl pouted in dissatisfaction and took out a second net.

Two, three, until the fifth attempt, she finally succeeded.

She scooped up the goldfish and proudly looked at Hoshimi, "Look, little brother... huh? Where'd he go?!"

Unbeknownst to her, Hoshimi had quietly left, leaving the girl alone to foolishly catch goldfish.

"He ran away?!" The girl stood up, frustrated, and angrily asked the boss, "Boss, where did that guy go?"

"He left after you failed the first time," the boss replied with a grin.

"Ugh! What a dishonest man!" The girl glared at the boss, "Why didn't you warn me?"

"Hehe~ You didn't ask," the boss continued to smile, though with a hint of amusement and mockery.

"Damn it! I'm leaving!" The girl, dejected, threw down a banknote and left with long strides.

What a pity, such a good-looking and charismatic guy got away.

She was sure that guy must come from a wealthy family; his aura and handmade branded clothes were a clear sign of something special!

Ah!! It's such a shame!

In the distance, the boss collected the money with a grin and sneered at the shameless girl with a pitiful attitude.


Meanwhile, Hoshimi was on his way home.

No more wandering. Continuing would only lead to more unwanted approaches—troublesome.

He wasn't interested in random encounters; he preferred the clean meals he cooked himself.

Soon, Hoshimi returned to his apartment. Instead of playing games as usual, he went into the home gym for a workout.

After spending a whole day with Yukino, he was even more aware of the importance of physical fitness.

For the sake of a happy life in the future, working out had to be added to his schedule...


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