Ch 159. Catgirl Yukino

Nighttime, on a quiet street where the light is ambiguous, Hoshimi and Yukino walked hand in hand, enjoying the silent, warm moment between them.

"Meow~ Meow~"

"Meow~ Meow~"

Suddenly, the sound of a cat meowing from an unknown direction caught their attention.

Noticing that Yukino seemed particularly interested in the sound, Hoshimi slowed his pace and asked, "Yukino, do you want to check it out?"

"Yeah..." Yukino nodded slightly and proactively led Hoshimi in the direction of the cat's voice.

Soon, they arrived at a greenbelt area.

"Meow~ Meow~"

The meowing resumed, and they finally realized the sound was coming from a tree.

Yukino looked up at the lush tree, but the dim light made it hard to see anything clearly. She could only roughly determine the cat's position by its voice.

Hoshimi noticed this and took out his phone, turning on the flashlight to shine up the tree.

Through the shifting shadows of the tree, they spotted a small white cat cautiously perched on a branch, meowing at them.

"Meow~~ Meow~~"

The cat's voice sounded urgent, as if urging them to "hurry and save meow."

"Hoshimi, what should we do?" Yukino asked with a frown.

The tree was very dense with branches, and the cat was stuck among the intertwined branches, about two Hoshimis high off the ground, making it impossible for them to form a human ladder to rescue it.

As for climbing the tree? The branches were too dense to reach the cat's position.

The only method Yukino could think of was to lure the cat down on its own, but how to entice this timid cat?

"I'll try. You get ready to catch the falling cat."

What Yukino could think of, Hoshimi naturally could as well. After some thought, he placed his phone on the ground to act as a steady light source shining up the tree. Then, after looking around, he chose to sit on the edge of the greenbelt.

He spread his legs apart, sitting on the curb, propping his right elbow on his knee, resting his chin on his right hand, closed his eyes, and entered a dream state.

In the dream, on a rooftop by a water tower, Hoshimi focused on pulling the white cat from the tree into the dream.

A second later, a white cat suddenly appeared before him.

He reached out and scooped up the bewildered little cat, rubbing it gently.

"Meow~ Meow~" The cat meowed in confusion as it was being petted.

Meanwhile, in the real world, the cat on the tree closed its eyes and lost its balance, falling off the branch.

Seeing this, Yukino's heart leaped. She held out her hands, ready to catch the falling cat.

Due to the dense branches, the cat only fell a little before getting stuck again in the intertwining branches.

But fortunately, the branches weren't strong enough to hold the cat's weight. Yukino could hear the slight cracking sounds of the branches, and after a short wait, the cat would probably continue to fall.

Yukino stood below the tree, waiting expectantly, unable to divert her attention to look at Hoshimi.

When Hoshimi sat down, she remembered he had promised to tell her about the experiment in the dream earlier that day after it was over.

But up to this point, Hoshimi hadn't mentioned the dream experiment at all.

She decided to ask him about it later, after saving the cat.

Also, Hoshimi's dream ability was really something—could it even pull animals in?

Would that mean she could pet cats in the dream from now on?

Yukino suddenly felt a bit excited...


Finally, the branches couldn't hold the weight anymore and broke, allowing the cat to continue falling.

This time, the cat got lucky. The smaller branches couldn't stop its fall, and it managed to avoid the bigger ones, finally dropping into Yukino's eagerly waiting arms.

Yukino, holding the cat, instinctively tried to comfort it.

After a few pats, Yukino realized the little cat was sound asleep.

Noticing this, Yukino looked over at Hoshimi, who was sitting by the greenbelt, chin in hand, still asleep.

She wanted to wake him up but worried about disrupting his dream ability.

After some hesitation, she decided to wait by his side with the cat until he woke up.

"Meow~ Meow~"

Yukino gently petted the cat, mimicking its meows, occasionally glancing at Hoshimi to see if he had woken up.

As she repeated these actions, Yukino suddenly had a thought.

In the future, when she and Hoshimi were married and had children, would it be like this? Holding a child, singing lullabies to put them to sleep, while Hoshimi, now a grown man, lazily watched TV on the sofa.


Yukino's face flushed as she forced herself to stop thinking, but her mind kept drifting away.

Actually, with Hoshimi around, there would be no need to worry about putting the child to sleep.

As soon as Hoshimi closed his eyes, the child would fall asleep too.

And in the dream, they could even provide one-on-one education, truly starting education from infancy.

As Yukino thought about this, a smile tugged at the corners of her lips.

With Hoshimi's dream ability, their child would undoubtedly become the "king of all learners"!

Your child might study for ten hours a day at most, but mine? Studying day and night, with breaks to exercise! Not only would they avoid mental and physical exhaustion, but they would also develop fully in morality, intelligence, physique, and aesthetics! Completely surpassing your child in every aspect!


Hoshimi's dream ability is simply too practical!

As Yukino's thoughts drifted further and further, the smile on her face grew wider.

Meanwhile, in the dream, Hoshimi stared at the figure before him, lost in thought.

He had only intended to see if he could communicate with the cat in the dream, but accidentally transformed it into a catgirl.

And he had unconsciously used Yukino as the template for the transformation.

So now, before him crouched a catgirl, looking just like Yukino but with cat ears and a tail, without a single shred of clothing.

"Meow~ Can you talk?" Hoshimi crouched down, making eye contact with the catgirl, trying to communicate.

"Meow? Meow~ Meow~" The catgirl couldn't speak, only meowing.

Looking at the face identical to Yukino's, Hoshimi felt a tickle in his nose. He rubbed it and reached out to stroke the catgirl's cheek.

"Meow~~ Meow~~" The catgirl closed her eyes, comfortably rubbing against Hoshimi's hand.

Hoshimi's gaze flickered, and he moved his hand to the catgirl's mouth.

"Meow~~" The catgirl instinctively bit down on the object near her mouth.

After nibbling and realizing it wasn't food, she decided it made a good teething toy.

So, the catgirl opened her mouth and gently chewed on Hoshimi's fingers.

"Purr~~ Purr~~"

At the same time, a contented purring sound emanated from the catgirl's throat.


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