Ch 167. Hoshimi, It's Time for Your Medicine

In reality, the night passed in silence.

In the dream world, a heavy rain persisted.

The next morning, as usual, Hoshimi went to the bath to soak. However, today was a bit different.

Typically, Hoshimi would soak in the warm water for 15 to 20 minutes, but today he got out of the bath in less than 10 minutes.

He walked naked to the shower area, turned on the cold water, and rinsed himself.


The cold water hit him, and Hoshimi couldn't help but take a sharp breath.

Standing under the shower, he pressed one hand against the wall, fighting the urge to leave, and continued to endure the icy water cascading over him.

Feeling that the cold water wasn't effective enough, he lowered the bathroom's air conditioning from a comfortable 24°C to the lowest setting of 16°C.

This adjustment ensured that the cold water shower had the desired effect.

Soon after, with a pale face and shivering uncontrollably, Hoshimi wrapped himself in a blanket and made his way back to his bedroom.

He snuggled under the covers, timing himself, and sent a slightly trembling email to Yukino.


Upon hearing the notification sound while changing her shoes at the entrance, Yukino paused instinctively.

She didn't check her phone right away but waited until she had finished changing, strapped on her bag, and left the house before taking out her phone.

"Yukino, I caught a cold and won't be going to school today. Could you help me take a day off? (.?ω?.)ノ?"

Yukino halted in her tracks, her brows furrowing deeply.

Hoshimi caught a cold? What happened? He was perfectly fine last night, so why is he suddenly sick this morning? Did he catch a cold while sleeping?

Unable to figure out the reason, Yukino didn't reply to Hoshimi's message but decided to go up to his place to see what was really going on.


When the elevator reached the 27th floor, Yukino, frowning, had no time to observe the layout outside. She hurriedly walked down the corridor and rang the doorbell at the end.

"Ding-ling~~ Ding-ling~~ Ding-ling~~~"

After pressing the doorbell several times, Yukino stopped and waited quietly at the door.

Soon, the door opened, and Hoshimi, wrapped in a blanket, appeared in her view.

Seeing Hoshimi's pale, exhausted face, Yukino's eyes widened, and a sense of panic stirred in her heart.

She quickly entered the room and supported Hoshimi, who seemed on the verge of collapsing.

"Hoshimi, are you okay?" Yukino asked, her voice a bit dry, as she helped him, her icy blue eyes filled with concern.

"I'm a bit under the weather. It's not too serious..." Hoshimi spoke with a slight nasal tone, reflecting his current state of discomfort.

"...Hoshimi, let's get you back to your room."


Yukino used her foot to close the door, not bothering to change her shoes, and guided Hoshimi back to his bedroom.

Seeing Hoshimi curled up on the bed, Yukino felt a pang of sympathy. She sat on the edge of the bed, gently stroking his hair, and asked in an unprecedentedly soft tone,

"How did you catch a cold? Is it serious? Do you want me to take you to the hospital?"

Hoshimi was taken aback and realized he might have overdone it.

He quickly gathered his spirits and replied with a slightly hoarse voice, "I took a cold shower after working out last night. Maybe that's why I caught a chill. It's not severe, just a bit of fatigue. No need for a hospital."

Hoshimi reached out from under the covers and pointed to the first drawer of his desk. "I have cold medicine in that drawer. Just take some and rest, and it should be fine."

Yukino got up, walked to the desk, and touched the first drawer from the top. She asked, "Is it in here?"

"Yes..." Hoshimi responded with a heavy nasal tone.

Yukino opened the drawer and found it filled with various bottles and containers of medicine.

Her eyes narrowed, and she quickly picked up a few bottles, checking that they were common painkillers, antidiarrheals, headache pills, and cold medicines. She sighed in relief.

Fortunately, it was just some basic medicine. She had feared Hoshimi's condition was more serious, given the variety of drugs in the drawer.

It turned out to be just precautionary; it was a good habit. She might learn from it since she lived alone as well.

"Yukino, I have a sore throat, a stuffy nose, and I'm feeling cold. Can you help me choose the right cold medicine?"

"Huh? Should I?" Yukino turned back to Hoshimi, asking gently, "Are you sure? Maybe we should go to the hospital?"

"No need. Just take the medicine and sleep. I've managed like this before, so it's fine."


Yukino hesitated, recalling that Hoshimi's parents had passed away last year.

Was the "before" he mentioned referring to when he was alone at home last year?

"..." Yukino remained silent, turning back to search for an appropriate cold medicine among the various medications in the drawer.

Soon, Yukino selected three types of cold medicine that seemed appropriate.

Holding three differently colored pills, she turned to Hoshimi and asked, "Hoshimi, which one did you use before?"

"The green bottle on the left."

"Okay." Yukino put the other two cold medicines back and kept the one Hoshimi had specified.

"Hoshimi, where's the hot water?"

"There's a water dispenser in the living room downstairs."

"Got it."

Yukino turned and hurriedly took a cup from the desk and went downstairs to the living room.


Hearing Yukino's hurried footsteps, Hoshimi bit his lip and pulled the covers tighter around himself.

What if Yukino finds out that I'm faking being sick? I'd definitely be in trouble...

Cough~ I'm not faking it. I really do have a sore throat and a stuffy nose. The cold shower earlier did give me a bit of a chill.

So, I'm not lying.


With the sound of hurried footsteps, Yukino returned to the bedroom with a steaming cup of water.

She walked to the bed, placed the cup on the nightstand, and then leaned over to help Hoshimi sit up.

"..." As Yukino showed her concern, Hoshimi, looking at the tablet close at hand, noticed for the first time that even Yukino, who was colder than snow, could have a nurturing side.

"Take two pills, Hoshimi. Open your mouth, it's time for your medicine."

Yukino, with a concerned expression, held the medicine to Hoshimi's mouth.

"..." Feeling that something was off with the dialogue, Hoshimi silently opened his mouth and let Yukino place the medicine inside.

Yukino's surname was Yukinoshita, and his surname was Hoshimi. This conversation seemed perfectly fine and warm.

"Hoshimi, here's the water."

Yukino held the cup to Hoshimi's lips. He leaned slightly forward, drank a few sips of the pleasantly warm water, and swallowed the medicine.


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