Chapter 11: Pauline

My dear and remembered Patrick.

How much I remember your words that I follow; As if he read the best book, where he marks each sentence that fills my heart. It is the food that causes me, dear sir, your calls, the heat that they give me, in this distance that is nothing more than a curtain of veil, trying to hide myself from your gaze. When she looked in the distance between this enchanting place, the mountains and Mrs. Paulina when we had tea, I see the weaving that she makes with so much patience, and how she handles the threads with which we create some garments for the children of the orphanage.

Today I cut flowers with which I filled every corner of this house. The perfume, the freshness with which the air feels and the experiences that she narrates are fascinating. Of the love she had for my mother and the passion she had for this place. Lover of horses and the walks he took with my father. The other day, I visited my mother's grave and put some flowers. I told him about you and I am sure he would have liked you; She was a lovely woman. How much she liked to sing! She was without equal, how I miss her. It is like the mountains that are dressed in green, with those flowers of different colors and run without stopping.

When I stop, I think of you. Mrs. Paulina says that when two beings love each other, they are linked like the moon and the sea, between life and death. Although she is an old woman, she is very educated and wise. She is always looking out for me, but I tell you that she is very nagging. She says that you are a very elegant, sincere young man and she knows how much I love you.

I am sending you a few flowers that I have dried, between the pages of my favorite book.

The adoption documents are in process. I hope, my love, that everything turns out as we have proposed. I would like to have them all, but this is not possible. I have visited the newspaper so that they can help us with the adoption of more children.

They proposed that I be the director of the place, this invades me with emotion but my protector tells me that it would be a lot of responsibility and it would not be good. Countess Helena has a trip to France and she proposed that he accompany her, she wants to buy some works of art.

Love how much I wish we could travel together, wishing for your words that are the elixir of my heart. I love you and I hope for a new dawn, to be with you this summer; Waking up next to you and looking at you, kissing your face. May time pass without telling us, for the simple fact of loving each other to the point of madness.

Who loves you, Eugene.