
Budi Santoso sat at his desk, staring blankly at his computer screen. It was just another day at his mediocre job as a data entry clerk, and he couldn't help but feel like his life was going nowhere.

He let out a sigh and glanced over at the bookshelf on the wall, where rows of light novels were neatly lined up. Budi had always been a fan of reincarnation and transmigration stories, and he often found himself lost in their fantastical worlds during his free time.

As he gazed longingly at the books, he suddenly felt a strange sensation wash over him. It was as if the world around him was shifting and warping like he was being pulled into some kind of vortex.

Budi's eyes widened in shock as he found himself suddenly transported to a new place. He looked around frantically, trying to make sense of his surroundings. He is in an empty place like an endless white void.

It was then that he noticed something strange. A small, glowing orb was hovering in front of him, emitting a soft, pulsing light.

"What is this?" Budi muttered to himself, reaching out to touch the orb. As his fingers made contact, he suddenly heard a voice in his head.

"Congratulations, you will experience the same situation as the MC in those novels you have read," the voice said. "And I am the ROB, you know what it stands for right?"

Budi jumped back in shock, staring at the orb in disbelief. "What...what is going on? Where am I?" he asked.

Ignoring Budi the orb continues speaking. "You will be Reincarnated to the Aceh Sultanate in the year 1873," the System replied. "As the two years old prince that later is known as the last sultan of Aceh in the original timeline, you will be given the power of the System to defend your kingdom against the Dutch colonizers."

Budi's mind was racing as he tried to process what was happening. He had always dreamed of being the hero in one of his web novels, but this was something entirely different.

"What kind of power?" he asked, eyeing the glowing orb warily.

"The power of the System allows you to produce any technology from the Marvel Cinematic Universe," the Orb replied.

Budi's eyes widened in amazement. "Any technology? Like Iron Man's suit or Captain America's shield?"

"Yes," the Orb confirmed.

Budi couldn't believe his luck. He had always loved the Marvel Cinematic Universe and now he had the power to create its technology. This was like something straight out of one of his web novels.

Budi couldn't help but grin. He had always dreamed of having a power like that, and now he had it. But he knew that with great power came great responsibility. He would have to use his new abilities to protect the people of Aceh from the looming threat of Dutch colonization.

"Alright, ROB," Budi said, feeling a newfound sense of purpose. "Let's do this."