Chapter 4

The report from Teuku Imam Lueng Bata was received with great interest at the palace, as news of the Dutch attack on the Baiturrahman Grand Mosque had already reached the ears of the Sultan. As the highest-ranking official in the region, Teuku Imam's report was expected to shed some light on the situation and provide guidance on how to proceed.

The report itself was brief and to the point, describing the fierce resistance put up by the Acehnese troops and the sudden, mysterious deaths of the Dutch attackers. It was clear that something unusual had happened, but there was no clear explanation as to what it could be. The Sultan gathered his advisors together to discuss the report and develop a plan.

"I think we should send a message to the Dutch authorities," said the Sultan, "to express our desire for peace in the region."

"Peace is all well and good, Your Highness," replied one of the advisors, "but we must also be prepared for any eventuality." "We cannot allow the Dutch to continue attacking our people with impunity."

"I agree," said another advisor. "We must prepare our defenses and be ready to protect ourselves if necessary." "But we must also be cautious not to escalate the situation further."

The discussion continued for some time, with various proposals and counter-proposals put forward.

Meanwhile on the Dutch side.

The Dutch troops were in temporary camps at Riverside near the Baiturrahman Grand Mosque, where they had retreated after their failed attack on the mosque. The incident had puzzled them, as they had witnessed their soldiers dying mysteriously without apparent cause.

The Dutch commander Major-general Johan Köhler called for a meeting to discuss the incident, and all the officers gathered in a tent to share their opinions.

"What could have caused this strange occurrence?" asked Köhler.

"I think we should consider the possibility of a trap or ambush," suggested one of the lieutenants.

"But how could they have done it without us noticing?" asked Köhler.

"I don't know, sir. Maybe they have some sort of hidden weapon or technology," replied the lieutenant.

"Technology? What kind of technology?" asked Köhler, looking curious.

"I'm not sure, sir. But perhaps they have some new weapon or tools that we're not aware of," explained the lieutenant.

Köhler nodded thoughtfully, "That's a possibility. We need to investigate further and find out if they have any advanced weaponry or technology."

"But sir, how do we investigate without alerting them?" asked another lieutenant.

"We'll have to be subtle and discreet. We'll send some of our best scouts and spies to gather intelligence on the Acehnese," replied Köhler.

"But sir, what if they are using some sort of mystical means against us?" asked a third lieutenant.

"Mystical means? What do you mean?" asked Köhler, looking skeptical.

"Some of our soldiers reported seeing strange things at the mosque. They claimed to have seen spirits or ghosts," explained the lieutenant.

Köhler shook his head, "I don't believe in such superstitions. We need to focus on finding a logical explanation for what happened."

The officers continued to discuss their options and possibilities for what could have caused the mysterious deaths at the mosque. They knew they had to be careful and thorough in their investigations to uncover the truth behind the incident.

A few days later the Dutch decided to retreat after failing to get any clues and were worried that they would suffer more casualties if they continued the expedition and intended to ask Batavia headquarters for help in investigating the mysterious case that befell them.

In Prince Chamber

Daud sat cross-legged on the floor of his chamber, scrolling through the Marvel Cinematic Universe Technology System. His mind was preoccupied with the recent events at the Baiturrahman mosque, where the Dutch forces had been mysteriously defeated by Stark Industries Combat Drones that were cloaked with the company's advanced illusion technology.

Daud using the Marvel Cinematic Universe Technology System, has created several technologies.

He has summoned the Stark Industries Satellite, Tony Stark glasses with automatic sizes, E.D.I.T.H., and a thousand Stark Industries Combat Drones that have been integrated with Stark Sonic Cannon technology and B.A.R.F. - Illusion Projectors.

"E.D.I.T.H, I need a report on the aftermath of the incident at the Baiturrahman mosque," Daud said in a firm voice.

"Greetings, Your Highness. I have access to all the relevant data on the matter. What would you like to know?" E.D.I.T.H replied in a polite, yet professional tone.

"I want to know what happened after the Dutch forces were defeated. How did the Acehnese people react? What about the Dutch forces? And what about the mosque itself?" Daud asked, his curiosity piqued.

E.D.I.T.H paused for a moment, processing the request. "After the Dutch forces were defeated, the Acehnese people were filled with a sense of pride and renewed hope. They saw it as a sign of strength and resilience in the face of foreign invasion. The Dutch forces, on the other hand, were confused and disoriented. They were unable to explain what had happened and were forced to retreat."

"As for the mosque, it was left relatively unscathed. The combat drones were programmed to avoid causing any damage to the mosque or its surroundings. However, there was some minor damage to the wall due to the intensity of the fight. But it has since been repaired," E.D.I.T.H explained.

Daud nodded thoughtfully. "I see. And what about the Acehnese soldiers who fought in the battle? Were any of them injured or killed?"

"There were a few casualties, but they were minimal. The Acehnese soldiers fought bravely and effectively, and their knowledge of the terrain gave them a significant advantage. They were able to inflict heavy losses on the Dutch forces with minimal casualties of their own," E.D.I.T.H replied.

Daud took a deep breath, his mind filled with a sense of pride and satisfaction. "Thank you, E.D.I.T.H. You have been most informative."

"It was my pleasure, Your Highness. Do you require any further assistance?" E.D.I.T.H asked, always ready to serve.

"Not at the moment. I have some things to think about. But I may need your help again in the future," Daud said, closing the communication channel.

As he sat there, lost in thought, Daud couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility weighing down on his young shoulders. The future of Aceh was in his hands, and he knew he had to do everything in his power to protect his people from foreign invaders. With the help of Stark Industries technology and the resilience of his people, he was confident that they could overcome any obstacle that stood in their ways.