Shit, shit, shit! The destruction before me is simply unbearable! Every fiber of my being is screaming in agony as I watch a towering structure crumble and crash in the far-off distance. It's as if the universe is shouting, "Hey you, yes you! Look at what you've done!"
"Oh no, ya hear that? One'a them orphanages just went and collapsed!" hollered one of the knights, aghast.
"Hey, no need to state the obvious, pal. We ain't deaf, ya know."
"What's gonna happen to the kids? Where they gonna shack up now?"
"Are you kidding me? How should I know, you moron? Don't bother asking me that."
Out of nowhere, a silent order knocks the socks off everyone, and chaos erupts as they stare down the once towering orphanage. Their faces scream disbelief and terror, like they just saw a ghost or something. It's like the ground beneath them has turned into quicksand, and they're sinking fast into a pit of panic.
The holy father, dressed in his flowing robes, stands tall. The wind whips his garments about, giving him the appearance of a majestic bird preparing to take flight. He takes in the desolate ruins that stretch out before him, his hands clasped together in a solemn gesture of prayer.
The pope closes his eyes and a hush falls over the environment as he begins to chant. His voice reverberates through the empty expanse, carrying the weight of centuries of faith and tradition. It's a scene straight out of an epic fantasy novel, as the spiritual leader intones his sacred words, invoking a higher power to heal the broken land before him. "May the benevolent deity of radiance guide us towards a brighter tomorrow."
It's all very holy and righteous... until you take a closer look at Lyra. She's standing off to the side, her composure slowly slipping away with each passing moment. Her eyes are fixed on those knights, and you can practically feel the waves of anger radiating off of her. If looks could kill, the air around her would be on fire right now.
I spoke as my gaze fixed upon Lyra, interrupting her impending actions, I couldn't help but lament, "What a dreadful circumstance, don't you agree Lyra?"
"Your benevolence knows no limits, your highness. Alas, I must confess my inability to empathize with the situation at hand. It seems only reasonable that the fragile constructions of these people crumbled with the slightest tremble. There is no dramatic unfolding of events here, just the manifestation of their own foolishness."
She laid her eyes upon the holy pontiff and his entourage of chivalrous knights as her face was as still as a statue. Arms folded and a little huff of derision escaping her lips, she was a picture of mockery. But, oh boy, the regretful thoughts that flooded my mind! Why, oh why, did I bring her along? I could feel my heart sinking faster than the Titanic as I watched her hold back the urge to make some snarky comment.
Just as she was about to open her mouth, the Pope finished his holy prayers and locked his gazes onto us. Suddenly, His Holiness piped up, his voice shaking ever so slightly, "It is time for us to continue on our journey."
"Truly it is," I interject, halting him in his stride. He gazes at me inquisitively, and I venture to add, "If I may."
With a gentle incline of his head, he spoke in a reassuring tone, "Don't feel obligated to maintain formality. Pose any query that intrigues your mind, and I shall exert my utmost effort to provide an answer."
"Understood. I shall oblige your request." I say, pausing briefly before continuing, "Please forgive me if I may cause any offense, but I must confess my ignorance regarding the deity to whom you seek solace in your prayers."
When my question reached the holy ears of the pope, you could've cut the tension in the air with a knife. The pope's face went white as a sheet and he froze like a statue, looking like he'd just seen a ghost. His eyes bulged out of his head like they were about to pop and his mouth hung open like a fish out of water. He looked around desperately for some sort of escape, but even the knights standing nearby were too stunned to move. They just stood there, mouths agape and eyes as wide as saucers, completely blown away by the sheer magnitude of my question.
"Hey, you kiddin' me? Ain't no freakin' way she don't know who she is," exclaimed one of the knights in utter disbelief.
The other knights were on the brink of expressing their own astonishment, but before they could even open their mouths, they were halted in their tracks by the sheer intensity of Lyra's piercing glare. It was as if she had unleashed a potent force field that left them all frozen in their places, mouths agape, and eyes wide like startled deer caught in the headlights of a charging car.
In a dramatic moment of eye contact, the pope shattered the stillness with a lightning-fast question of his own invention, "That's a peculiar notion, for there exists no soul in this realm who remains ignorant of the divine deities that reign supreme. It is prudent to acquaint oneself with their existence and revere them, lest one invites their wrathful fury," As he spoke, a shiver of apprehension ran through him, but his unwavering respect for the divine was palpable. It was as if he was walking a tightrope between fear and reverence, his words teetering on the edge of awe.
"Yet we still stand," My lips couldn't resist uttering those words
Similarly, in the game there existed almighty and all-knowing beings called deities. These all-knowing, all-powerful entities are the stuff of legend, with their divine abilities matching their divine status. Everyone from players to NPCs recognizes their might, and with good reason too! However, don't think you can just go around provoking them, because even with all their god-like powers, they can't directly attack you or any of the other inhabitants of the game. It's like having Thor's hammer but not being able to swing it!
The all-powerful deities were left with just one option - to chat it up with the mortals and grant them some sweet, sweet blessings if they were deemed worthy. They were hoping to steer the players in the right direction, helping them score big wins and fulfill their wildest dreams. But hey, let's not forget - nothing in life comes for free, not even divine favors. There's always a price to pay.
The deities were like talent scouts, searching high and low for the cream of the crop. And when they found them, they blessed them with abilities that were out of this world! It was like injecting them with a serum that made them superhuman, capable of growing stronger and more powerful with each passing day. Their rise was nothing short of meteoric, and they crushed every obstacle that stood in their way with ease. But alas, even with their godly gifts, they eventually hit a ceiling. As much as they tried, they could never surpass the beings who granted them their powers. It was like reaching for the stars but realizing you were still earthbound.
Thus, the gamers and inhabitants were faced with a treacherous decision. To accept the boons from the almighty gods, they had to tread lightly and weigh the pros against the cons. Was the price of their divine favor worth the sacrifice? It was a gamble with high stakes - some chose to take the risk, and their reward was ascension to new heights of power and glory. But for others, the price was too steep, and they opted out of the godly offerings, relying solely on their own set of skills and abilities. It was a game of risk, reward, and consequences.
Now, that might sound like a load of hogwash, complete and utter balderdash. After all, what good is being immune to divine wrath if you don't even know it's happening? It's like having a superpower you can't even use! But hey, who are we to question the whims of the almighty, right?
I said "no thanks" to the gods and decided to put in the work to level up my game. I didn't waste time begging for blessings; I poured my heart and soul into it every single day. And guess what? My efforts paid off big time! Without any heavenly intervention, I soared through the ranks faster than my blessed competitors. My secret? Pure grit and unshakeable dedication. I flexed my muscles, both literal and figurative, and kept pushing forward until I matched and surpassed the power of those who had been gifted from the divine realm. Who needs a miracle when you've got determination like mine?
"I would be delighted to pay a visit to your church prior to the commencement of the meeting, if it suits you," With a mischievous smile spreading across my face like butter on toast, I couldn't help but notice a tiny droplet of sweat meandering down the Pope's forehead. It made me wonder - was he trembling with fear once again?
"Verily, it would be my pleasure to bestow upon thee the knowledge of our divine Lord. To speak candidly, our readiness for the impending gathering is inadequate, and I was desirous of postponing its commencement for as long as feasible," he paused, delicately concealing his mouth with a hand before adding, "Uh! please forgive my impertinence in speaking so boldly."
A boisterous laugh escaped my lips as I humbly admitted, "It seems the blame falls upon me in this circumstance. My impromptu suggestion for a meeting inevitably led to unpreparedness." Lyra stared at me with incredulity as I could feel her eyes burning into me like laser beams of disapproval. She looked at me as if I had just announced that I believed the earth was flat and the moon was made of cheese. And what was the cause of her righteous anger, you ask? My humble apology to the Pope! It seemed that Lyra's animosity towards His Holiness was so intense that even a mere mention of his name was enough to set her off. Oh, the drama!
The pontiff swiftly turns his head away and fixes his gaze upon the foremost knight. "You there," he proclaims, "make haste and organize a retinue without delay. Our destination is the holy sanctuary."
"Right away, Your Holiness."
With a graceful flourish, I emerged from the carriage, just like a royal at a grand ball. Gave, presented his hand, and I seized it eagerly, like a treasure hunter discovering a long-lost gem. My feet touched down on the cold, unyielding concrete, but my eyes were fixed on the magnificent holy church towering above me.
The mighty church stands tall and proud, like a warrior who has weathered the storm and emerged victorious. Its grandeur is unmatched, unfazed by the chaos that once surrounded it. Not even a scratch can be found on its spotless facade, shining brilliantly in the sunlight like a diamond. Four pillars rise up on every side, standing guard over the colossal gateway with its double doors. It's as if the church is saying, "Bring it on, world. I'm ready for whatever you've got."
I shot a perplexed expression towards him as the pontiff assured me with a resolute tone, "Have no doubt, the temple shall remain steadfast, for it is under the unwavering shield of the goddess of light," he said.
As Lyra gracefully alighted from the carriage, an abominable stench infiltrated her nostrils, making her cringe and scramble to shield her nose with her dainty right hand. Peering around, her gaze landed on the looming church, and she couldn't resist blurting out, "What could be the source of this noxious odor that assaults my senses? Its origins seem to be coming from that loathsome location."
Lyra's words sliced through the air like a sharp knife, leaving behind a trail of bitter aftertaste. As I tried to shake off the unpleasant feeling, the truth in her words hit me like a ton of bricks. I had been ignoring the tell-tale signs for far too long, but Lyra's blunt honesty acted like a wake-up call. It wasn't just the putrid smell that had been lingering around, but the mana in this place was completely out of whack, and it was starting to wreak havoc on my senses.
The pontiff's countenance contorted with perplexity as he interjected, "I'm afraid I do not know what you mean?"
Lyra spoke, "Naturally, you wouldn't be familiar with what I'm referring to," she began. "This noxious odor is a manifestation of divine energy, akin to mana but vastly more potent. It might be considered the evolution of aether, though the foul scent is the mark of an amateur." I was fully anticipating Lyra to give the man the cold shoulder, but to my surprise, she decided to drop some serious knowledge on him! Not like he understood it though.
"Perhaps it is this deity you speak of," she said, pausing for a moment before casting a sidelong glance my way, her lips curling into a playful smirk. "If I may be so bold, Your Majesty, I would relish the opportunity to come face-to-face with this impudent God and give her a piece of my mind."
Here we go again! I can't believe I'm stuck in this never-ending cycle of wondering if she'll ever change her ways. And just when I thought things couldn't get any crazier, she goes and drops the most ludicrous statement I've ever heard! To make matters worse, she's grinning like it's no big deal, as if she's about to perform a magic trick or something. I swear, I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried!
You've really done it this time! The others are staring at you like you're a crazy person. Why? Well, you've gone and insulted their beloved deity right to their faces! And not only that, but you've even threatened to teach that divine being a lesson!
"What is she talking about."
"What a freaky pairing we got here. That gorgeous mug of hers just don't jive with that cutting wit she's got."
"Seriously, that's what's got your knickers in a twist? Take a gander at her, she's dead serious, for crying out loud."
Whoa, Those folks are staring at you like you're a space alien. If you keep it up, they're gonna flush what little bit of respect they've got for us right down the toilet.
Nevertheless, I gotta admit, I'm dying to meet this God character too! Although, it's not like you can just bump into them on a casual stroll through the game world. Nope, you gotta wait for those rare special events to have any chance of coming face to face with the divine. I can't help but wonder though, what's this God like compared to the ones in the game? Are they just as awe-inspiring, or even more epic?
Time takes on a life of its own, turning sluggish and elongated like a molasses-drenched summer day. Those who can't keep up with the languid pace appear frozen in time, like finely crafted statues etched from the purest marble.
"My inquisitiveness is ablaze," I declare with a twinkle in my eye, "I'll go with you."
"Your highness, I humbly implore you not to trouble yourself, as I shall attend to the matter in a mere heartbeat."
"I have no doubt about your ability to do it, I will still be accompanying you."
she takes a dramatic pause, closes her eyes, and delves into the depths of her mind for a few soul-searching moments. Just when you think she's never going to give in, she relaxes her posture and releases a peaceful exhale. Her thoughts drift for a brief moment, like a leaf floating down a tranquil stream, until she finally opens her eyes and lets out a simple but profound utterance, "As you wish." With the grace of a seasoned magician, she effortlessly taps into her boundless reserves of magical energy. With a flick of her wrist, she unleashes an unrelenting stream of potent mana waves, skillfully intertwining them to construct a wondrous and mysterious portal.
This portal, now taking shape before her, is an impressive feat of magical prowess. Its size is considerable, with a wide circumference that could easily accommodate two full-grown individuals with room to spare. The colors that swirl and dance within the portal are a vibrant and rich purplish hue, evoking feelings of power, strength, and mystique.
With unwavering concentration, she channels her energy into the portal, molding it with each passing moment. As the portal takes shape, it hovers before her, solidifying into a magnificent creation. The air crackles with a potent magical force, and the very essence of reality seems to warp and weave around the portal as it gains strength. It's like watching a sculptor carve a masterpiece out of thin air, and you can't help but be in awe of her incredible power.
With one last spectacular surge of mystical energy, the portal comes to life, humming with power and brimming with possibilities. It's an absolute masterpiece, a true wonder of the magical world, a shining example of her unwavering commitment to the craft. She takes a step back and basks in the glory of her creation, a satisfied grin spreading across her face like butter on warm toast.
"Very well done Lyra"
"Your highness, I express my gratitude. Now let us see the imprudent one."
I simply nod to articulate my thoughts. As we make our way through the portal, a rush of excitement floods over me, making me feel like a kid in a candy store. Suddenly, I feel like I'm being thrown into the deep end of a pool - exhilarating and terrifying all at once. I look around, trying to take it all in, but the vast expanse of white before me leaves me feeling like a fish out of water.
All of a sudden, something catches my eye. A figure in the distance, sitting on the white floor like a serene statue. Her eyes are closed, and she seems completely at ease in this bizarre and surreal world. It's like she's the only one who knows the secret to navigating this endless sea of nothingness.