The Wingman Was Born~

On Tuesday I was strolling around the city right after school ended, I was wondering where I could purchase decent art supplies, maybe I wanted to dip my toes into making a manga. Now when I was in Japan many story ideas haven't materialized maybe it was a good idea to jump on the bandwagon. However soon a conversation diverted me from my goal of coming here and brought my attention to it.

"You will soon find a very important person that will change your life for the better." Was someone having a fortune-telling session in the middle of a street in some shady alleyway? Interesting. I took a peek and found a woman draped in some cloak as if she was some random character in a fantasy manga. Looking closer the person that she was talking to looked familiar, I squinted my eyes in hopes it would make me remember better. Wait, wasn't that Emma Sano? I still wasn't sure but I kept on eavesdropping.

"How long will it take to meet that person?" I heard her ask, the old madam.

"10." was her response.

"10 years, 10 days?" I decided to walk in closer because I was kind of intrigued to know, who would be changing her life for the better.

"9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1..." I heard her counting and once she finished she lifted up her arm.

"0... this fool will bring you closer to the love of your life." I blinked in confusion as her finger was directly pointing at me, Emma followed her gaze to where she was pointing and our eyes met.

"Her?" Emma asked all confused, wait was that old woman running away now?

"Wait!" I wanted to ask what this was about, but she dashed away so fast I knew there was no way I would catch up with her with my stamina. Emma totally oblivious the woman was running away, started to inspect me like I was some fine goods for the taking.

'Notice: Important Mission.' I clicked on the button mentally, as it was written all in red.

'Would you rather help Emma Sano confess her love to Ken Ryuguji or have Ken Ryuguji confess his love to Emma Sano?' How was this fair? How was I supposed to finish this stupid mission in one day, especially when I didn't know Draken at this point in time? I clicked on the mission to see if there was any more information. I realized how the rewards were higher than usual, it being 3 random stats upon completion as well as one health potion. Then I realized that I didn't have to complete it today, although there was a set time limit, I still had a month to figure it out. Knowing that took some pressure off my shoulders.

"So who are you?" Emma finally asked.

"Name's Michi... so what was all that about?" She nodded her head upon hearing my name.

"I was getting some fortune-telling done," she responded.

"I heard something about finding a person that will change your life for the better do you believe that?" I wasn't sure whether that madam was a scam or could actually see thru me because most likely I could prevent some disasters from happening upon being here right?

"I mean fortune-telling is fun and all, but since no one ever did such a specific prediction before, it feels kind of exciting." She had this playful smile on her face, causing me to want to squeeze her cheeks.

"Since it came to this... how about becoming friends? I need to be close in your life if I'm supposed to change it for the better?" I intentionally sent her a wink.

"You sure?" where was her uncertainty coming from? I just tilted my head in confusion causing her to give me an explanation.

"Usually people are avoiding me, because Mikey is my brother, and they are quite frightened of him." I wasn't supposed to know jack shit about Mikey so I just simply asked.

"Who?" She looked at me in surprise.

"You don't know who Mikey is? He's like a leader of a gang around those parts." I just shrugged my shoulders.

"Well I'm just a normal school girl, so I'm not well versed in gang activities. Also, it's none of my concerns about who he is and what he does. After all, I'm asking you to be my friend, not him." It's not like I would harbor any ill intentions towards Emma so there was no way Mikey would threaten me or anything, why would I be scared?

"But if you want I can write a letter asking for his permission. I could..." She smacked my shoulder jokingly probably from stopping me from saying more nonsense.

"Dear Mr. Mikey, I'm writing this exquisite letter, to get your approval of asking for your sister's hand in marriage, we will become pals for life. On contrary, you can't stop our feelings to blossom for each other." Oh, right I forgot to ask her for her name.

"So what's your name?"

"Call me Emma." I guess she didn't mind me calling her by name since I came crashing into her life where the old woman promised her glory by teaming up with me. Instant Friendship.

"A cute name for a cute girl." She looked a tad confused.

"She said you were supposed to bring me closer to my love life, not become my love life." She joked.

"Isn't sometimes the best love tactic to make the other party think they will run out of time if they don't act fast? Like they will miss out?" I could see sparkles in her eyes.

"You are already acting on your mission. Incredible." I nodded.

"Do you want to hang out together, how about sitting in a coffee shop, it's on me?" She instantly wrapped her arm around mine.

"I like you already, let's go." So off we went, rather than the coffee we just ordered some ice tea. As soon as our order arrived Emma excused herself to the toilet giving me time to ponder about the mission which I yet haven't accepted.

"Yes making Emma confess could be easier now when I know her, but since she hasn't confessed yet, maybe she is waiting for Draken to do the first move." I was muttering to myself. I didn't have time to advocate for equality and convince Emma that in fact, girls could take matters of love into their own hands. Then again Draken could refuse the relationship because blah blah blah she could end up being in danger because she became his girlfriend. So as I suggested to Emma before, I would make Draken so jealous and feel like his time was running out, that he would man up and confess his love himself.

Of course, I would make him believe I was the person he had to look out for. I convinced myself I could play this role out so well I chose the second option.

Watch out Draken I will bring forth a hurricane right under your doorstep.

"Why are you smiling so evilly?" Emma asked, I just looked up at her.

"I just made a decision that whoever your love is, I will make them quiver in fear." she didn't seem too convinced. I saw her pulling up her phone and she showed me a photo of Draken.

"Are you sure about that?" she asked, she probably had no idea how he really felt about her.

"Don't worry it's not about your strength but the game and how much dick energy you execute." She couldn't help but laugh.

"And who will you put up to this task to 'execute this dick energy'" I just leaned on the seat proudly.

"I'm the best match to perform this role I have big dick energy believe it."

"My hero~" she played along.

"Once I conduct a whole plan, I will ask you to act along." This was going smoother than I thought, not only did I get to know who her crush was, but she trusted me enough for me to plan something stupid. This was fun.

"I see why she called you a fool." Emma suddenly said.

"Huh?" Oh right, that fortune-telling woman did say something like that.

"I didn't even have to ask you to do anything and you already jumped onto the bandwagon. I presume she wasn't a scam after all." Oh yeah, she ran away so fast it may have seemed like she was out scamming people out of their money.

"I hope it works out." She said taking a sip of her drink, it would I would be getting my 3 random stats and a health potion. We talked for a while until she had to leave, but we did exchange numbers and decided to meet up maybe someday next week to go out shopping.

After this meeting I went back home, thinking to myself.

"So there are bigger missions with time limits and bigger rewards." I came back home and started to ponder, Cupid was sitting in my room as I started to talk with the cat about the different approaches I could take to play Cupid or the Wingman for these two.

"In conclusion as the captain of this difficult mission, I think we should take the subtle approach at first, make Draken believe there is someone that is pursuing Emma, throughout his friends. Keisuke is gonna become my helper no matter if he wants to or not." Yes, he knew Emma and Draken, I just needed to convey the right words for him to relay this information to Draken instead.

"Then later we will strike, all the forces all at once. Make him believe that yes Emma likes me back, even if it's just a little." And then we let him hear how I will try to confess to Emma at a specific date, to give him time to outrun me in that matter. I laughed evilly while giving pets to Cupid.

"Michi, come down for dinner!" I heard mom say so I went downstairs.