Draken Jelly Jelly~

So today was the big day yet I still had no idea how I would convince Mikey to arrive with his beanpole to the karaoke but I had hope that just one call from Emma would seal the deal. But then during school, both Senju and Yuzuha wanted to meet up, originally I was only planning to invite Hinata to the karaoke joy, but these two insisted to join on the fun.

"Didn't you say you would invite only one girl over, this is more than you promised?" I just shrugged.

"You can just convey to Mikey we are all your friends and want to meet him, I don't know." We booked the biggest karaoke room, we expected Mikey to only invite Draken, but who knew who would become his tail at this point.

"I hope this works itself out," I said while Senju asked.

"What will work out?" I nodded it was time to update everyone on the serious matter.

"Before we begin let's have a meeting." I stood up and took a stance in front of them like a commander talking to their troops.

"This is not your usual normal karaoke hangout, because we gathered here today to help our fellow comrade in the love department." Hinata who was briefed on this beforehand just clapped meanwhile Yuzuha and Senju looked confused.

"I will be playing the role of the womanizer, to make Draken tremble in his boots, so he actually decides to confess his love to Emma." Then suddenly Emma stopped me in my tracks.

"Why are you so sure? How can you be so convinced he even likes me back?" Time to say something absurd, since boy I didn't meet him.

"It's all written in the stars." I sent a look to Yuzuha that apparently met up with Emma on a few occasions before, yet never got the chance to become closer.

"Oh come on, I may have seen Draken spending time with you only once but anyone can see how much he adores you." Good save Yuzuha, I gave her a secret thumb up when Emma wasn't looking.

"So what are we supposed to do?" Yuzuha asked as Senju nodded, they seemed excited and determined to take part in my marvelous plan.

"Just encourage me in my endeavors and try not to make it apparent you know this is fake." I nodded, this should do.

"Yes, at some point I will yell for you both to kiss is that enough?" Yuzuha was the best player so far.

"Please do, I want to see his reaction." I smiled evilly stroking my nonexistent beard.

"You seem to be enjoying it way too much," Emma said, was she disproving that I was about to tease Draken to the maximum?

"Don't worry if he doesn't confess, you can always be my girlfriend instead, at some point we can plan a breakup and try again."I sent her a heart.

"If you keep this up I may believe you are indeed serious." I thought about it.

"Gurl I'm just giving you other choices over here.... now go call Mikey and make him drag beanpole's ass over here." So Emma picked up her phone and gave a call to her brother. They were having a serious conversation, where Mikey was confused about why a couple of girls would want to meet him of all the people.

"Who are your friends even?" Mikey asked as we all were sitting here eavesdropping.

"Well... there this girl called Michi-"

"Wait, like in Michi Hirabayashi?" Emma looked at me as I just shrugged my shoulders.

"Yes..." she answered unsure about where this was going.

"Coming." he hang up on her and she stared at me in shock.

"What have you done?" she asked me as I shook my head.

"I did see Draken the other day... is your brother blonde with this hair length?" I asked as I wasn't supposed to know anything about him, since Emma never showed me a photo of him.

"This tall?" I then asked as she nodded.

"Oh on Monday I spaced out and bought too much Taiyaki so I gave it to him." She looked like something dawned on her.

"That was you? He couldn't stop talking about some random girl that gave him his favorite snacks." I scratched my head.

"So it's his favorite snack,... no wonder he looked so passionately at them." She must have been amazed at how unbothered I was by the news.

"Well he got some motivation to join us, I see it as an absolute win." Now it was only up to us to make it look like a normal, fun karaoke hangout. The only songs I could recognize were anime openings from popular anime that were airing at that time and of course English songs. I picked up the song Livin' da Vida Loca and made Emma dance with me, to make her more relaxed and get into the character. But as I spun her around and held her down, it may have or may not have looked like we were about to kiss. When I was inching closer to mess with Emma suddenly the door opened, before any of us could register anything we heard the door slamming shut while someone yelled.

"Sorry! Wrong room!" but then we could hear an argument taking place on the other end of the door. They were going back and forth before we heard Mikey's voice saying.

"But wasn't that Emma tho?" Emma that just realized what happened became red in the face so as the distinguished gentleman I was, I put her back on her feet and let her go. Precisely then the door opened slightly and we saw Keisuke peeking in carefully.

"Oh guys, it was just Michi and Emma." upon confirmation he opened the door wider and we saw how not only did Mikey drag Draken as we have hoped for, but Takemichi, Chifuyu.

"What were you two doing?" Mikey asked as he pointed at us both, before we could answer Yuzuha and Senju yelled.

"Flirting!" Even if they were greeted with the strangest of sights they took their individual places, Yuzuha's song came up and she took her spot in the front. Takemichi that spotted Hinata took the spot beside her, I waved at him but he looked quite jumpy, was whatever I said yesterday still bothering him? Mikey took a seat beside Takemichi and started to eat the food we ordered, Draken took a seat beside him. Keisuke on the other hand grabbed a place beside Senju and started another conversation. It was surprising how well they were getting along, Chifuyu just took a place beside his best friend. I took the spot next to him, then I confidently spread my legs and clapped on my thigh signaling Emma to sit on my lap.

"Are you out of your mind?" she whispered into my ear, while I dragged her onto it anyway.

"Gotta be bold, to make him jealous don't you think so?" She sighed in defeat and wrapped her arm around my shoulder while pouting cutely. Chifuyu's jaw just dropped when he saw it, but when I glanced at Draken his expression hasn't changed much, that was until I gave him a shit-eating grip that caused him to realize I knew about his feelings for Emma, so I was probably acting like this to start a fight. But I wouldn't be satisfied with only this.

"Emma~ feed me~" I was going to make it seem like we were on a date. Although she had some complaints she actually started to feed me as I asked her to, somehow she had fun messing around with Draken as well but wasn't willing to accept the fact.

"What is going on Michi?" Chifuyu said as I said playfully.

"Maybe I'm trying to score myself a cute girlfriend~" Yes now rat this out to Draken, please. He looked at me like he found some new admiration for me.

"You're so bold." I would take that as a compliment. I saw that the guys enjoyed this hangout, I spotted Takemichi choosing a song, while carefully asking both Draken and Mikey if they wanted to sing anything. I could sense I was carefully watched by Draken, I guess he was still considering if I was a major threat or not. Since he was staring at me I put Emma into a hug and smirked at him.

"Who's the one singing all the English songs?" Unexpectedly Keisuke asked when he was choosing his own, then Senju pointed at me as I waved in his direction.

"Oh, right you mentioned something being good in English." The only problem was that most of the songs I wanted to sing didn't exist yet. The only thing I could do is keep it in and have fun in the fact that I would be rickrolling their asses.

Then I pulled up a fan from my pocket.

"You took something like this along with you?"Emma asked not understanding my genius. I then opened the fan obstructing Draken's view and totally made it look like me and Emma were almost kissing, then we heard Yuzuha yell.

"Just kiss already." Draken was terrified that someone was fueling this behavior, but Emma just blushed and flicked my forehead.

"Oh come on~," I said as I felt my forehead, then suddenly it was my turn.

"The next song is dedicated to you," I said while singing.

"Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down." I kept sending finger hearts to Emma, she at least returned one, that's all I needed. Once my song was over Hinata decided to go to the bathroom, Emma followed suit and dragged my ass along.

"Why do I need to come along?" I asked as Emma said something about how girls always go in packs to the bathrooms.

"If so... you can leave a kissing mark somewhere on my face, or neck let's confuse the boys." Hinata nodded to the plan. Some of the other girls that were inside the toilet thought that was the most hilarious thing they heard, so they quickly did our make-up and then messed it up to look like we were indeed smooching. One of the girls suggested pinching our cheeks to make it seem like blush.

"How about going in separately back?" Emma asked it seemed she finally was comfortable to go all out. I nodded and we decided that Emma would go first and then I would follow a few minutes later, it was probably for the best because I couldn't contain my laughter. I think I spent like 5 minutes laughing like a crazy maniac before I could gather my composure back.

I walked in and saw how Emma was now sitting beside Draken and Mikey, before I could act on the fact Chifuyu dragged my hand and made me take a seat beside him.

"What is all this, what have you done?" he whispered to me.

"What do you think?" it was fun messing with people. Since it was hard yelling across the table I picked up my phone and messaged Emma instead.

'What happened when I was gone?' to which response was.

'Draken asked me to sit beside him, but besides that, no one dared to utter a word.' this was peak comedy. I was just giggling at my phone, but suddenly I saw Draken say something to Mikey that caused him to stand up from his seat and come over to me.

"Yes?" I asked confused.

"I didn't have the chance to say it before but thanks for the Taiyaki you gave me." So why did he try to start a conversation with me now? Was Draken using Mikey as a distraction? Then suddenly he sat on my lap? Everyone looked shocked.

"Are you even a middle schooler?" He asked, wait didn't he say something similar to Takemichi in the manga? I intentionally ignored his question.

"Did Draken ask you to create a distraction?" I asked as he just nodded.

"Great tell him later he stands no chance against me." Mikey just busted out laughing at my confident declaration of war. So I just let Mikey sit on my lap, and let him become a distraction, I even moved a little deeper into the couch to let other people sing in peace since suddenly I lost all of my energy. We finished our outing shortly after, but I found out Mikey was asleep? In this loud establishment?

"Call me crazy, but this guy literally fell asleep," I said when people were waiting for us two to start moving.

"Here?" Keisuke asked as he basically picked him up princess style, because of his sitting posture.

"Thanks." We went to pay.

"This was great let's do it again," Yuzuha said as Senju decided to agree, we decided to part of ways, but not before I said to Emma.

"See you around beautiful." Causing Draken to glare at me while they were leaving.