Toman Meeting~

I glanced at the calendar which told me today was the 20th of July, was something important taking place today? Yes, I read the manga but it was hard pinpointing all the dates to certain events, especially now when there was no way to reread the manga chapters, I could only trust my memory which wasn't that great. It was easy to remember the most important fights like the 3rd of August, Halloween, and then Christmas. While any other event that happened outside of that spectrum, who knew when they would take place certainly not I. Wasn't the war with Moebius being announced soon? Wasn't Takemichi shadowing Draken like a day after that, how was I supposed to find the location of the hospital if I missed that day. Of course, I could always ask someone about the location, but how would I even explain why I was aware of this case when no one ever told me about it? Furthermore, it was like exposing myself, who wouldn't connect the dots if they heard me asking for that girl's whereabouts and then the next day they hear about a miracle taking place?

I sighed wondering how I would find out if today was that special day in Toman's history or not, that's when the most ridiculous message came my way.

"Yo Michi! Mikey and Emma want you to come to today's Toman meeting." Keisuke wrote. Why would they, and why did they ask Keisuke specifically to send me this message?

"Why tho?" Would he even provide a normal answer? However, he responded insanely fast as if he was just anticipating an answer to his message.

"Emma said she wanted to hang out, but Mikey wanted to ask you something." Why did he need to ask me anything during or after a Toman meeting? It made zero sense to me what topic could be so important it couldn't wait? I was questioning whether this was a good idea like the rowdy crowd wasn't my cup of tea. Actually, any crowds would make me jittery, that's when fate became decided for me.

'Would you rather arrive at the Toman meeting per Sano's request or seek out Taiju Shiba?' This system really enjoyed Koko's suffering, I guess attending would somehow play in my favor.

"I will only go if someone provides me a ride." I didn't feel like taking my bicycle over there at least if I arrived with Keisuke no one would try to pick a fight with me.

"Gotcha, I will pick you up at 5." I shook my head at this strange development and decided to spend some quality time with Kazutora until Keisuke arrived. I knocked on his door room.

"Come in." He was laying on his bed staring at the ceiling, was he perhaps bored?

"So how was your first visit to the therapist?" He gave me this blank look and I understood maybe it was a little too personal for him to share it with me yet.

"Good." was the only answer I obtained, so I naturally shifted to another topic.

"Are you getting enough attention in this household then?" He seemed taken aback by my question.

"Shall I take it as a no?" There was not much time I could spend with him during those last few days.

"Then I shall take matters into my own hands." I came closer to his bed.

"So lemme just scooch right here if you don't mind." I jumped onto the bed beside him and put him into a hug. We lay there like this for a few minutes just enjoying each other presence, until he asked.

"So what are you so busy with?" Right, I haven't explained to him what I usually do.

"I have a part-time job at a maid cafe."

"Why?" was his sole question, I could just give him the same excuse that I did before to my parents.

"I just thought it would be fun, also I believe I look adorable in a maid outfit." Another thing I mentioned to my parents was gaining some experience in life, but I didn't need to mention it to him.

"Another thing... I'm training at a gym, and lastly, I have so many friends that want to see me." More like the system deliberately sent me out to see them instead, but there were times when those people came to our house for their own benefit.

"Who are those friends?" So do I mention that most of them are from Toman?

"Strangely enough most of the people I know are delinquents... it just happened to be this way." Kazutora seemed shocked.

"Your parents aren't complaining about it?" Right weren't his father really against him hanging around delinquents even if he acted like some kind of gangster?

"They trust me,... well kinda I think I wander around like 10 different cameras and recording devices for safety purposes... to be honest, I don't mind I feel like a spy carrying them around." He just laughed at me.

"Listen for all you could know, I could be working with the FBI." I put my hand under my chin, trying to act like a smart ass.

"I gonna get dragged away by Keisuke today." I suddenly said I was going with this somewhere, oh right.

"Do you want to eat popcorn and watch movies until then?" He nodded his head, and as I let him choose the movies I prepared snacks like chips and popcorn. And a cup of tea for myself a fine gentleman indeed. We watched like two movies together as mom joined us in the fun, taking place between us both.

I decided to put on shorts and a simple t-shirt, I heard his motorcycle and came down only to hear him say this.

"Come on, hurry up." Why was he rushing so much? Did he want to chat with other people before the meeting started or what.

"If you're in such a hurry maybe you shouldn't have agreed to picking me up." He paused before answering.

"It's just that something major happened recently, so I feel a little bit on edge." I nodded and took a seat and waved to Kazutora and mom.

When we arrived at the site, I realized how many dudes were present, yes a total sausage party indeed. However, because I arrived with Keisuke the first line I heard was.

"Oh is that your girlfriend captain." He glanced at me and saw my uninterested look, I wouldn't waste time explaining anything to anybody, such a bother.

"More like one of Mikey's guests." He could have mentioned we were friends. I shrugged my shoulders and suddenly Mikey came forward, I guess because he was in a gang setting he was acting though or sum.

"Mitchy number 2." Was the first thing I heard coming out of his mouth, was the number 2 really necessary?

"I wasn't aware that there was a Michi hierarchy, you love Takemichi more is that it?" I spiraled him into endless confusion, Draken arrived and wasn't pleased to see me.

"I still haven't forgiven you for what you did." he had this enraged expression.

"Whatever, I would do it all over again if I had to, you will find no remorse here." we stared at each other until Emma came to our side.

"Michi! I'm glad you could make it. Hinata is also here so we can hang out until they're done." I nodded, but still wanted to know what Mikey wanted from me.

"Earth to Mikey, what did you want?" He suddenly decided to say the most ridiculous thing ever.

"Maybe you could consider joining Toman?" I looked at Mikey, then shifted my gaze to Draken that just shrugged, then Keisuke that did the same.

"Refused," I said bluntly.

"I said to consider it." And I already managed to come up with 10 different reasons why not to.

"And what do you exactly want me to do in this said gang, just stand there and look pretty or be some kinda mascot because it's a given fact that I can't fight to save my life." Of course, it would probably change in the future.

"Baji said you were learning how to fight tho." I looked at Keisuke, sending him glares not everyone needed to know about my life circumstances.

"Did he mention anything else?" Mikey nodded his head.

"That you're training under Wakasa and you know all the higher-ups from the first generation of Black Dragons." Draken looked like this was the first time he heard this piece of information.

"They must see some potential in you right?" I shook my head, who was blowing this out of proportion?

"Listen here, I mostly attend to tell them my share of jokes. They just enjoy my awesome personality." But Keisuke fired back.

"Stop lying you seem to take the training seriously."

"I mean I paid for it, of course, I shouldn't waste my money's worth." We were getting nowhere.

"My final answer is no, how about this, ask me this question again, someday after Halloween is over." I needed to focus on Kazutora and make sure he didn't feel neglected. Furthermore, I didn't want to be there when Kisaki would join. Would he start treating me differently if he saw me hanging with those guys, maybe he would have the brilliant plan to use me in one of his grand plans as well? I shuddered at the thought alone. Thankfully the system didn't give me any mission regarding this, yet something else popped up.

'Would you rather tell Manjiro Sano you would never join his gang or ask if he wants to be just friends instead?'

"But we could be friends if you want to." Maybe he wanted me to join because he wasn't sure how to ask me that? Who knew what kinda thought process he had.

"Great then if I ever have a date with Emma I can give you the task of babysitting Mikey." I was shocked he would let me carry on such an important mission?

"As compensation for all the emotional damage, I caused to your psyche?" He didn't seem content with my wording.

"Sometimes I have this urge to beat you up." I just put my fist on my mouth while saying.

"uwu." then my brain developed this magnificent dialog.

"I'm just a poor girl that has never done anything wrong in her entire life, please spare my life, uwu." Emma that was overseeing this conversation up till now put me in a hug while saying.

"Stop bullying her." Why were there so many missions popping up from nowhere?

'Would you rather tell Manjiro Sano he's your type or tell Ken Ryuguji that Emma is a good kisser?' I guess in this scenario I shall choose demise.

"Draken you lucky man, got yourself such a nice girlfriend that is such a good kisser." It took him some time to register what I said.

"Let's go Emma let the guys have their important meeting." And I dipped while grabbing Hinata in this chaos separating her from Takemichi.

Once we were far enough Emma started to laugh.

"What was that Michi? Are you planning to keep pissing him off?" How could I rationalize my bad decision?

"Sometimes you have the urge to play with the fire. Very dangerous obsession wouldn't recommend. Highly addictive too." We put this time into talking about the girls dating life, I got to hear how neither of them has kissed their boyfriends yet.

"How about you, have you kissed anyone?" Did it really count as a kiss?

"I mean I guess." Maybe lying would have been better because they were soon inquiring about the details.

"I just kissed a guy that was sleeping on my lap, however, I apologized afterward." Well at least they enjoyed the spilled tea so whatever, I mentioned the history project how we did it together and the gist of how it happened, I got called a cinnamon roll since I mentioned the crying part as well.

"Wait so you're telling me, you flirted so confidently inside the karaoke, but cried when you kissed a guy." I nodded my head since it was the truth.

"Consent is important." They both put me in a hug saying I was adorable, that's when Keisuke came over with Mikey, Draken, and Takemichi. I guess we talked for a long while.

"What are you three chatting about?" Keisuke asked.

"Don't tell him, he's gonna tell it to the whole neighborhood." Emma shook her head.

"Don't worry your secret is safe with us." I hoped that was the case.

"You won't even tell the beanpole?" I asked.

"Not even him, you have my words." I just grinned in Draken's direction pissing him off once again. I didn't die, because I was under Emma's protection.