Time Leapers~

When I awoke the first thing that crossed my mind was.

"If by chance Takemichi heard of the Momo incident would he perhaps suspect my involvement?" If Smiley shared this information with me, there was bound to be someone that directed it to Takemichi right? The thing was I had no clue how smart Takemichi would act upon hearing this peculiar news, even if I was acting highly suspicious during that day at the hospital, could I trust him in connecting the two dots. Since he was a time leaper himself and later suspected that someone had the same ability, he most likely believed in the supernatural. Or rather than waiting for Takemichi to notice me being different from others, I should just out myself. This poor guy probably needed someone to vent to, of course, there was Naoto in the future, and later he would have Chifuyu to share his worries with. But maybe it would be relieving to hear that there was someone else that could help him with their supernatural abilities? Should I even mention that this was only the beginning of his journey?

"I guess I could visit him today and see what's up." Who knew maybe the system would stop me or encourage me to reveal my identity? I decided to stop overthinking this over and went downstairs to help mom with the breakfast preparation since it was still early.

"Good morning," I said as she was already roaming in the kitchen searching for ingredients. I soon joined her, getting the honor to make today's miso soup.

"Mom, when you travel to Jeju Island are you planning to take big bro along?" I asked as she gave me thing baffled look.

"Oh dear, right we forgot to ask him about it. Thank you for reminding us." I guess they were prepared to buy extra tickets if it was necessary, but this conversation showed that anyone could be scatterbrained sometimes.

Soon father came downstairs so I decided to ask for permission for my sleepover just so it would be more official.

"Mom, Dad, can I prepare a sleepover once you're not at home?" Yes, we wouldn't be bothering their sleep then, and maybe we would stay up late, talking and watching movies.

"We will allow it." Thankfully they agreed, that's when a sleepy head Kazutora arrived, holding onto his pillow.

"Mom and dad be away when?" He asked as they explained.

"We will go on a trip that is planned for the 6th of August, we are planning to visit Jeju Island for roughly one week. So would you like to tag along Kazutora or stay at home?" Dad asked, brother, looked like he was considering his options.

"If I stay behind can I also throw a sleepover party?" He asked, looking from behind the pillow that he was hugging.

"Guy only party?" I asked as he nodded his head. He was so cute I stopped cutting up the vegetables and walked up to him just to give him a hug.

"Sure, sure. Then I will try to find a place to stay over under that day." Gotta allow him to have his guy-only party. But soon dad stated sternly.

"But no sleeping over a guy's house, when you two are alone." I could see his concerns since most people I knew were male delinquents, but they had better things to do than date girls, which was simply getting sweaty by joining stupid fights. These guys were different breed after all. So I was considering asking either Emma, Senju, or Hinata to stay over at their house. Yuzuha would probably be overjoyed if I asked her, but who knew what Taiju would do if he saw me inside his place, then again I could mess with him inside his own quarters. If only I had something that would protect me from his wrath if things went south.

"Uhu." Was my only response to dads demand.

Upon finishing breakfast and tidying up the kitchen, I went upstairs to change. Cupid for some reason demanded to open up the window, once I did it I spotted Takemichi on the balcony as if he was patiently waiting to see me?

"Michi! Can you come over to my house?" He yelled from across the street.

"I guess I could." I wasn't expecting him to invite me over now when I had the resolve to tell him everything myself. So I put on the first shoes I found and walked over to his place, I didn't even need to knock since the door was wide open. I walked in and was quickly guided to his room.

"Oh, you're doing puzzles? Mind if I join?" He shook his head and we both sat down by the small table.

"So what did you want to talk about? Something bothering that much you need your neighbor for guidance?" I wanted to make just a little fun of him.

"Actually I heard the girl we saw at the hospital had full recovery... I wanted to ask you if you were somehow involved in that incident?" Takemichis asked, but somehow I couldn't stand this serious mood that was created by him so I just responded with.

"Do I look like a powerful angel that was sent from the heavens to save mankind to you?" He seemed embarrassed but also at a loss of words. We were sitting in utter silence from that point on until my mission arrived that is.

'Would you rather avoid Takemichi Hanagaki's suspicion or express how you know about his time leaping abilities?' I clicked on the second option wanting to be aware of the specifications and rewards. There wasn't much else to it besides exposing that I'm aware of his abilities. The rewards were more than I was used to, 3 random points and a powder called Pixie dust. Because it wasn't included in the first mission I decided to go for it, wanting to also find out what Pixie dust could do.

"You smell like a time traveler, Takemichi." He fell on his back from the shock, meanwhile, I just kept putting the puzzles together.

"Relax buddy," I told him since he just kept staring at me, probably trying to figure out how I discovered his ability.

"So you were involved... are you perhaps a time traveler yourself?" I thought about it for a while.

"Yes, I'm kinda a time traveler." To which he asked.

"So what kind of abilities do you have?" He inquired. I decided to only tell him about the mission from the system and coming from the year 2022, I was reluctant to share the fact I knew the progress of this story, we could alter the story by getting rid of Kisaki and Sanzu, but I wasn't a fan of murder, hence my plan was to somehow force them into therapy together with Mikey. Kazutora was already receiving help thanks to my parents, I wanted to believe that they still could redeem themself somehow. I also was scared of how this world would progress if I meddled with the plot somehow, if I knew which person Kisaki would plan to kill next there was a possibility to give them the protection needed. If Kisaki drifted away somehow from the plot, how could I possibly protect everyone?

"Well, I'm not too sure what you can do, however, I'm basically stuck here in this place, with a strange system that gives me rewards for completing missions." He seemed shocked at the discovery.

"It kind of feels like a game of would you rather, ya know," I mentioned as he nodded his head.

"I get around 2 missions each day and as compensation most often I receive stats that make me stronger, but sometimes I get health potions, which can cure people instantly. So yes I helped Momo out tracing back to your previous question." He looked amazed.

"So if anyone is ever on verge of death you can heal them instantly?" Takemichi asked as I nodded.

"If I get to them in time, positively. You already heard of its miracles." Takemichi nodded, then stood up and paced around the room, as he couldn't believe it. That's when I received my three points, finally, I hit the 20-stat mark. I was overjoyed but then the same message appeared from before.

'Would you like to proceed?' As usual, the only options were yes or no. I decided to go for it, this time I was closer to my house, so even if something strange took place I could just run back home.

Like last time I received nose blood, would this become a normal routine for me? Takemichi panicked as I moved away from his puzzles so I wouldn't stain them and lifted up my head.

"You got any tissue with ya?" He ran around his room panicking but managed to find some in the end.

"Thanks," I said, now it was just a wait game for it to go over.

"How did this happen?" he asked seemingly worried for my well-being.

"Don't worry it happened before... sometimes when I hit a certain stat mark I get a nose blood, who knows why." I rested my head on his bed and looked up, since this would take a while I decided to use this time efficiently to find out if any new features were added.

There was a new addition to the system, and I could see people's skills? I clicked on my profile to find out what my ability could possibly be.

"Clumsy Heroine?" I read out loud. What the hell was this?

"What?" Takemichi asked surprised.

"Oh, I can read the system window whenever that's what I'm doing right now." He suddenly asked.

"So why did you say, Clumsy Heroine." I just explained sadly.

"That's the title of one of my skills." I decided to read the description as Takemichi sat there with sparkly eyes, he probably thought having a system at hand was awesome.

'Rank SSS, whenever a male is radiating sexy energy within your vicinity, you lose your balance, once you fall you gain triple the charm.'

"So what's the skill about?" Takemichi asked curiously.

"I dunno a skill to charm people with cuteness?" it seemed he wouldn't let it go until he knew the whole ordeal.

"Listen carefully it tells me that if some guy gives out sexy vibes, once I fall around him I will gain triple the charm." Since Takemichi knew about the system ordeal I decided to ask for his permission.

"Do you mind if I check your skill? It feels like I'm intruding since you are now aware of it." He shook his head, and I took a glance.

"Rank SSS, Time leaper." I read, well no surprise there.

"Are they any other skills besides that?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Maybe I still haven't unlocked the privilege to look at them if there is more than one." We ended up finishing the puzzles while talking some more, Takemichi mentioned something about seeking help if he ever needed anything. Yet also noted he was soon going back to his own timeline, after the 3rd of August was over.