Love Rival~

After I finished my initial part-time job shift, it was time to finally attend the sexual education seminars, mom warned us that if we failed to show up, she would become aware of the incident. Apparently, she was in cahoots with the professor and she specifically asked them to have an outlook out on us, and if we dared to skip she would be called immediately.

At the place we were supposed to listen to the lectures, we were allowed to ask questions if there was something we failed to understand. And at the end of the lecture, there would be a small quiz just to check if we listened to the material and understood the gist of it.

The first day wasn't too bad, we were briefed about the risk of diseases, learned how some of the sexual organs looked, demonstrated by simple drawings, and lastly how periods functioned. Nothing too graphic so far. There were also free condoms for the taking, which I didn't give much attention to. But when we left the building after the class ended as I was searching for my phone in my purse because I wanted to check the time I found a handful of condoms inside.

"What the hell?" I asked and send a glare to Kazutora, that was having a laughing fit now when he saw my furious facial expression.

"Why do you need so many? And why did you shove them into my purse, carry your own shit!" He responded with.

"I was looking out for you sis, they are yours for the taking." What was I supposed to do with them? Have a freaking display in my room?

"What do you want me to even do with them? Distribute it among friends like charity?" He dared to nod his head.

"How about you give one to Baji?" I messed up his hair for this unnecessary comment.

"I will go return them." Yes, that was the best solution to this problem, it seemed like a waste to me to have them wasting away at our house, there were probably other people that needed it more.

"No!" Kazutora yelled and we ended up fighting over it. I wasn't too sure why he was so adamant, did he want someone to find them in my room and get the wrong idea? Was that top-tier comedy for him? Teenagers man.

Once I finally got a chance to slip away the hall was already closed off.

"I will get back at you for this!" I mentioned as I was ready to just dump them into his room when he wasn't looking. As I was thinking about what I could possibly make for the dinner, I spotted Sanzu's crusty ass following me once more, thankfully I had been keeping the cameras rolling for the past few days, so I already had a lot of footage.

But did Sanzu lack any hobbies? How could I possibly have offended him? I never talked to him, but he was so stubborn in stalking me. Was he afraid Mikey would like me better than him? But other people were closer to Mikey than Sanzu. I decided to get a better photo of him, maybe if we ate at a restaurant, he would follow suit?

"Tora, I don't think I feel like making food today, how about grabbing some at a restaurant?" I decided to let him make the final decision about our next meal.

"Sure, what do you say about Katsudon?" Katsudon it was, I let him choose the restaurant next. As we arrived at our destination, Sanzu did indeed follow along. He really needed to manage his time better, not gonna lie. As the food arrived I whipped out my phone and claimed I was taking pictures of it, when in fact I snapped some photos of Sanzu. I was really shocked he hadn't figured out I knew about his presence, then again we never met so he probably thought I had no ground to suspect him on. He must have thought he was slick.

After our meal I asked for take-out for both Yuzuha and Hakkai, I even phoned them to make sure I ordered something they liked, and they promised on paying me back.

Once I was back at home, I handed the food to the siblings and walked to my room to upload the gathered evidence onto my laptop. As I was focused on making screenshots from the videos that had Sanzu's silhouette on them, I received another mission.

'Would you rather pay a visit to sick Tetta Kisaki or acquire Taiju Shiba's phone number?' Wait Kisaki was sick? I could imagine the horror on his face, once I arrived at his doorstep unannounced with a rice porridge in hand, being aware he was bedridden. I shut down the laptop, and while preparing the food for the sick boy I mentioned to Kazutora.

"I just got the news that my classmate is sick so I will pay him a brief visit." Once it was done I poured the rice porridge into a thermos meant for soups. I grabbed my bicycle and quickly made my way over to his house.

I rang the bell, in hopes, that he would actually open it, or by chance, his parents would be home? Last time I visited they were nowhere to be seen. It took like 5 minutes for the door to finally open after I pressed the bell button a couple of more times.

"What do you want Hanma?" He questioned upon unlocking the door. Because he thought it was the giraffe it's why he dared to open the door when he was just wearing a pair of boxers and a white shirt? I noticed his hair was messy and no hair gel in sight, and he forgot to put his glasses on, probably that's why it took him some time to realize the one standing at his doorstep was me.

"Were you expecting the giraffe to come?" I asked as his eyes opened wide as he yelled.

"Michi?!" Then he looked down and hid behind the door, not gonna lie his embarrassed reaction was cute. He then recollected himself and shot his infamous glare.

"What are you doing here?" I settled for telling him the truth.

"I heard you were sick so I came running, with rice porridge at hand." But couldn't stop myself from adding.

"Aren't I the best girlfriend?" I send him a wink, but he chose to ignore the second part altogether.

"I never told anyone about being sick... so how could you possibly have heard that?" Time for bullshit.

"Angels descended from the heavens and gave me a message telling me that you were sick." He obviously didn't buy that, but hey it was technically the truth.

"How about... we have a connection on a spiritual level and I could sense you didn't feel good." This made-up story made him more irritated, but suddenly he started to cough.

"Come on let me in~ I tried my best when making this food for you, don't let my effort go to waste." I gave him puppy eyes, and I couldn't tell if he was actually moved, just done with my shit, or really felt the need to lay down, but I was allowed inside.

"Mission accomplished," I muttered to myself smiling from one ear to the other. Now rather than annoying him as usual I acquired a brand new strategy for today. Treating him like a baby. Talk in baby talk give him pet names, of course. I decided to first go into the kitchen to find a bowl, once I did I poured the hot liquid inside it and walked over to his room. He was already in bed, covering himself with heavy blankets.

"Oh my poor baby, here take a spoon fold of your food~," I said in the most baby voice I could master, as he looked at me mortified. Since he didn't respond I added.

"Let me give your handsome forehead a kiss to make you feel better~" adding the sound of kissing noises.

"Stop immediately or I will kick you out." I clicked my tongue, why did he have to destroy my fun? He snatched the bowl from my hands and actually ate it. I felt a tad bad for him since none of his parents were here to take care of him.

"So anything you need help with?" I inquired, as he asked just for a glass of water, so I went to fetch it for him.

"What's next, a kiss on the cheek to make you feel better?" he just sighed in defeat. However, a new idea popped into my head, it was time to give this guy some pointers.

"So Tetta-Kun do you know how to propose to someone?" He blinked in surprise as if he was wondering if he heard me right. Since I got no response I decided to just roll with it.

"First and foremost when asking someone for marriage, you should probably be dating that person first... Second, pick a good spot, you can't propose in an empty parking lot in winter you feel me? Third, you should kneel while asking the love of your life for their hand in marriage, standing isn't it buddy."

"The hell did that come from?" he questioned, probably shocked with my lecture and probably for having the guts to give him advice.

"I should make sure my marriage proposal is perfect in the future." I tucked some of my hair behind my ear acting innocent. He actually flicked my forehead while saying.

"Who would want to get married to you?" I pouted but then we heard the bell ring once again. I walked over to the window and looking down I saw Hanma standing there.

"Your boyfriend is here," I told Kisaki causing him to glare at me intensely.

"You want me to open the door for him?" He nodded, maybe he didn't feel safe with only me around. I went downstairs but as soon I opened the door I glared at the newcomer.

"Love rival... we meet again." He just laughed at my reaction and let himself in, going straight to Kisaki's room, which made me realize how he must have ventured into this household before. As soon Hanma waltzed in he took one of the chairs brought it closer and started a conversation.

"I thought you said you didn't like her, why would she be in your house otherwise?" He then glanced at me and sent me a wink, to be more extra I just made some gagging noises.

"Tetta-Kun says a lot of shit with his nice soft kissable lips, you gotta realize that at times he's a tad of tsundere." Hanma just laughed, I didn't believe I said anything remotely funny. But then a mission popped up.

'Would you rather tell Shuji Hanma that you want to take him on a date or tell Tetta Kisaki that truck-Kun has a crush on him?' Wow, I will rather be seen as a weirdo than ask this giraffe on a date. I had enough giants to worry about, I didn't need another to my pokemon collection.

"Tetta... did you know that truck-Kun has a crush on you?" I asked him as he just groaned and requested me to pour him more water, did he want some one-on-one talk with this oddball?

"I guess I could," I mentioned and then walked to the kitchen, maybe I could eavesdrop before coming back? When I returned with the water I first decided to hear what they were chatting about.

"So you're really planning on crushing this girl's heart? You're so cruel Kisaki~" Wait were they talking about me? I never thought these two would discuss about matters of love, such a strange world we live in. I walked in put the glass down but got a weird message.

'You're losing balance.' the dammed guys and their sexy energy, I actually tripped on my own feet and fell onto the bed, my head being on top of Kisaki's chest. Hanma just laughed in amusement.

"Was that your deliberate plan to win him over?" I picked myself up rolling my eyes at this clown.

"No," I responded sternly as I asked Kisaki.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry." Oh, maybe this triple charm would do its wonders at Kisaki, but no the charm backfired since Hanma questioned Kisaki.

"Since you don't want her, how about letting me have her, she seems fun to have around~" Why did he ask Kisaki that like he owned me? I was my own person, hello?

"I don't care what you do in your dating life as long you stick to my other plans." I was pissed, I thought we were friends Kisaki, but he basically gave Hanma, this maniac a pass to approach me. I wouldn't tolerate this disrespect any longer.

"I wish you farewell," I said stomping out, but the tall giraffe followed me.

"Since now you know Kisaki doesn't reciprocate your feelings how about setting your sights on me instead?" How could I possibly shoot this down? Right, I was still carrying the purse from before, so I reached in, pulled a condom put it inside his hand, but before he could comment on it I said dramatically.

"You won love rival, go have fun with Kisaki." I ran to my bicycle and escaped, laughing like a maniac.