Dark Knight~

My day consisted of the last lesson in our sexual education course, which I was thankful ended, I caught Kazutora trying to sneak again some more condoms into my purse, but this time I managed to stop this maniac and returned them. Since the lesson took place in the morning I had time to make it to my afternoon shift for my maid part-time job.

When I finished the sun was already setting behind the horizon, so I took some time to stop and admire the scenery. It was important to sometimes stop in the crazy haste and enjoy nature's beauty, however, the calming tranquility moment soon ended when I felt a similar sensation of someone staring holes into my neck. I didn't even have to look around, I was certain this absurd guy was back. Couldn't he do something more efficient with his time? No, he had to disturb my solitary time with his weirdness. But it was slowly becoming scarily creepy. When the system gave me the mission I was prepared to see him everywhere but not to this bizarre extent. Just thinking about it gave me shivers down my spine, it didn't help when I realized how the system wanted to screw me over once more.

'Would you rather rent a room inside a love hotel for one hour or terminate the progress of the other mission and go confront Haruchiyo Akashi?' Like I would say goodbye to my 3 promised batches of Pixie Dust. I needed to have the stash filled up asap, thanks to the established date with Taiju. I wasn't convinced about going, but I had the feeling the system wouldn't give me any better options to choose from, or probably they would make me do something as equally bad.

"At least give me direction to the nearest one," I muttered to the GPS function, whereas my wishes were granted and I went my merry way to the closes one. Of course, the first interaction was the staff asking if I knew where I was, I nodded and asked for 1-hour stay feeling quite anxious about being judged. I could feel my palms getting sweaty.

"Your partner will arrive separately?" I nodded my head, not really feeling like explaining that I was just running away from a stalker. But as I was about to walk in to search for the room number I was given, Kakucho emerged.

"Michi, is that you?" He asked looking quite confused, maybe he thought I was forced to come here by someone? But he undoubtedly had perfect timing, I grabbed him by his arm and dragged him inside the establishment.

"What's the meaning of this?" He asked being all flustered as I opened up the room with the key I was provided. I just kept quiet not wanting to have this conversation in the middle of the corridor, so first I shoved him inside and made sure that the Sanzu didn't suddenly change his mind and ventured in here, I guess he had some kind of set limit at how much he was willing to go for his unknown purpose of stalking me. Since he wasn't in sight and the creepy sensation vanished I sighed with relief and shut the door. The room emerged in silence until Kakucho cleared his throat while declaring.

"Michi, I think this development in our relationship is a little bit too hasty." I couldn't believe him.

"I know we promised to marry each other, but we haven't even started dating yet." What was he even talking about?

"Do you really think I'm out here aiming for your booty when we met by pure coincidence?" I asked and pouted, I didn't like how he accused me of something so lewd. However, he soon roared in laughter.

"Relax, I was just joking with you." I was shocked, was this guy jumping onto my teasing vibe? But then his face got all serious.

"I just wanted to light up the mood... I saw this pink-haired guy following you around, but when I tried to confront him he dodged the question and ran... Were you trying to hide in here because of him?" Somehow I was touched by his words, Kakucho seemed really worried for my sake. I nodded my head admitting that's what I came here for.

"Has it been happening frequently? Do you want me to find him and beat his ass?" Since it already come to this, I should probably reveal my plan right?

"I mean it's annoying, but I'm trying to gather evidence of it and show it to his friends, to give him his walk of shame...so please just ignore it." I paused but then added.

"But thanks for suggesting it." I sat on the floor, feeling more relaxed now when Kakucho was by my side.

"So you know him?" he asked taking the seat on the floor beside me, even if there were chairs and a bed around.

"I know him just by name." He seemed to be worried once more.

"But how are you so sure he wouldn't try anything?" Well, he probably wouldn't try to kill me right, I haven't done anything to his god Mikey.

Then I looked up and saw the clock ticking from the mission, it was measuring the one-hour stay.

"But since he's gone now, we can leave." I shook my head and decided to come up with a reasonable excuse, but couldn't think of any.

"I will just stay here... you can leave if you want." He went eerily quiet, was he thinking about something?

"Were you that scared?" Kakucho asked, I mean I wasn't really terrified, I knew there were people I could depend on, but Sanzu did give me this unsettling feeling every time he looked in my direction.

'Would you rather joke about it or ask Kakucho to hold your hand and admit you were scared?' You know what, I didn't feel like joking about it, because deep inside I was on the edge.

"If I said I was, would you hold my hand to share some of your courage with me?" I opened my palm and looked at him, he suddenly covered his face with one of his hands but held my hand with the other one per my request.

"Thanks." This gesture made me feel much better, but I didn't expect him to interlock our fingers together. I think we sat there in silence for at least 10 minutes, such a cute gesture made me all fuzzy inside. Why did I feel like I read some cute fluffy fanfic that made me scream inside? So I suddenly retreated my hand.

"I feel so much better now." I declared standing up, but there were still like 45 minutes left, but I guess the system knew how to keep the entertainment going.

'Would you rather jump on the bed or ask Kakucho if he wants to take a bath together?' Why would we take a bath in here?

"How about doing something crazy?" I asked Kakucho that suddenly was hiding his face from me, was he imagining something strange?

"Since the devil's tango is performed so much in those four walls..." he just nodded, was by chance his ears red? I rolled my eyes, guys and their vivid imagination.

"This bed must be really sturdy, how about we jump on it." I took off my shoes and went on top and tried out the sturdiness of the bed as the system wanted me to. This was actually fun, I somehow felt like a naughty kid doing something one shouldn't.

"Be careful you may fall." If he didn't release any smexy energies I would be fine.

"But even if I do, you will catch me so it's alright." He couldn't argue with that, soon I was up to doing another thing.

"Should we test out the lights, to set the mood?" I asked and wiggled my eyebrows.

"It's nice to have your cheerfulness back Michi, but please tone it down a little." I shook my head, it was hilarious just checking things out like a tourist.

"Have you ever been to a love hotel before?" I asked as he immediately shook his head, and I spotted a flier.

"It says we can order some costume, bunny girl Kakucho what do you say?" He just facepalmed as I messed with the lights to make them dimmer and darker.

"Bunny girl Izana then?" I asked as he gave me a glare.

"Yes yes, no offending Izana, the love of your life, gotcha." He then argued.

"He's not the love of my life!" I pondered about his statement, but had to disagree, it seemed more like an obsession considering what kind of stuff he did and said because of Izana in the manga, but I wouldn't mention that to him.

"Oh look another flier this time with sexy lingerie." I pointed at the one that was black.

"That one would look good on you." Diversion to another topic was successful, but because of the comment, Kakucho squeezed my cheeks.

"Do you dare to say that again?" I nodded while looking into his eyes.

"Totally would look good on you." He stood up and said.

"I will go now!" but suddenly I didn't feel like staying here alone, so I grabbed his leg.

"No don't go." He was adamant to walk out because I must have messed with him too much.

"If you stay I tell you a secret." I must have piqued his interest because he stopped in his tracks and asked.

"So tell me what it is." I thought about it, I just said it in the heat of the moment to keep him there so I wasn't sure what I could share.

'Would you rather tell him about being a time traveler or give Kakucho a compliment?' I surely didn't want to disclose it to him, would he start asking about the future if I mentioned it. Would he inquire if we married as per the promise? That sounded tricky to explain that I wasn't from this dimension. I shook my head and suddenly an idea came to my mind.

"My secret is that I adore your smile!" I hope it would be enough of a distraction. Why was I the one feeling embarrassed in this situation? He stayed but we didn't say anything much afterward, we just wainted until the time ran by.

But once we went outside he mentioned.

"Let me walk you to your house... you know in case that guy is still around." I nodded and so he did and left pretty quickly once he completed his task. When I arrived home suddenly Kazutora emerged and stated.

"You shouldn't cheat on Baji with that guy!" I grabbed my mighty weapon which was a pillow and chased him around the house until he stopped making it sound like I was already dating Keisuke.