Salsa Class~

It was Sunday, so I concluded it was the best time to go around the street of Tokyo to see all the hidden gem locations scattered around the city. I was feeling like a tourist in an alienated city, for once I thought I could have a nice relaxing experience, just living in the moment while seeing what the city has to offer in forms of entertainment.

Everything seemed perfect until I came across this lady that was handing out fliers. I wasn't sure why she target locked me as her prey, but even if I moved out the way she ran after me.

Was she receiving some calling from god to disturb my peace? I wasn't too sure. She seemed so adamant I had to take the stupid paper off her hands and said.

"Thank you." thru my teeth. I looked down, and it informed me of a free salsa dance class that was taking place today precisely in like one hour. Salsa sounded fun, but there would probably be requirements to already have a partner when you arrive there since men weren't probably as interested in such activities as women were, so most likely all the girls dragged their boyfriends along.

When I came to a final conclusion and was about to throw the flyer away a mission stopped me from performing the task.

'Would you rather join the salsa classes or find ballet classes instead?' So either it was allowing myself to join something for free or pay once for a ballet class? Of course, I went with the free option. But first I decided to drink something in a cafe before making my way to the dancing studio after I asked GPS for its location. Thankfully it wasn't too far away from the place I was originally at.

"Let's see." I walked in, and upon entering someone took the flyer from my hands and guided me to the practice room. I put my items to the side like any other newcomers. And just waited around for the classes to begin. Soon the teacher walked in.

"Does everyone have a pair, if not raise your hand!" I sighed in relief since I didn't need to shout to inform anybody of my lack of a partner to dance with. Suddenly the female instructor came over, it looked like she wanted to yell at the guy to come over, but I could tell she refrained herself and instead dragged me to his side. That's when I noticed him.

South Terano in flesh, what was this guy even doing here? I just looked at him in amazement like I was taking a peek at a mountain. Should I be giving him an introduction or what, obliviously he must have come here to learn not to stir fights right?

"Nice to meet you I'm Michi, your dancing partner for today I guess." I outstretched my hand, not being sure if he would return the gesture.

"Call me South." was his short introduction and we left it at that. Soon we were shown the beginning moves we were supposed to perform. Why did I struggle so much? I wasn't too sure myself, was someone oozing their macho vibes? Every time I stumbled this big guy managed to catch me in time, but the more time went on, the more his patience ran thin.

"Do you have noddles for legs or something?" He dared to ask.

"Can't you keep your balance for at least 10 minutes straight?" I wasn't too sure what caused me to tell him off, but I soon blurted out.

"Then maybe you should stop keeping radiating this sexy energy? How can I possibly keep my balance in such difficult circumstances?" He stopped dancing and just full-out laughed.

"What's so funny huh?" Once he stopped he quickly returned to the dancing posture, and guided my body into the moves we were supposed to learn.

"Just suffer then, it's not like I switch it off." The look he gave me sent a shiver down my spine.

"Rather than flirting you should keep your attention on the dance moves." So he said, but he pulled me closer, making my face smush with his chest.

"You have a lot of nerve telling me this and then performing this." I tried to pull myself away, but he just laughed.

"And I thought you were eager to feel the muscles considering how you looked at them just moments ago." I was just admiring the huge mountain in front of me, there was nothing more to it. I was ready to call dad so he could pick me up from whatever scenario this was.

I thought this suffering would end once the class finished but this system had to ruin it for me once more.

'Would you rather steal a kiss from South Terano or ask if you can invite him to a coffee shop?' Clicking on the second option with the speed of light, I turned around on my feet to face the mountain.

"Listen...can I buy you a drink... I mean coffee or some shit like that?" I closed my eyes, didn't even dare to meet his gaze, in hopes he would refuse so I could go my merry way. I could taste the freedom, but soon my hopes were shattered.

"Sure, you piqued my interest." I just screamed hearing this causing the other students to look at me wondering if something strange occurred.

"I didn't expect you to agree, let's go then." I took the lead but he stood frozen in one place.

"Are you coming?" I asked confused, was he perhaps wondering how I could act so bossy around him? That's what his expression was at least telling me.

We somehow made our way to the destination, once I paid for our orders he began something you at least could call a conversation.

"You don't feel intimidated by me at all?" Was this really how he would open up a discussion with a stranger and a girl nonetheless?

"Should I be?" I asked dumbfounded, it felt like Taiju had the same reaction.

"Maybe." Was he really opting to glare at me? Did he find it funny? I guess crazy people had to do crazy things.

"I'm already dealing with a muscle giant, another isn't a big of a deal." So I say, but this guy may have already murdered some people, so I decided to change the topic.

"You were a great dancer, did you decide to join the classes on your own?" I was curious to learn why he decided to attend, was this in or out of character I wasn't sure. But didn't he like music, maybe dancing was not that much of a stretch.

"One of my subordinates gave me the coupon, so I decided to see if I can find a brave soul to be my partner, since it's free why shouldn't I take the opportunity?" Makes sense.

If someone ever told me I would be having a normal conversation with this guy about music, I would call them out for lying, but we indeed had some decent exchange.

Once the drinks were finished, I heard from this guy.

"Sorry to break your tiny heart, but you're not really my type." I just muttered under my breath.

"Thank god." He leaned in while asking.

"What did you say? Speak louder would you." I just waved my hands in front of my face.

"I was just talking to myself don't mind me." Our path separated right there, once he was out of sight I said out loud.

"Let's hope we never see each other again." Sure for now nothing happened, but what if I was a little bit stronger, would this mountain pick a fight with me? Wasn't he all about showing his strength? I put my hands into a prayer.

"Please don't make me meet him again." I wasn't expecting this sneaky system to send me a direct notification window that only held this one single emoji.

">:D" Did it mean it wasn't the last time I would see him?

"No please no." Because of this single message, I just walked around the city distracted that was until two large hands wrapped themself around me, just one single look, and I could tell who the perpetrator was.

"What are you doing here all alone, are you lost?~" Why would I be lost even? Just because I had no concrete destination didn't mean I was lost.

"Get your hands off me, giraffe guy!" Was I some kind of tall annoying guy bait? Why did I even catch their attention? Okay, thankfully South didn't get entrapped in the system's charm, that was a win for me.

"So mean~" Was his answer, but he still refused to piss off.

"Tell me what do you even see in Kisaki, are you even aware of all the shady stuff he does when you're not looking?" Did he come here to slander Kisaki himself? Wasn't he the biggest Kisaki simp or did he think if I noticed his shadiness I would, in turn, turn to him? Not likely, but he was gonna get E for Effort.

"I don't need you to tell me what Tetta-Kun is like." Who would have thought that yesterday I made such an effort to avoid this guy only for him to bother me the following day? I used all my force to free myself from his grip. It did actually work, mostly because it seemed like he let me, I shifted the topic.

"So how was your night with Kisaki... love rival?" I narrowed my eyes at him, he just laughed, while admitting.

"Thank you for the present, I will safe-keep it until we can use it together~" He actually pulled it out of his pocket. I couldn't believe it.

"Your ass really kept it for a whole damn month?" He nodded looking proud of it.

"Go touch some grass!" I tried to slip away and run, but he grabbed my wrist like one of those k-drama moments.

"I haven't yet said you could go yet." Who the hell said I needed his permission? I stomped on his foot for this comment alone, but he didn't even flinch.

"Feisty~" Talk about hitting some fanfiction, bad boy troupes. And then he tried to land a kiss. I covered my mouth, but then managed to spot Kisaki in the crowd that seemed to be looking frantically around.

"Tetta-kun, help me out!" I yelled hoping there was an ounce of reason in his head to stop this giraffe. I saw him coming up to us two and smacking Hanma with a book.

"Let her go, we didn't come here to mess around." Hanma just clicked his tongue but listened to his command.

"Thank you, I love you." For once my words felt sincere, Kisaki didn't respond just dragged his friend that was whining but then decided to yell out.

"Let's meet again!" While sending me kisses, was this guy okay? When he was far away I just flipped him off. I thought he would be mad, but I witnessed him putting what looked like a peace sign close to his mouth and sticking out his tongue, causing some passerby middle age women to complain about the youth of today or whatever.