Korean BBQ~

On Thursday it was time to head back to the gym to lift some weights with the boys, not really but when I arrived at my destination and went inside I spotted the whole Black Dragon first Gen squad chilling together. Right off the bat, I could tell that Wakasa was not yet over my near-death experience, since he was avoiding my eye contact. Or was he finally integrating into Japanese society, who knew? But my guess was that he was reliving the experience just by a single glance at my face.

"Didn't you tell me he would be better after spending some time alone?" I thought half a week would be enough, Benkei nodded in agreement to my words but soon added.

"Maybe he needs even more time." I could tell Benkei didn't know the specific period this guy needed to recover from the trauma the event must have given him

"Enough is enough... I'm taking matters into my own hands!" I power walked towards Wakasa taking him off guard by the serious look resting on my face. I halted right in front of him, blocking any escape paths, cornering him to a wall.

"Didn't we already establish that whatever took place that day was in fact not in any shape or form your fault?" He nodded his head in agreement, still taken aback by my directness on this matter. I caught his hand next and with a stern grip on it, placed it on my chest area, taking the three adults by shock. I even caught Takeomi spilling the water he was supposed to be drinking.

"Michi what are you doing?" I heard Benkei's concerned voice but ignored it.

"Listen Waka... there is a heartbeat right there... I'm alive and don't plan to die anytime soon so relax." He stood there like a frozen statue, which gave me the glorious opportunity to grab his head next and pull it close to my chest. Wasn't listening to someone else heartbeat supposed to have a calming effect? This felt like a genius strategy. I even stroked his head while saying.

"There there."

"Michi are you doing this on purpose?" He finally asked after he returned back to reality.

"What do you mean? I just remembered listing to someone's heartbeat can be soothing, so I thought once you realize I'm totally healthy you will stop worrying." He seemed to not have any comeback, so he just shoved me into the changing room. I guess that worked somehow.

When I was in the middle of training Inupi managed to show up, he talked to the guys about something which I did not catch, because I was focused on throwing punches, but once the session was over when my stomach growled I got a splendid idea.

"How about I take you guys out on Korean BBQ, my treat." Wakasa then reminded me.

"You do realize how much that will cost?" I just waved my hand.

"Don't worry about it." then I glanced at Inui that for once wasn't parading in his Black Dragon uniform.

"Wanna tag along?" That's when Kokonoi emerged, basically out of thin air.

"He is not." He dared to snarl at me.

"I'm pretty sure the question was not aimed at your person, or are you perhaps jealous for not receiving an invitation? Sorry I had no clue you were here." The three adults agreed maybe they wanted to see my embarrassment once I discover how much I would need to pay for such a party.

"Are you really paying, or you will change your mind later?" I rolled my eyes at Kokonut.

"Stop acting like a beggar and let's go, before I leave your ass behind." Once the gym was closed I asked the GPS to guide me to the best Korean BBQ place around Shibuya. When we arrived I could tell this was an authentic place, because I recognized so many Korean words being spoken. We were seated and chose our options of meat, the guys even went for ordering alcohol.

"Just don't go overboard, I can pay for a little fraction but if you go all ham on the drinks I won't be paying for that." I wasn't gonna support any alcoholic lifestyles.

"Understandable," Benkei mentioned as the food arrived soon after.

"Let me grill the meat." Not like I was an expert but had some experience under my belt.

"Have you been here before?" Takeomi asked as I shook my head.

"If you mean whatever I been in this establishment then not really." He looked so confused.

"So how did you find this place?" I decided to introduce the system as a helpful friend.

"My friend recommended this place to me, they really know a thing or two about great restaurants." The praise must have gotten to the system's head because it gave me a mission.

'Would you rather feed every single person at the table with a wrap you created or take a sip of Wakasa's beer when he is not watching?' As a responsible person, there was no way I would let this young body consume alcohol.

"Not sure if you guys have been to such a place before, so let me show you the basics." I took a piece of the lettuce then wrapped a piece of meat, some sauce, and garlic into it, before shoving it into Wakasa's mouth, that's when Inui with the most deadpan voice asked.

"Are we supposed to feed each other?" I laughed at his delivery.

"No I just gave him a taste, here let me make one for you as well." I heard Kokonoi tell his friend how he should refuse, but before he could stop me I was already feeding Inui and then I made another one and shoved it into Kokonut's mouth.

"Stop complaining and enjoy the experience."

"But Taiju will kill me if he hears about it." I sighed while reminding him.

"He won't know unless you tell him yourself, what... do you believe he will sniff out my scent lingering on you like a dog?" Was it the first time I saw Inui actually laughing?

"Maybe.." Koko Crunch let out. Then Takeomi gasped like he realized something important, it was not.

"Is feeding us another of your seductive tactics?" Now the two teenagers looked at me perplexed, as to why I would be interested in adult men.

"Then again I can see the appeal." I wasn't even sure what was going thru Inupi's head when he said it. Was he so whipped for any Black Dragon First Gen related?

I feed Takeomi next and to add salt to the wound I mentioned.

"Foolish... if I got serious you would not stand a chance against my charm." To mess around with him I flipped my hair and winked at him. At this point, he was probably pondering what else I could possibly have up my sleeve. I just laughed at his expression, I had no clue he would take my words so seriously, lastly, I fed Benkei finishing the mission. I felt so slick.

But that's when something unexpected transpired. Waka fed me?

"Rather than feeding other people, focus on eating yourself." I just nodded instinctively as we were enjoying our meal suddenly I decided to see if Takeomi could do anything to control his brother, or did they really cut their ties with each other?

"Also Takeomi... maybe you should seek help for your brother... I think he would need some therapy." He was taken aback, but for a different reason.

"You know him?" He asked as I nodded my head in confirmation.

"What did he do?" He questioned looking quite done already.

"He proclaimed himself as my boyfriend." the two teenagers dropped their chopsticks, already knowing this could stir a fight between them and Toman, but Takeomi's reaction was nothing I was expecting.

"That's good at least he's showing some interest in girls." Did he really just say that?

"Um... before he did that, he was basically my number one hater. Like that gurl hates my guts with his whole existence." Takeomi's advice was nothing but useless.

"Then beat him up or get a boyfriend to have him chase him away." Kokonoi then dared to utter.

"I'm pretty sure Taiju will volunteer in a heartbeat for that role." I rolled my eyes.

"Thanks, you're no help, my friends already beat him up for stalking me, doesn't mean he gave up on trying to chase me away." Then I turned to Taiju's minions.

"Don't dare mention it to him. It will only create more problems for me to deal with." Inui nodded but I didn't think he would take this as an opportunity.

"Sure, but can you come to our hideout sometime soon, it seems like Taiju wants to ask you something."

"It's not to go on another date is it?" Inui just shook his head, somehow I trusted him that he was telling the truth.

"I will try when I find the time," I assured him, anything to keep this guy in check. For Yuzuha!

Then a call came thru at first I tried to ignore it, but the person seemed quite persistent. I gave the grilling position for now to Wakasa as I decided to hear Mikey out.

"Michi! Ken-chin says I'm not allowed to invite you to the future Toman meetings because of what happened yesterday." And how was anything that happened yesterday my fault? It's not like I whispered into Keisuke's ears to start a fight with others, but I did technically ask Sanzu to find me a boyfriend, but still. The fighting segment pursued on their own account.

"What I am supposed to do?" I gave it some thought.

"Since it was the first time... just say to the guys that if they ever pull anything like this again I will be banned for good, under Drakens authorization or something. Basically, just give them a warning." Mikey agreed that was a good idea so we ended the call.

"How dare Draken try to ban me?" Like I wanted to go where I pleased.

"That's even better for our case then," Kokonoi mentioned as Inui agreed, I just looked at them questioning their sanity. But they refused to elaborate.

"Keep your secrets boys... " I mentioned while glaring at them both. We must have spent like two hours at this restaurant before it came time to pay.

"You sure you have enough?" Takeomi asked me as I nodded.

"Recently I withdrew some money, you never know when you need it." I started counting the money and paid for everything as promised.

"Is this really how you usually spend your money?" I just smiled while mentioning to Kokonoi.

"I reckon how I spend my money isn't any of your business, or are you volunteering to pay yourself?" He shook his head and once this whole outing was over I headed back home. Ready to start baking the cake meant for tomorrow.