Day With Taiju~

Yesterday after Keisuke left me alone and started to bother Kazutora instead, I did some research. To make Michi merch line I needed to know exactly what items I could provide for my fanbase. Although I had this huge desire to create my own figurine, it quickly turned out to be too difficult of a process. Not only would it cost a lot of money, but the waiting time was a couple of months.

However the body pillow idea was still standing, I managed to find a Japanese store that could print them for me, in the deepest and darkest part of the internet, yet they wanted me to buy more than one. The catch was also that I needed to visit their workshop by myself to pick up my order once it was finished. Thank goodness the store was located in Tokyo. But reliving those times when online shopping wasn't as popular truly gave me a new perspective on how much I was taking things for granted in my previous life.

The next two items I planned were a Michi plush, and t-shirts, which would have my portrait printed on them. These two items seemed easier to make because I could sew them myself.

On Sunday I was lying in bed pondering about the events of yesterday.

"What was I even thinking by saying yes to Keisuke?" Why did that mission had to pop up right there, to be honest, if there weren't so many people present, I could see myself accepting the punishment. Then again it wasn't like I could change my mind, also Keisuke seemed really happy about it. I decided to set this date for Saturday just so he couldn't complain about the limited time.

"Also if I change my mind now, my words will probably lose their credibility." I took my phone and once I remembered what I promised to Inui I started to contemplate whether seeing Taiju today would be a good idea.

"Eh, I better try at least... I don't have much time next week, and he will probably end up coming to my school again if he finds it necessary." I sat up on my bed and gave him a call.

"How come my goddess is calling me so early in the morning?" Did he really just say that? I pulled the lure away from my ear and stared at the display screen in utter disbelief.

"Um... Inui told me you wanted to see me." I went straight to the point, but then a funny idea came to mind.

"Do you have any time today? Or are you planning to attend the church for the whole day like some kind of nun?" He didn't even get angry.

"I always have time for my girl." My comeback was.

"Great to hear, hope you find her soon." Because it sure wasn't me.

"So can I come over now, or do you have some important business to take care of?" This guy's flirting game was going off the rails.

"You're the important business." I rolled my eyes, ended the call, and started to prepare for the trip. After making sure I had all the most important items I headed over to Black Dragon's hideout, taking my motorcycle for a ride.

The Black Dragon members seemed fascinated by the discovery that the girl their boss was fawning over had a motorcycle. They quickly escorted me inside, making me feel like I was stepping foot into some kind of military base, but the deal was that my hubby was like the highest person in power, so they had to treat me with respect. Because offending the boss's wife was like offending him personally.

I had no clue where this fanfic scenario came from.

The guides opened the door for me and when I stepped inside, they closed the door behind me excusing themself, leaving me alone with Taiju. Do I sit down or what? Instead, I opted to just stand around awkwardly while asking.

"So what was so important you needed to see me in person?" This giant decided to open his jacket while stating.

"Hit me!" I looked around wondering if there was some hidden camera nearby, but then a thought crossed my mind. Keisuke was trapped in Taiju's body and this was his way to prove that. Nevertheless, the next thought was different.

"Kinky, do you like dominant girls or what?" He just laughed, but instead of answering my question, he urged me to try my best at the next punch.

"We will talk about this later, I just wanted to test your strength." I was so confused at this development, wasn't there a better way to do this?

"What for?" He refused to elaborate until I fulfilled his request.

'Would you rather hit Taiju Shiba on the stomach with all your strength or ask him on a date?' Since both wanted the same outcome, why not follow it thru? I mean he asked for it. I swung my arm and punched him with full force, he seemed kind of taken aback.

"You're far better than I anticipated."

"And the reason for this madness is?" I really wanted to hear what prompt him to do this.

"I heard some girl refused to join Toman, even if the rumors about you were exaggerated, I decided to recruit you to piss them off, so what do you say about joining my gang?" Was he this bored in life?

"You really think I would-" I cut myself right there knowing full well a mission just arrived, considering the circumstances one of the options would be accepting his offer right?

"Warning! Important Mission! You're required to accept either of those choices, punishment option unavailable." The system spoke in its pixie form.

'Would you rather join the Black Dragon gang or Valhalla?' What the hell were these two outrageous choices? Ones I couldn't possibly refuse? Was it suddenly a big mistake to refuse Mikey's offer from last time?

I just waltzed over to the couch and plopped on it. Thankfully I got a whole 24 hours to contemplate my choices, but there was still a limit to how long I could procrastinate.

"I need some time to ponder this thru." Taiju seemed to be pleasantly surprised at my response.

"How about I ask you questions and you answer them honestly?"

"Oh~ And I thought you would try to refuse right off the bat, but you're truly considering my offer?" He actually joined me on the couch a smug smirk spreading across his face.

"So what I am supposed to do in your presumed gang even?"

"Not much, you just keep me company and look pretty alongside me." Was that all?

"Maybe insult some guys in a witty way." I then glanced at the uniform.

"What about the uniform then?" Could I see myself wearing the same thing as Kokonoi and Inui did?

"We change it a little bit for you." He stood up, took a piece of paper, and handed it over to me. It was the same concept, besides that he wanted me to wear shorts, didn't it mean he truly gave it some serious thought?

"I am even living in the right dimension at this point?" I asked myself feeling the obscurity of these strange events. Maybe it was better to join Black Dragon's, I mean Taiju did get better and could respect some of my boundaries, the same couldn't be said with Hanma. However, if I joined Valhalla I could potentially have an outlook on Kazutora or Keisuke if one of them dared to join Kisaki's gang. This was so complicated because at the same time I trusted them both to make better decisions now with me around.

"I will call you and tell you my final answer tomorrow." Yes, there was no need to rush, I could always make myself a nice PowerPoint presentation with all the pros and cons. I then stood up.

"If that's all I will...." Of course, the system decided it wasn't yet time to leave this place.

'Would you rather ask Taiju Shiba to see his tattoos or call him sexy?' Or maybe just going straight for the punishment would be better. Regardless as a curious person, I wanted to see how that tattoo worked in real life.

"Right there is something I'm curious about..." I couldn't believe I decided to go for this.

"Oh~ What could that be?" He asked as I soon replied.

"Could you show me your tattoos? I intrigued by the design... as an artist." Anything to keep him away from taking it the wrong way.

"I see what you did there~" Did he just, take it the wrong way? Though he did take off his jacket per my request. I just walked around trying to understand how it was all connected to the back, then by mistake, I touched his body when I tried to read the text written on it.

"Oh, sorry my mistake." But this muscle giant interrupted me by pulling me closer.

"I knew you were pretending just to feel the muscles, touch them don't be shy~" Did he think I was some kind of muscle nut or what?

"I shall refrain." I tried to turn away the idea politely while wriggling myself away from his grip. I saw him furrow his brows. I really had no idea why he was so persistent, or maybe he just wanted someone to show him affection but didn't know how to really ask for it like a normal person. Maybe deep inside he wanted people to stop fearing him, but haven't reached the conclusion of changing his ways first.

"Why I am suddenly reaching strange conclusions?" I muttered to myself, but then settled to let my chaotic brain take over. I sat on the sofa while clapping on my tight and after clearing my throat not really believing what was leaving my mouth I declared.

"Lay down, let Mama Michi take care of you." This dude dared to laugh.

"What's so funny?" I asked him, and his response was so bizarre.

"Is this what kind of stuff you are into behind closed doors?" By the tone of his voice, I could tell he was thinking about something more suggestive in nature.

"You either shut up and lay on my lap as I told you or I will actually walk out the door." I didn't think he would actually listen to me, considering I used some harsh words. I could see him punching anyone else that dared to order him around.

But as I looked down I could see him having this annoying smug look on his face.

"Close your eyes." It felt like he was kind of defensive, maybe he still didn't trust me to let his guard down around me.

"Oh come on just do it, what can I even do against such a bulky guy?" He seemed to have seen my point and finally relaxed.

I started to pat his hair, even at some point held his hand, treating him like a baby that just needed a little bit of attention. I never thought he would be so comfortable to the point of falling asleep.

So when I was sitting there my legs cramping up, I phoned Inui and asked him to run some errands for me, but Kokonoi gatekept his friend and came running over instead.

"How is this even possible?" He asked dumbfounded when he was fetching me a glass of water.

"This is the first time I see him so much at peace." I just shrugged having no clue this would work such wonders. Maybe this was why the fortune lady said we were compatible because no one else would have the guts to perform this. Maybe there was another skill that I had that I wasn't yet aware existed, possibly it was called the most comfortable pillow or something. I decided to just sit there reading one of the books until he woke up. Which took him an hour, he himself was surprised the most that he fell asleep.

"What is he doing here?" Was Taiju's first question as he pointed at Koko.

"I asked Inui to be my butler but Kokonut volunteered himself." I realized my legs were asleep once Taiju stood up and started to question his whole existence. I tried to wake them up and run before strange ideas would pop into Taiju's head.

"Well, I gotta go, see ya~" He didn't even bother to stop me.