Date With Keisuke~

Saturday rolled around, and after eating breakfast I just laid on the bed and stared at the ceiling while being wrapped in bedsheets like a burrito. Out of boredom, I decided to check my stats, somehow it felt like I was getting fewer missions recently.

Intelligence: 53

Luck: 55

Endurance: 53

Agility: 52

Strength: 52

"I should manage to get it to the 60 mark someday soon right?" I asked myself but then an idea came to mind.

"Will I be able to hold someone when my strength is high enough? Could I be the one pinning my man to the wall while holding him up? Kazushi... you brought me enlightenment as well." I was excited to try to raise my strength stat.

"Should I also pin someone else to the bed?" I had this urge to do it again but decided to stray my mind from that idea by distracting myself as my eyes landed on the Michi merch T-shirt.

"Right I should give it to Mucho, though should I keep the last exemplar to myself?" I gave it some thought.

"Also the date is at lunchtime so I still have time to visit him now." Once I got an okay sign from Muto I started to dress snickering to myself wondering what kind of expression he would make to the present. Unexpectedly I felt the disturbance in the force, something was moving at rapid speed, and an overwhelming presence was approaching my domain I could feel it in my bones.

"There is no way he will just run inside..." I barely got my pants on, and the door to my room wide opened.

"Michi!" I'm here!" I quickly grabbed a flip-flop that was nearby and hit him right on the head.

"Hey! What was that for?" He yelled but finally saw his mistake, blushed, and retreated to the hall quickly.

"That's what I thought." Once I had a shirt on I opened the door.

"Didn't I tell you just yesterday to stop trying to bust into my room? You need to start learning how to knock!" I was fuming.


"So anyway, why are you so early, I was about to go visit Muto before our date."

"Why?" I sighed pulled out the shirt and admitted.

"Since I got one for Kazutora I thought it was a great idea to give it to my second brother as well." Keisuke looked so bewildered.

"Brother? Since when do you think of him as such?"

"Oh since the day we met, he executed this big brother aura, he helped me when I fell from my bicycle and broke it in the middle of nowhere, so he gave a ride, truly a saint." He seemed genuinely weirded out.

"Are you sure we are talking about the same guy?" So I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Don't slander my broski." He nodded.

"So you going to have to wait," I mentioned but he caught my sleeve.

"Can't I tag along?" I sighed yet gave him an okay sign.

"On one condition, no fights." He agreed and so I grabbed all the stuff I needed and we headed outside. However, as I was about to approach my bike a system mission came up.

'Would you rather ask Keisuke Baji for a ride or try to lose him along the way?' Hold your horses, wasn't that only possible with speeding, like this guy had more experience in driving motorcycles than I did. So I turned around on my heel and asked.

"Do you mind giving me a ride, I don't feel like driving today." He gave me the biggest toothy grin, was he truly this happy with this one single request


"Cute," I muttered to myself as he outstretched his hand so I would hurry up. After I gave him the coordinates, since it seemed like he had no clue where Muto lived, we drove off.

Once we made it to his house, I rang the doorbell, he seemed quite shocked to spot Keisuke behind me.

"What's with the extra baggage?" I guess those two weren't getting that much along, even if they were in the same gang. Then I spotted locks of pink hair.

"Are you two living together or something?" I questioned being curious however Muto shook his head.

"But this is the second time I see him here... are you two in a secret relationship?" Sanzu came running.

"Stop having weird thoughts about me in your head!"

"Oh, are you blushing Sanzu did I hit the nail in the coffin?" I could tell he was getting agitated.

"Did you come here to just fight with Sanzu again?" Hearing Muto say that I shook my head in denial.

"Actually I came here to give you this!" I whipped out the t-shirt showing it off to him. Muto just barely glanced at it before responding.

"You can just keep it for yourself." I gasped.

"I know it, you just refused to please Sanzu!" But then I decided to piss that pink-haired guy more.

"I'm thinking of gifting one to Mikey as well." Now he was fuming, screaming that I wouldn't dare, but I just stuck my tongue at him. It really looked like Sanzu was about to grab the collar of my shirt, but Keisuke stopped him.

"Don't even think about it, she's mine for today and you may not touch her." Sanzu was surprised by his words.

"Anyway, that's all I wanted to do." I forcibly shoved the shirt into Muto's hands and left.

"I suggest being spontaneous on our date since we got the whole day," I proposed, he seemed to have liked my idea.

"How about an aquarium?" I guess he liked all animals. So that's when we went first. It felt strange to return here with another guy. Although we had fun taking pictures and goofing around creating a totally different experience than I had with Taiju, and once we were done I suggested going to a restaurant.

After we ordered our fill Keisuke decided to pick up a strange topic for a conversation during our date, but then again maybe all we needed was just to vibe together.

"Actually remember when we went to your school, me, Draken, and Mikey?" I bounced my head trying to figure out where he was going with this.

"There was a specific reason I came... I recalled your drawings from school and despite it being only a pencil drawing this guy reminded me of this one snake of a guy that has recently tried to join our gang." Wait, was he talking about Kisaki? He already knew about his existence?

"I couldn't confirm... can you at least tell me what his name is?" Suddenly the ice tea I ordered arrived so I gobbled it up to have some proper time to think about it. Was I supposed to be honest, I mean he would be suspicious if I avoided the question, but lying didn't lay good with me. Then a notification popped up, that cleared up my mind.

'Would you rather tell the truth to Keisuke Baji's question or kiss him on the lips?' The second option was shit, anyone would be able to tell you were just trying to avert their attention.

"My classmate's name is Tetta Kisaki." He gasped in shock, he probably felt like he was in some kind of soap opera and he just discovered the biggest twist in the series.

"Of all the people you could have a crush on, it's that guy? What do you even see in him?" I wasn't too sure how to act, do I just let myself be kind of ignorant?

"You sound like he offended you on a personal level."

"Please Michi, just stay away from him, I have a bad feeling about that guy." Wow was he really slandering someone's crush this easily?

"Bad feeling?" I titled my head but then added.

"Yes, he's kind of opportunistic and manipulative scumbag at times." Thankfully I haven't reached the crush level, so I didn't feel too sad about the outcome.

"So you knew?" Keisuke asked shocked. Who would have thought that system would force me to share the whole story?

'Would you rather explain in detail what transpired between you and Tetta Kisaki or flirt with Keisuke Baji?' I seriously didn't want to send the wrong messages across.

"Well not really... there is something I have done that I haven't shared with anyone." I took a deep breath but stopped myself because the waiter came with our food, but once they left I continued.

"As soon I realized my feelings, I decided the best route would be to confess to him, again. I don't know why I had such high hopes... but this guy instead of rejecting me decided that he would ask me to do some of his deeds in exchange for allowing me to be his girlfriend." I took a bite of the food as Keisuke questioned.

"You didn't take it, right?" Did he take me for a fool?

"Of course not, I kicked him instead, what do you take me for?" Keisuke just cheered.

"I believe he shot himself in the leg there, I wouldn't hesitate if you asked me out." This guy was helpless, cheering for getting rid of the competition.

Since I asked to come here I suggested paying for the food.

"Shouldn't I be the one paying, since I asked you out on this date?" Keisuke questioned as I decided to give him a reality check.

"I'm pretty sure you can't effort it. So let your Sugar Momma take care of this one~" I winked at him as he just roared in laughter.

"Now let me take you to another place." He assured me I would like it, well he wasn't wrong, since this guy dragged me to the cat cafe.

So we ordered so dessert and I got to witness the majority of cats coming to our table to greet Keisuke.

"Are you a cat messiah?" He just laughed at my joke and put one of the cats on my lap. As I was giving it belly rubs, I decided to keep the gag going.

"Please share your endless knowledge, what are the fur friends saying? Can you speak their language?" Keisuke just scratched his head.

"Weren't you the one with the cat speaking powers?" I shook my head.

"I can only understand that orange rascal." When our dessert arrived of course another mission came to light.

'Would you rather feed Keisuke Baji with cake or chase the cats around?' Wait like all of them, it felt like I would be kicked out if I disturbed the other customers so much. I cut a piece and in the bluntest voice said to Keisuke.

"Lemme feed you." Thankfully he allowed me to do that.

"Stop making my heart flutter so much." I was taken aback how straight forward he was at the moment.

"You want me to give you some time alone?" I seriously had no idea what he was asking for, but this genius decided to pull me onto his lap in public. I could tell he didn't really care about others' opinions, but hey it also meant that I had more cats to pat so I took it as a win.

After getting bombarded with cat affection, Keisuke decided to go for a ride.

"So, have you started to fall for me?" He joked.

"If by fall for you means getting really comfortable around your presence then maybe." But his response was.

"You're just teasing me again!" Once we reached my house I thought it would be the end of it, but Keisuke stopped me from going inside.

"Can I sleep in your room tonight?" Where did this request even come from? It felt so random, only because he sounded so desperate.

"Why?" He took a deep breath and soon explained.

"Mom kicked me out of the house." That was the most random reason.

"What for?" Like I wanted to know the details behind this one.

"So I let it slip I was taking you on a date, but then she said I wasn't allowed to return home until I got on your good side. So she asked me to stay inside your room." Wow was she seriously imposing the gold digger role on Keisuke? Did she really believe his future was so dim? But that sounded so hilarious so I just laughed, holding my stomach.

"That is the most whacky shit I heard in a while! Did she perhaps ask to send her the evidence too?" I let out as I couldn't contain myself. But when I calmed down a little I let him inside.

"Can you stop laughing now?" Was this taking a hit to Keisuke's dignity?

I had to lay on the bed for a while, but then remembered that I had no clothes that would fit Keisuke, but my chaotic brain came up with another stunt.

"Don't worry I got you fam." I then pulled out the purple nightgown, causing Keisuke to blush. I guess he didn't see it coming.

"For you, I saw how much you adored this piece of fabric so you can sleep in this today." He just stared at me in disbelief.

"What do you mean?" Yes, I still had the picture as evidence.

"Take a look." I showed him the photo which I snapped that was part of the mission. Him sleeping and hugging the nightgown as if his life depended on it.

"No, delete it." He demanded as I shook my head, so he started to chase me around the room trying to snatch the phone from my hand.

In the end, he let me keep it, but made me promise to not show it to anyone.

"So you want to wear the nightgown?" I asked as he sighed in disbelief.

Then I found out he came over so often he had a set of clothes prepared in Kazutora's room.

"You sure Kazutora isn't your sambo?" I soon heard him yell.

"Michi knock it off!"