Slippery Snake~

On Tuesday I woke up quite excited, I could feel a lot of energy rushing thru my body, so I joyfully ran around my room, I couldn't believe this was taking place. For someone so true to their obsession for years to come, this fella finally saw the light, which was a thing worth celebrating. I could confidently state there was no way this guy would tell me no, this time around. If he did, wouldn't it be considered a stupid move? Also the more Tetta's time I wasted, the less time he had to spare on his subordinates and endless evil schemes.

Yes, I would become the perfect distraction, or so I thought.

"Wait but won't that be counted as a perfect honey trap?" I shook my shoulders and ran down the stairs. Mom must have sensed something because she gave me this knowing look of hers.

"Young love." She said nostalgically, but I had a feeling she misunderstood who the target of my affection was. Since I mentioned how the twins were attending the same school as I did, she got her hopes up.

After eating a filling breakfast I took my bicycle and rode to school. Once I arrived the first thing I did was approach Tetta.

"How are you faring on this fine day?" I asked I could feel my lips twisting in a weird way.

"Why do you look like a devil that is about to force me into a soul contract?" Was I exposing myself too much?

"Is my humor slowly rubbing off on you?" I asked and then warned him about my next move.

"Under the lunch break, let's have some one-on-one conversation." So once we ate our food I made sure to drag him along, but something felt strange. As if his demeanor unexpectedly changed, once I found a good spot he pulled his hand away. It didn't feel like the usual bickering we had, but I decided to go for it.

"Considering what took place yesterday I will hold you accountable for your actions. So once I again I will allow you to date me." I didn't want to seem arrogant, but something truly didn't feel right. Which was strange, weren't our feelings mutual, then why did I feel so anxious about his answer? He just chuckled.

"Did you really think one kiss indicated that I liked you? Are you stupid?" Did those words really leave his mouth just now? But wasn't he the type of person that tried to desperately cling to the things he wanted? I quickly pulled up the system window, but nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary, there wasn't any skill affecting my judgment, and the love meter was just showing the same results as yesterday.

"Sorry I thought I was speaking with an intellectual, not a fool." Then I added out of spite.

"But I guess intelligence doesn't equal wisdom." Great I just agitated him more, because of something minor as pettiness. I took a deep breath trying to reassess the situation, but the first thing I needed to do is keep him in place.

I quickly realized what could have been the cause of this reaction. I guess his first priority was his objective, who knows maybe he liked when people succumbed to fear before him. Since I must have had a good influence on him, he must have found me to be some kind of threat. Yes, I forgot.

"Sorry..." I said letting him go. He was taken aback.

"I was so focused on my own feelings and goals I forgot to consider yours... just because our feelings are mutual it doesn't mean we need to date. Just because dating is my first priority it doesn't mean it's the same in your case... and I guess you can't let your feelings for Hinata go either." Like I would him manipulate me into hating him, I'm not sure what he would benefit from this, maybe he thought if I hated him I would leave him alone.

"You mister should be more honest with yourself and the people around you, stop using some manipulation underhanded methods." Of course, I wouldn't let him escape from my grasp.

"Also I don't know what kind of agenda you have against me right now, but don't think that will scare me... we are still friends." I crossed my arms, but that's when a mission appeared.

"Would you rather skip school or glare at Tetta Kisaki for the rest of the day?" Yes, I was getting the hell out of here, and so I went over to Senju's classroom.

"What happened, why are you in a sour mood?" She asked as I handed her the key to the club room.

"Here take it, unfortunately, won't be able to focus on playing today so I will leave the key in your hands. Tell the others to not worry, I just need some time for myself." I retrieved my backpack and went straight home.

Once I walked inside mom looked away from her TV drama.

"Something happened sweetie? Are you skipping school?" I nodded my head.

"What happened to your cheery mood from the morning?" She asked as I sighed and sat beside her while she gave me a hug. A quest for desserts came up.

"Would you rather buy a block of chocolate or a box of ice cream?" I let mom know what the system wanted from me.

"Since you're skipping school how about your change from your uniform first and then we go buy the ice cream you want." She sure guessed what I wanted.

So once I bought the ice cream I needed I explained it to her properly.

"So you saying you can see people's affection towards you?" Of course, she was most surprised about this one tiny detail.

"Yes, at first it felt like a breach of privacy but I wanted to make sure he wasn't just trying to manipulate me with his acting skills." I made myself clear while shoving some ice cream into my mouth.

"Michi, my dear daughter, I think it's better if you forget that boy... I understand it may be hard since you developed feelings for him, but is it really worth it? If by the end of the day you can't trust his words?" She did have a point. I took another scoop of ice cream. Maybe my intentions weren't as sincere as I wanted them to be. Maybe part of me wanted to use this opportunity to prevent him from achieving his dreams.

"You're right. So today I will dedicate all this day to crying, and tomorrow I will start a new chapter." Next, we watched some sad dramas with mom that caused me to bawl my eyes out. Later I even helped her to make today's dinner.

"Michi do you know where Kazu-chan is, we tried to give him a call, but he didn't respond." That was strange, he wasn't one to ignore family calls.

"I have no idea where he could be." We decided to send him a text message but even that didn't help.

"I guess we will eat dinner without him today." Mom seemed rather sad, usually, we at least knew of his whereabouts. Did something happen to him on the way from school? Was there something else happening behind the curtains? Did my ominous feeling not only include my rejection but also something else entirely?

So we waited and waited, no calls went thru, and even when the night was upon us, there was still no sign of Kazutora.

"This is the first time something like this occurred, should we be worried?" Mom asked as dad tried to reassure her everything was okay.

"Don't worry maybe he just forgot to charge his phone or lost it somewhere, why don't you two go to sleep, I wait for him a little bit longer." I decided to do some homework and study while waiting for his arrival.

Around midnight I heard someone coming thru the front door. I took my phone to use as a lamp, welcoming my brother.

"Kazutora what happened to your ph-" I stopped myself, this was the first time I witnessed something like this. Brother looked so unhinged right now.

"Are you alright? I'm glad you safe brother, but did something happen you don't look so good, you're face is pale in fact." Suddenly he pulled me into a hug, while I could hear him mutter.

"I won't let them take you away from me?" Why was he suddenly whispering some strange shit only a yandere would say?

"Kazutora?" I asked as he pulled me away holding me by the shoulders.

"I will protect you." Protect me from who exactly?

"So don't let Mikey get close to you, do you understand?" What was even transpiring at this point? I quickly opened up his status window, maybe I would get some information about his current mental state. My eyes went wide when I saw Kisaki's ability affecting Kazutora.

'Warning! This person is affected by Slippery Snake Tongue Ability. This person's mental health is unstable.' Kisaki's ability was affecting Kazutora's intelligence stats is this why he was speaking nonsense? So that's why he was late? It seemed as if all I could do right now was just to agree to his demands.

I nodded my head while Kazutora grinned and patted me. He seemed pleased with the answer I had given him. Could I possibly try to break the ability effect that was eating at his brain somehow?

I guess Kisaki must have said some nasty shit to my brother because he seemed so worried he basically demanded to sleep in the same room as me.

"What kind of lies did he even tell you?" I patted Kazutora head that was sleeping beside me. Why did everything turn to shit in a single day?