Baby Boy~

On Wednesday when school ended I headed straight for Wakasa's gym, everything was going smoothly, yet under the training pass, my pretty instructor took notice of the existence of my bruises, which were the remains from yesterday's fight.

"Did you fall again?" He asked as I gasped, quite disappointed at the fact that was his first conclusion on the matter.

"How dare you Waka, Waka? I fought three dudes at once yesterday and ended up winning with minor injuries, why are you dismissing my achievements?"

"So how was the fight?" Suddenly he got chattier.

"I made them eat dirt!" I shot a smile, being quite proud of this accomplishment. His hands suddenly reached for my head and patted it gently.

"Good job." I heard the words being spoken. It was nice being treated as a kid, but before he retreated his hand, I caught it demanding more praise and pats.

Before the training reached its end course, we witnessed a few new faces that never stepped foot in this facility before.

"Draken, Emma, Mikey... what are you guys doing here?" I asked after avoiding Wakasa's kick.

"So it wasn't a lie, that you were taking fighting lessons from Wakasa." Draken seemed deep in thought, did this beanpole doubt Keisuke's words? But on what merit?

"Sorry Michi, Mikey wanted to hang out with you, and I heard from Senju you were supposed to be here," Emma explained the situation to me, as Wakasa decided to wrap up the lesson for today.

"I see but what is the occasion?" I jumped down from the ring.

"We're going on a date," Draken announced while placing his arm around Emma's waist.

"So you will have the honor to babysit Mikey." I thought Mikey would be annoyed by the fact he was treated as a kid in front of those people, but no he seemed in fact enthusiastic.

"She babysitting Mikey? Isn't he older than her?" Takeomi couldn't believe what he heard, as I nodded my head agreeing with the adult.

"Knowing Michi she shall be the one bringing chaos to the table, shouldn't Mikey babysit her instead?" Now it was just slander coming from this smoker's mouth.

"Just because I chose you as my victim of endless jokes, it doesn't mean everyone else will receive such treatment!" I corrected him.

"I understand your suffering." Draken patted Takeomi's back and suddenly the two beanpoles were bonding over the fact.

"Weirdos," I muttered under my breath and decided to head to the changing room. Once I returned the love birds were gone and I was left looking after Mikey.

"Let's go eat, I'm starving." But it seemed like the boy next to me had other plans.

"Can't we just hang out at your house? I heard from Baji you invite him all the time." Was this the kind of lies he had been telling to others?

"First I must apologize... I would let you come over, but you know how iffy Kazutora is with seeing you... his mental state at the time is not the best, and I don't want you both to end up in a fight." Thankfully he understood my reasoning.

"Also to be clear, I'm not the one inviting Keisuke over, he either is invited by my brother, or he invites himself. I bet I only asked him over like max three times." Mikey laughed at my explanation.

"Yes, that sounds like something he would do."

After chatting a little bit, we found a restaurant that Mikey wanted to visit. Too bad for him, they didn't have the flags on the kid's meal as he wanted, so I got to witness this pouty child acting like one. The staff was apologizing for the inconvenience so much so that a mission popped up.

'Would you rather improvise by creating one from a toothpick and a napkin or run across the street to purchase one?' Since it was across the street it wasn't too bad.

"Wait here, I will see if I can purchase one for you." It took the effort to find it, but once I asked the employees for assistance it went smooth like butter. 10 minutes in and I was back at the restaurant.

"There you go." Since it was a full set I got to save the other flags for other emergencies such as this or I could just simply use it for myself. A new item seemed to have arrived from this mission, but I decided to check it out once I was done with my food.

After we finished eating I paid for everything and we headed out to the park nearby, probably to mostly relax, I could tell this guy was sleepy and was trying his best to stay awake since he probably knew I wasn't strong enough to carry him around like his other buddies often did.

Once Mikey was looking away I whipped out the new item from my inventory and read the description.

'Whoever eats it will be turned into a toddler for the next upcoming 12 hours.' It did sound like one of the punishments I had, but the difference was that anyone could eat it. I scratched my head in confusion, since why would I ever need this?

"Oh, you had mochi!" Yes, it sure looked like one, but before I could recognize what the teenager was up to, the suspicious item was swallowed by Mikey.

"NOOO!" I yelled, having Mikey look at me in confusion.

"Did you want to eat it yourself so bad?" And as soon he finished speaking the sentence, poof he was a naked toddler with Mikey's clothes scattered over the bench.

"No..." I couldn't believe this. I saw myself freaking out. I quickly glanced around but thankfully no one witnessed this scene. I quickly took Mikey's shirt and wrapped it around his toddler self.

I later wiped away the sweat that was forming on my forehead, from all the stress this situation was already causing me to feel. Thank goodness the toddler version of Mikey fell asleep as soon I picked him up.

"Let's buy some clothes first and then I can ponder about what to do next." That was the best I could do at the moment.

Once I found a store that sold kids' clothes, I purchased the first thing that was fitting him nicely. Once I got a bag I shoved all of Mikey's clothes into it, because I was still dragging them along in my hand.

Once I sat down on a bench to soak up what had just precisely transpired I received a call from Jun.

"Yo, yo, yo you gotta come over and see this, shit is going down!" What kind of drama was occurring at his end that got him so pumped?

"I can't right now, I'm looking after a baby." Jun gasped loudly, why did I have a weird feeling something bizarre was about to leave his mouth?

"Is this why you joined Valhalla?" I wasn't too sure where he was going with this.

"Hanma left you with a kid, and now you are trying to get back at him?" I was too stunned to speak, thankfully he waited for my answer rather to add more absurd stuff to this theory.

"Is your brain rotting from reading too many shitty novels?" He caught the drift.

"Sorry... I'm not sure where this idea stemmed from." He better be sorry, was my life some kind of soap opera? He laughed and continued the previous conversation.

"Anyway, Hanma and Kazutora are fighting over something... I think over a girl." He stopped I was sure he was trying to listen in on their shouting match that even I could hear.

"They keep throwing a name... Michi... do you know who she is?" What was I even supposed to say? Do I just lie once more? But it seemed like the system had other plans for me.

'Would you rather share the truth with Jun Honda or state that you never ever want to see him again?' Was the system mental? I just recently made a friend in that stupid gang and now Venus wanted me to tarnish this friendship? Not gonna happen.

"If I share the news with you... will you keep it a secret?" He soon agreed.

"Since I don't want you to out me to the other guys, your secret will definitely stay with me." I nodded my head, somehow I had a feeling I could trust this guy.

"Great... Michi is me, my real name is Michi... I joined Valhalla because Kazutora is my sibling and I want to have an outlook on his activities. Mostly because I don't believe Hanma is such a good influence." There was a few minute pause before Jun spoke again.

"No... but it sounds like Hanma knows you personally, yet he saw your face, how come he didn't recognize you then?" I sighed realizing it was time for more bullshitting powers.

"Listen that wasn't my face I showed him, but a lot of make-up, so I covered my face before he looked more closely at it." Thankfully Jun bought it.

"Makes sense, but if your face looks different... we should totally meet outside the gang." After making me lay a promise to him of meeting, we ended the call.

"What now... I can't show up with a real toddler at my house, I mean I can... but he will turn back under the night... Tora won't like it." I tried to solve it somehow, was there someone I could turn to for help?

"I can only think of four people, Takemichi's parents won't allow me to sleep over I guess, neither Momo's, but the Haitani bros are living by themself." I guess it was time to unblock Ran and give him a call.

"Oh~ Is my kitten finally calling me? What a pleasant surprise. So what is this joyful occasion?" I already wanted to choke the guy just based on his sassy voice tone.

"Can you help me out?" I asked.

"Oh~ Sure darling but that will cost you~." I couldn't believe this guy, but I agreed to meet him to go over the details in person.

Once I made it to the destination, I was let inside, of course, he was confused at the sight of the baby.

"You want me to help you with the toddler?" I couldn't tell what he was feeling since he tried his hardest to keep his cool.

"Can I stay over at your house tonight?" After briefing him about what freaky incident took place, he responded.

"Sure you can stay here, but the payment is one kiss." This was the moment I remembered I was loaded with cash.

"I guess I will just stay at a hotel tonight." He was quick to change his demeanor soon after.

"No, don't go I will help you out." Suddenly he interlocked our fingers while expressing.

"We can play the house if you want." Then Mikey woke up and started crying.

"No my little sunshine, why are you crying?" He calmed down once he was inside my arms while I patted his back.

"You seem to be really good at this." Since Ran decided to play the role of a dad, I sent his ass over to a quest to the grocery store, so I could prepare some food for baby Mikey later.

At some point, I even got to witness this exchange.

"You can call me dad, come on say it." What was I even part of at this point?

"He clings only to you, I'm heartbroken." Wow, that Ran even wanted to raise kids at this young age.

"I'm not sure whether to be impressed by your determination to be liked by baby Mikey or not." Rindou came back at some point.

"Brother, why did you leave all the stuff for me to take care of?" So I sincerely responded.

"Because he was pretending to be a dad this whole evening." Rindou saw the baby and was freaking out.

"Wait you two had a baby together? How is that possible, in a such short amount of time?" I smacked him on the head, mostly because he made Mikey cry.

"If you look closer idiot he resembles none of us." When he finally calmed down he realized I was right, and Ran dragged him to the side to explain the situation to him.

So I got to sleep in Ran's bed, him included, however, we barely got any wink of sleep until later. Since toddler Mikey was waking up from time to time, disturbing our slumber as well.

But then it happened I woke up in the middle of the night from the sound of clothes ripping, however, Mikey seemed to have been a deep sleeper, so I woke up Ran and whispered.

"Put some boxers on him, so it won't turn weird in the morning." Thankfully he listened to my request while collapsing onto the bed, finally admitting.

"Taking care of kids is a though job."