Honda Bros~

Yesterday after I gave Shion a kiss on the cheek, Ran and Izana started to freak out. Izana because he somehow felt neglected in the harem he himself established, his words not mine. Meanwhile, Ran was spouting rubbish about there being a risk of him becoming a single father, and how I should have considered not leaving him because it could be traumatizing for our kid.

Which in turn caught Izana's attention, provoking him to ask what the deal with the son was about.

Ran to avoid his boss's wrath, escaped by giving an excuse about how Rindou needed to take his medication for hemorrhoids. That was the most nonsensical stuff I heard him say, it made me fall to the floor and caused me to cackle and roll around for the next ten minutes straight. To the point my tummy started to hurt from all the laughter, Kakucho had to check on me to see if I was doing alright.

Shion and Mocchi just left when asked, the bigger guy thanking me for making his life more interesting and entertaining. I guess he liked to be on the sidelines observing the madness ensuing before his eyes.

When I woke up the next following morning, I spotted Izana holding me in his arms. How did I manage to not wake up? And how did his arms not become stiff? I had no clue. But he sure looked rather at peace, when sleeping.

"I bet he could seduce anyone he wanted with his pretty face if he wasn't spouting so much nonsense." Yes, his obsessive tendencies were the problem, I couldn't take in the sights much more, because the baby was hungry, demanding food or the souls of the innocent.

"Yeah, yeah I'm coming." I tried to wriggle myself from Izana's grip but managed to wake him up instead.

"Can't you stay still for five more minutes?" He asked in his raspy barely awaken voice. But I had to point at Cupid that was fuming with anger while stating.

"I can, he cannot." Soon the orange kitten started to bother Izana, putting his paws on his face demanding me to be released from my prison. After a while of groaning coming from the guy, Cupid won, his pleas had been heard. It made me giggle since I found the interaction funny.

"I guess even the almighty Izana can't win over the cat's tantrums." Once I fed the cat with the cat food I purchased yesterday I realized there was nothing noteworthy to make into a filling breakfast inside the fridge.

"I'm going to the store, is there something you wish to eat?" I asked Izana peeking my head inside the bedroom, seeing how Kakucho was still deeply asleep. I couldn't stop the urge of poking his cheek, revenge for oversharing the information that was stored in his brain about me.

"I will tag along." Izana soon stated as I nodded my head while reaching for my school uniform since that's the only clothes I had.

"You can wear my clothes instead." Was Izana's suggestion. Considering I already wore them to bed yet I felt weird about the idea of wearing a school uniform on a Saturday morning to the grocery store. I took his advice.


But once we were at the store, he was of no help with deciding the menu.

"I will eat anything you make." Was his simple reply.

"If you keep this up I will just make eggs and call it a day." He seemed content with that idea, so that's what I did. Once we returned I made him scrambled eggs and toast. But then something caught my eye in their apartment.

"Outrageous." I voided out loud.

"What's the problem?" He asked as I pointed at the space under the stove.

"There is no oven, disgusting." There was only a small grill available meant for grilling fish.

"Is that really such a problem?" He questioned as I nodded my head.

"Of course, no bread, cupcakes nor cakes can be made in this household." How could they live in such conditions? Then again buying take-out maybe was easier for them.

"Smell of freshly baked bread is divine... next time I will bring you a loaf I made." I had set myself a goal.

When I started to prepare breakfast Kakucho finally woke up.

"Hello, gorgeous." Was my greeting, I sure didn't like his reaction. His first instinct was to take a glance at Izana, which made me pout.

After we ate the pretty white-haired boy announced he had a surprise for me. He dragged me to his room and whipped out the guitar.

"Wow, I'm already witnessing the performance of the century? I'm honored indeed." Izana must have not seen the compliments coming, because a slight blush spread on his face.

He started to play as I just closed my eyes and tried to take it all in, once he finished I couldn't stop complimenting him.

"Ohhh~ That was beautiful, seeing those hands pulling those stings you just want to capture them and plant a soft kiss on them." He actually outstretched his hand like he wanted me to follow thru with what I conveyed. Since he was so cute right now, I followed thru.

After that not much else happened, I just grabbed Cupid and retreated home so I could change my clothes for the upcoming meeting with Jun.

We decided to meet at the subway station, strangely this guy wanted to find me himself. He was fairly confident in the fact he would be able to recognize me on the spot.

But in reality, I just stood there staring at my phone blankly, occasionally looking around and seeing Jun turning his head around frantically.

"This is harder than I thought." I heard him say while he totally passed me by. It took him fifteen minutes to realize I was the person he was searching for. Since I was the only one remaining here for so long.

"Michi, right?" I nodded my head as a response.

"This was easy, your face isn't so different from what I saw at the Valhalla headquarters." Was he implying the ugly facial features I chose to make Hanma cringe in disgust were similar to my face?

"Says the guy that spent fifteen minutes trying to find me, passing me by at least three times." He just laughed at being busted.

"So since we are besties, you gotta tell me everything from start to finish." When did we become besties, did I have no say on that matter?

"But we barely know each other." Jun just shook his head while waving his finger around.

"Sweetie you managed to fool a guy like Hanma with your make-up skills alone, and made somehow Valhalla more bearable with your presence alone, of course, we going to get along." Was talking about guys' hot bodies with another individual so important to him?

"Also thanks to you I no longer have to inhale so much smoke." Was Hanma following thru with the no smoking regulation rules?

"Hanma is actually following thru?" Jun nodded as I sighed in relief.

"Thank goodness I was prompted to buy a real mask to not have to inhale that shit." He just laughed as we walked into a restaurant.

We spent at least one hour chatting until we reached this point.

"So you say this one guy called Kisaki must have manipulated your brother somehow into joining Valhalla?" I nodded my head as Jun thought about this matter.

"You're right, there is this one dude wearing glasses that comes from time to time, who has Hanma wrapped around his finger." So people knew who Kisaki was, at least by sight.

"I knew it." I tried to make it sound like it was only just simple speculation thus far.

"So how come the guy that only enjoys fighting, has taken a liking to you? Gimme all the details." What was I supposed to answer?

"I don't know what his deal is... I was trying to make his friend Kisaki like me... at some point, he started to tell me to fall for him instead, because Kisaki didn't have any interest in me." Jun seemed to be deep in thought until he gathered the courage to ask.

"Wait lemme get this straight... you tried to make the guy that manipulated your brother like you?... Do you like shitty guys?" My brows furrowed, when I heard this. It all took place before he tried to lay his hands on my brother.

"Says the person that joined the worst gang to seek romance."

"So you're implying we both aren't so different after all." Was his response.

"We're like two peas in a pond." Somehow we ended up high-fiving each other. I had no idea how this was a thing worth celebrating in the slightest.

"Let's go to the important question... why Jesus? You're not even Mexican like you proclaimed."

"Yes... and I don't know Spanish... the name I chose was just a simple brain fart, I never expected someone that would speak Spanish to be there." Considering that most Japanese couldn't even speak English properly. He soon explained how that came to be.

"There was this one guy I liked that was interested in Spanish culture, so I took it upon myself to learn the language to impress him. In the end, nothing came to be out of that relationship, but I came to like the Spanish language so I kept on learning it." That was some good dedication in his bones.

"But how can you not know the language your pronunciation was pretty good and some words you expressed, even a beginner wouldn't be aware exists."

"I was just reciting a song lyrics, that came to mind." Jun scratched his head.

"You mind singing it for me?" I actually did a few lines, until I heard him say.

"Spicy~" With the most teasing tone possible.

Then an idea seems to have sparked in his mischievous mind.

"How about you sing it to Hanma, the full song this time while saying you dedicate it to him?" I was about to hit the back of his head until a notification sound distracted me, causing me to curse under my breath.

'Would you rather sing Despasito to Shuji Hanma or take off your mask right when you leave the Valhalla headquarters?' I sighed where was this even going?

"Ok, but you better find me a guitar." Jun was stunned but loved the fact I decided to become his prank buddy, considering how disgusted Hanma would probably be if I dedicated a Spanish song to him.

So once we had a guitar at hand, Jun asked one of his buddies to lend it to him after I returned home and put up my whole get-up, we both headed to the abounded arcade. I also resolved to cook some Mexican food, to reduce the damage that could potentially be caused by the song.

Once we arrived I handed the box to Hanma as he stared at it in disbelief.

"Jesus cooked it with his own two hands... if you don't want it I can take it from your hands," Jun explained, as he already got to taste it, and declared it was remarkably delicious even stating something along the lines that he would date me for my cooking skills alone if I only was a guy.

Hanma grabbed the food, and while he was consuming it I played the song for him, which he seemed to have enjoyed.

"Just recently I was told by Kisaki to stay away from the love of my life." What? Did it happen because he had a fight with Kazutora? I could finally get some rest from this guy outside Valhalla. Hallelujah

"But you two cheered me up~" That was not our intention. Who would have thought this would make him like us more?

"I will call you the Honda Bros." Hanma said after putting both of his arms on our shoulders.