Clone Cleanup~

After waking up from my deep slumber on Friday as I was changing my clothes, I tried to recall the events that my clone lived thru for the short amount it was alive. It sure felt confusing, since each word she spoke, each sensation felt, became my own. Most of the decisions she took were based on my personality and morality compass or the added pressure from the system. Since there was already a punishment in motion, she probably couldn't refuse to kiss Ran it seemed.

But once I cleared my mind I managed to find the reason why she ended up at his house in the first place. After my clone left the restaurant yesterday, she met Ran on the way back home, who gave her an invitation to sleep at his apartment.

She became worried that Tora would catch us if we were at our house at the same time and accepted Ran's proposition. As for the kiss? It was the system's mission, however only occurred after Ran proposed the idea, so my smartass clone decided it was in her best interest to set some conditions first. Which was him wearing a bunny suit. So they went both on a shopping spree, while Rindou tagged along trying to persuade his brother against this idiotic idea.

"Simp." Was the only word I could use to describe Ran's behavior.

"Let's give him a call before he arrives at weird conclusions." I picked up my second phone and it took me three calls for this dumbass to finally pick it up.

"Who are you to call Michi so many times?" I stared at my phone in disbelief, did he really think I was still at his house?

"Because I want to get my phone back, duh. I thought you needed a heads up that I will be arriving at your house today." I got no response, just a bunch of noise as if someone was frantically searching after something.

"Where are you hiding Michi... did you really leave? But how? The front door is closed... Did you manifest some teleportation powers?" I found disoriented Ran to be quite funny in fact. I also heard him interrogate Rindou about the matter, for all he knew his younger brother was included in a prank of mine.

"You know you could just simply ask me for the details." I reminded him that was an option. I heard him hum a soft yes as he waited for my reply.

"Oh no look at the clock, I got no time to spare... can't come late to school you know. I will explain it to you later, cya~" I quickly disconnected the call, leaving him in suspense.

At school, I was ready to remind Kisaki what was going to take place tomorrow.

"You don't plan on bailing out on me right?" He stared at me with this bored look, yet it somehow felt so forced, like he was trying his best to make my presence not bother him.

"I will let you inside the house, but don't think about taking it too far." He suddenly glared at me, as I looked at his love meter. Nothing changed it was still on the crush spectrum. Was he truly so obsessed with Hinata that a tiny crush on a girl that for a short amount of time would have reciprocated his feelings couldn't compare?

I just wanted to shake his body around and get to know all the answers I seek, but this would probably equal to exposing myself to this fella, so no I wouldn't let him have any advantage over me.

When school ended it was time to visit Ran at his house, it took some time since he lived in a different part of the city. When he opened the door for me, the first thing I witness was his smug face.

"What are you Cinderella?" I just gave him a blank look, not really understanding what he was letting on.

"Not only did you leave your phone behind, but your purse, clothes, and even shoes." He quickly dragged me and tried to change my pair of shoes, as if he was taking part in some romantic spectacle

"I'm supposed to take off my shoes not put on another pair." He just laughed and the real show I left behind, my underwear was still laying on his bed. Right the clone appeared before me naked, no wonder my clothes remained behind once it vanished it just slipped my mind. I just covered my red face which was caused by sheer embarrassment.

"Did you run out naked?" He began to laugh and it didn't seem like he had any plans to stop, so I kicked him.

"Stop imagining weird stuff... the Michi you saw yesterday was my clone, as soon her time ran out she disappeared, leaving my items behind." I started to pick up every article of clothes she left behind. Ran looked like he was deep in thought, but then he confessed.

"I want to call bullshit on this explanation, but after seeing someone being turned into a literal toddler nothing can faze me anymore." But then, in turn, he added.

"But I feel cheated... I got an opportunity to kiss you after following your weird request but now you're trying to tell me, not only was it a clone but you don't remember it?" This guy came awfully close, I could understand why he was mad, after doing something so quirky.

"Actually I do remember, all my clones' memories were transferred to me." But he didn't seem to take my word for it.

"Then tell me what did your clone ask in return."

"She asked you to dress in a bunny outfit, hilarious I would have given her a high five. I was dying from laughter after I got to witness it as her memory in the middle of the night. Good shit." He stared at me realizing I knew what I was talking about.

"Are you pulling my leg and there was no clone, to begin with?" He asked as I shook my head.

"Yesterday I was at home doing my homework and watching moms favorite drama series... anyway I won't keep trying to convince you otherwise, think whatever you want." Then he hit me with.

"So if I dressed in the bunny outfit again, would you exchange the gesture with a kiss?" This needed some serious consideration since I was genuinely intrigued to see it live. The sight was glorious, and there was nothing to lose since he was a good kisser based on my clone's experience.

"Aghhh!" I grabbed my hair and screamed at the disbelief of my own thoughts.

"You sinister being, tempting me with unspeakable things." Ran just laughed at my choice of words.

"Is that a no?" I shook my head.

"It's a yes, but hurry up I'm supposed to meet Izana soon." I proceeded by leaving his room, giving him space to change. Despite agreeing to his request I grabbed my head in despair, once I was out in the hallway. Where were those strange ideas even coming from? I was stressing about it until a thought crossed my mind.

"If you can't escape it, own it." Suddenly Rindou came into my view.

"Can you stop asking my brother to do strange shit?!" I immediately shook my head.

"I'm not forcing him into it, he got his own free will." It felt like he become more determined to stop his brother to act like a simp, and for some reason, I had a bad feeling about this.

When Ran was ready he just opened the door and dragged me inside.

"Was that really necessary?" I asked, but he didn't even spare any second for chit chat, his lips crashed into mine as soon he closed the door behind me. I thought this wouldn't take too long as I based the expectations on my clone's experience, I even entertained his idea by returning the gesture, but the kiss just kept on stretching itself. At first, I didn't have any plans to interrupt him, as I wanted to see how long he could keep it going. I tap it out once I got dizzy from the lack of air while questioning if he was secretly a fish. However, it didn't seem like he had plans of letting me go. So I had to muster all my strength in my arms and pushed him away.

"Are you planning on killing me? Like what the hell was this?" Did the system add to his lung expansion for this purpose? I had to sit on his bed to catch my breath.

"I just wanted to test my limits." He mentioned while licking his lips.

"How about a round two?" He dared to ask.

"Sorry I don't plan to kiss any vacuums that suck out the air out of my lungs ever again."

"If I'm a vacuum cleaner, you're a speck of dust I want to gobble up." What was this guy even saying and with such a serious look on his face as well?

"Is this your take on flirting? I'm going, my review on the kiss is 2/10, the previous one was better." I stepped out.

"Wait I'm going with you!" Both of the brothers yelled at the same time, causing me to give them weird looks.

"Oh~ are you finally interested in her brother... maybe you will have an easier time seducing her." Was this guy for real?

"Come on Ran, chop chop, change your clothes instead of immersing in idle chatting." I had no idea why they wanted to follow me to Izana's place, but it's not like I could stop them, maybe I could ask Izana to prevent Ran from wilding around too much.

So once we walked on the subway, Ran started a conversation.

"So what is your take on good kisses?" I said the first thing that came to mind.

"Ones that feel like a ray of sunshine..."

"What is that supposed to mean?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know... I literally just made it up." I could see his eyes twitching in annoyance because I didn't give him a serious enough answer for his research, but then his expression changed to a smug one.

"How about I kiss you in a few different ways and you tell me your take on it?" A mission came up.

'Would you rather tell Ran you more likely kiss Mocchi or Shion?'

"I rather kiss Shion than your ass again." He actually pouted, maybe mentioning Shion was the lowest I could go?

When we arrived at Izana's place Mitsuya was already present, there being an additional guest, Emma.

"Oh, Emma-chan~" I yelled while putting her into a bear hug. But then I decided to decipher the progress she made.

"How is it going, are you getting any closer with Izana?" She nodded her head, which I took as great news, after Valhalla I was thinking of introducing him to Mikey next. Since he already was comparing someone to Shin, he wouldn't try to make Mikey into a carbon copy of him right?

Then we witnessed Rindou running to Izana and begging him on his knees.

"Please tell my brother to stay away from Michi! He's such a fool for her I can't even recognize him anymore."

"What's so bad about it?" Was Izana's deadpan answer, I guess he was okay with people liking me as long they were under his command.

"But he already-" It seemed like Ran knew full well Rindou tried to expose his ass so he put his hand on his head while asking.

"You dare?"

"What have you done to be liked by Haitani Ran so much?" Mitusya questioned as I put some thoughts behind my answer.

"I guess he likes the thrill of danger..." Taka-chan looked so lost.

"I'm joking... I assume he finds me entertaining." Who else could become a cat girl or make a literal clone or turn people into babies? It looked like Rindou decided to use me as a human shield against his now enraged brother.

"Relax Ran, he's just looking out for you in his own special way." And it was time for dramatics.

"But he's right, you should just forget about me, you deserve someone better." I whipped out a tissue from my skirt and dapped it under my eyes.

"But you're the mother of my child, how could I ever forget about you?" He said while kneeling in front of me, he then proceeded to whip out a picture he took with Mikey on his flip phone.

"How could you betray such an innocent smile?" Was his question.

"Ah shit, you got me there." Ran had a triumphant smile while hearing me admitting to this.

"Michi what is going on and why is he calling Mikey his son... wait is this guy the dad Mikey kept on talking about?" She looked at me as I nodded my head admitting that was the case.

"Don't worry about it, it's just our inside joke." Ran just winked at me as if he tried to indicate that it wasn't actually the case.

"You two seemed to be on the same exact vibe," Mitsuya mentioned, which made me wonder, did seeing Haitani hoes this way change his perception and admiration for those two?

I would have asked him about this in detail if not for the fact that he never shared this piece of information with me. All I could do was make speculations. Once the theatritics ended Mitsuya asked Izana and Kakucho to wear the outfits he made, there were no need for any adjustments.

"Oh right, here is your payment." Mitsuya looked inside and nodded his head.

"I guess this is payment for all the outfits all together?" He asked, it seemed like he was content with this much money for his art, but I shook my head.

"What do you mean, it's payment for only those two outfit..." We just stood there looking at eachother in silence.

"What?" I guess he was too stunned to utter anything else beside this one singular word.

"I mean we need to calculate the cost of the fabric and other additional essentials to make those outfits, then the labor costs. And of course some bribery for you to overlook me bullying Draken."

"Michi! Stop thinking about bullying my boyfriend!"

"I can't, he is an easy target after all, who else sparks with this much rage from seeing my cute face?" I was lectured by Emma and Mitsuya that I shouldn't take it too far.

Thankfully no major incidents happened on this outing to Izana's house. And at the end of the day the system gave me a mission to walk Mitsuya home.