Best Friend Duo~

On Sunday morning, I was lying in bed while petting Cupid, questioning the reality of things.

"Does it even make sense to start having a crush on Tetta Kisaki again?" Was seeing him in a dress really so freaking fantastic? Enough to brush off his past mistakes and the hurtful things he did? At this point I was losing my mind, I never planned for this to happen. My idea was to torment the guy not fall for him.

"Why did he have to be so observant?.... And be so cute in that dress?" Wasn't he set on sticking to his obsessions, then why should he take notice of my little weird quirks? I was ready to pull my hair out but heard the orange cat's suggestion.

"Stop it! That's the worst idea you had. Turn to Keisuke to forget about the jerk in glasses? Like I would start a relationship for the wrong reasons. That would be unfair to Keisuke himself." I pointed out to the cat.

"Also stop taking the system's advice." There was no way the cat could come up with it on his own right?

I then proceeded to stand up and clap my cheeks lightly to calm myself down.

"Whatever, just because the system makes me aware of my existing feelings, there is no need to keep pushing for the results I want... I tried it didn't work out, because the other party has other priorities in mind. And that's alright I just need to accept it. So Michi this won't work... it's time to cultivate our mind. Perseverance." Yes, this was for the better, and now it was time to pursue some other matters.

"Let's finish making that Kissing tier list," I told myself, and this time rather than filling in names I drew some cute chibis instead.

"Taiju... Taiju my guy you get C-tier together with Hanma." The kiss I received was without consent, but I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. He had his retribution arc in my eyes already, so I put trust in him to never try it again.

"And Ran can be on the B-tier." Yes first kiss, amazing. The second was like kissing a vacuum cleaner, I still wasn't sure what he was thinking when attempting the act. Did he believe he was being funny or quirky? I looked at the list, and somehow it felt empty.

"Perhaps I should find someone to put on S-tier." I joked to myself, but it didn't seem like Cupid took it as such.

"No I will not kiss all the people I know just to put them on the list, are you crazy? Stop channeling the system's suggestions, will ya?" When I was fuming with anger at the ridiculous suggestion a call came thru.

"Hello, Senju~" To summarize the reason behind the call, some girl in our school turned to her for help, when she found out about her strength. Apparently, the poor girl had a pretty persistent stalker, she contacted the police, but they said they couldn't do anything about the situation since he didn't implicate any damage to her body.

"That's kinda lame of them, to let this situation rot." What about the mental suffering this guy was putting her thru? But apparently so functioned the society in this country, even in another dimension. We agreed on a place to meet and so I finished the call.

"Does it mean we suddenly will be acting like some heroes of justice for them fine girls in the neighborhood?... Not that I mind... girls should stick together." I pulled out the jacked that was similar to Brahman's outfit in the manga and so I left the house.

I arrived at the destination rather quickly, we exchanged introductions and after hearing some details of her story we started to plan how to get rid of the guy for good. Since we couldn't be sure that just beating him up would stop his obsessing behavior patterns.

"We are attending the same school, how about we beat him up, and if you ever see him lurking around the school again you can just ask us for help once more." She seemed grateful for our assistance. Now we just needed to guide him to a dark alley and corner him so he can't escape. It was also important to not get caught by police, since they sure were going to capture us for inflicting physical pain on someone. As we were planning when we would perform the act, the little rat showed itself.

"That's him." She was vague but we could tell by his intense staring holes into our necks. Maybe he was wary of the new people gathered around her.

"Great, that saves us some trouble to find him by ourselves. I have a place we could go to, let's hope he will not chicken out." And so we tried to make it look like it was only a hangout between friends until we quickly cornered the stalker to a corner once we found the opportunity. Once he realized what was going on, he was furious.

"I knew something was amiss, who are you two?" I guess catching him off guard made him more talkative all of sudden.

"Has no one taught you proper manners? Where did you get the audacity, to stalk girls? Just because there are no proper punishments set in place for this kind of nasty behavior, you think you can roam around like this?" Go Senju, go. Chew the guy out!

"I have done nothing wrong! We love each other, I'm only doing this to keep her safe!" Wow, talk about being delusional.

"Keeping her safe from who? Her own friends that told you to stay away?" I was ready to give him a proper lecture, but soon the guy looked like he saw a ghost. His face turned pale and I could feel some intimidating presence behind me. I turned around only to meet with South Terano's gaze.

Once I became aware of his company, he put his hand on my shoulder.

"Here you are." It sounded like he was searching for me, but what for? Another dance perhaps? I wouldn't be shocked if we danced something like waltz next.

"Yes I am, but I'm also in the middle of something if you realized so let's talk later." But it seemed like he was in a rush.

"Listen girlie, I have places to be, so let me take care of this." I pointed at the guy in question.

"We are trying to scare him away because he is a total creep." South just loudly cracked his wrists, and with the most intimidating aura said.

"If I ever see you around those three again, death will be the least of your concerns." Despite picking a fight with us girls, he pissed his pants with just one look from South.

"Thanks." This was so bizarre.

"Help the other girls return home... and Michi you're going with me." It looked like he had his subordinates tag along. Senju just crossed her arms not being content with this development, so she blew up on the big guy.

"I guess you can tag along." And then we were both picked up as if we were little kids.

"Papa are we going to the amusement park?" I asked in a high-pitched voice, causing Senju to cackle.

"What?" South seemed to be kind of lost.

"I mean you look kinda older than your age... so I wouldn't be surprised if someone mistook it for a sight of a dad with his two daughters on an outing." I pointed out.

"You're lucky that I only like fighting strong people." Was his response, maybe I did hit a nerve.

So we were rushed to a venue, where something like a beginner dancing competition was taking place.

"Wait don't tell me." He nodded his head, why would he want to take part in a dancing competition? I saw a TV crew being present as well, would this be streamed on Japanese TV?

"But we danced only like two times... and I don't have any other clothes with me." South just shook his head.

"Everything is taken care of, and don't worry I'm not going to pressure you to win this competition, I have other plans in mind, so just do your best." I was so lost.

"What other plans?" I asked as he just gave me a weird smile as he was about to release havoc on humanity. We had to register our names to take part in the competition and then I received a dress and high heels from South's henchmen and was asked to change. Could I just refuse? And so when I pondered about my choices Venus appeared.

'Would you rather accept Souths Terano's invitation or force Senju Akashi to take your part?' Or face the wrath of the giant race by running away, I don't think so.

"Let's see how it goes... thankfully he didn't ask me to win any trophies or anything."

"You really plan to participate?" Senju questioned as I nodded my head.

"He appears only once in a while and vanishes just as fast. And it's just dancing... even if I'm not good with crowds I could set a challenge for myself." Never in my life have I participated in a dancing competition, so I just do it for shit and giggles.

The dress I was given was sparkly and yellow in color.

"I never wore anything like this before," I mentioned to Senju that suddenly become my emotional support friend.

"I think he may have chosen to dance salsa." Apparently, there were different categories of dances and ours were somewhere in the middle.

Naturally, it took some time to reach our part of the contest and even if Senju decided to find information about what South was up to, none of his subordinates wanted to reveal an ounce of what this was about and for what purpose.

Right before the dance, I got to witness South in a more formal outfit, but his shirt was open showing off his chest once again.

"Don't say you plan to stare at my chest all day long? Then again that's your last opportunity..." What was he talking about?

"Are you planning on moving away from here or what?" He ignored my question. And soon it was time to go onto the stage for us two. I was nervous, but staring at those huge chests made me realize they blocked the sight of everyone else around us. Making me more concentrated on the dance I never prepared for. I chose to just put all my trust in him.

With his strength, if I made a mistake he could just pull me back or something. But when the song began, my body just started to move on its own, it felt like we were the only ones present here.

"You did great." He said after we walked off the stage, I guess this wasn't as terrifying as I first found it to be. All that was left, was patiently waiting for the results.

"And the winners of the Beginner Salsa competition is... pairing number 13." I looked at our numbers, we won? How? Did my luck stats suddenly decide to work on something like this?

I was dragged along by South, who seemed more pleasantly surprised than stunned, but once we received the prize, policemen stormed into the building. A big commotion took place, people were loud, South was laughing, and the TV crew's camera was pointed in our direction. It felt like my brain was disconnected from the world, there was one surprise after another. And what broke my mind the most was a soft kiss placed on my lips by the giant.

"Hope you won't forget me, even if I am rotting away in jail." Was the last words I heard from South's side before he was dragged away by the officers. Senju came running to my side pulling me away, most likely realizing how disoriented I was.

"Are you okay? What was that about, it sounded like you two knew each other better than I initially thought?" I just stared into space, thankfully Senju grabbed my other garments in this panic since I was still parading in the performing dress, a gold medal hanging down my neck.

"It looked like he knew the police was coming for his ass." I realized.

"Let's just go home... I'm tired."