
Upon waking up the next following morning, I noticed how I was basically clinging to the guy that happened to be sharing my bed with me. My chaos-inflicted brain decided it would be funny to just lay on top of him, only to see if I could wake him up by simply weighing him down. But no he didn't seem much phased, just wrapped his hands around me.

"Good kitty." He muttered under his breath while proceeding to pat my head. Did he really encounter a cat this heavy before? Or was that the only explanation his tired brain could muster? Venus decided to suggest their own strategy for waking this guy up.

'Would you rather wake up Keisuke Baji with a kiss or a slap?' No, my brain was somehow conflicted by the events of yesterday, so slap it was, besides it's not like the system specified that I needed to deal massive damage.

So I proceeded to slap his cheeks gently put repeatedly while adding.

"Earth to Keisuke, wake up princess, it's time to get ready for school." He decided to mutter under his nose.

"Mom, just five more minutes." I pinched his cheeks next.

"Nope not allowed, you need to get home and change." He opened his eyes, and took note of his surroundings, but tried to shift his body to the other side and fall back asleep. Until he finally processed the images he has seen.

"Wait, what I am even doing here?... Did you perhaps kidnap me?" This dude, I swear.

"Shouldn't you be grateful for not sleeping on a cold hard floor?" I questioned but then realized my mistake.

"What?" He asked, causing me to have a strange feeling it would be hard to fool him now. But I would definitely still try.

"Kazutora brought you home, with some guy called Jun." I tried my best to sound like I had no clue how that came to be.

"That's strange, they are not really close acquainted." What else could I possibly say to make him think differently?

"Ummm, he said some guy named Jesus asked him to do this?"

"Why would he... wait no wonder something felt strange since I entered Valhalla and was pushed to clean the floors on the first day, you're Jesus aren't you?" Great, why did his detective skills have to emerge now, at the least of convenient times? Could I just change the topic all together?

"What kind of nonsense are you on about? I'm just utterly confused about where you got that conclusion from? If you ask Kazutora you will know I met this guy face to face before." He pondered about it but refuted me with.

"Kazutora did tell me he had a suspicion of you being Jesus but mentioned it all being a fluke, yet you two share so many similarities, I wouldn't be surprised if you hired a person to confuse your brother." Did he spend all his intelligence on detective intuitions abilities?

"That's some utterly outrageous accusations you are making here Keisuke... I think the more important topic should be..." My brain panicked and the first thought that came to mind was.

"That you extorted a kiss from me yesterday! Like I demand an explanation on that matter."

"I believe you're just trying to make something up, to change the topic." So he forgot all about it? Unacceptable!

"Heh? You dare to forget something so important? How you trapped me with your body and refused to let me drift off to sleep until I proceeded with your ridiculous request? Should I beat you up to bring back your memory?" He looked offended. Venus was not done with its trickery.

'Would you rather recreate the same scenario from yesterday or beat him up until he recollects everything?' I guess seduction tactics it was because I didn't want him to lose more brain cells.

I cleared my throat and asked him to sit in the same spot as he did yesterday.

"Come on, keep moving I need to prove a point." He hesitated, so I cracked my knuckles really loudly.

"Are you requesting a beating instead that will take you thru memory lane?" He shook his head, assumably he had to deal with a terrible hangover.

"Let me describe it to you, so I gave you a kiss on the forehead per your request. However, you insisted this was not the kind of kiss you were looking for. I refused so you prevented me from moving like this." I guided his limbs where they were supposed to be.

"Considering I was too tired to keep struggling I decided to go thru the request like you desired, after I cupped your face in my hands I found myself hesitating. That's when you took the initiative yourself... So does that finally ring a bell?" His eyes went wide as if he suddenly remembered what took place yesterday. Since I reached my goal I was about to walk away, but Kazutora opened the door, looking quite lost. Jun being right behind him.

"Ohhh~ Something juicy is happening in here~" He had this shit-eating grin on his face, but on the contrary, my big brother seemed to be proud.

"Anyway..." I didn't feel like dealing with this so I just decided to help mom with the breakfast.

"Mom we have two guests," I mention as she was already planning on how to prepare a bigger meal.

"Who?" Was dad's simple question.

"Of course, it's your adopted son Keisuke... but also a new face called Jun."

"No! Please stop calling me that." The adoptee cried out.

"That's right, he's getting places, I believe team Keisuke will win, so mom dad you should change your teams now when you can," Kazutora mentioned, causing me to groan in irritation as these two high-fived each other. Jun just found everything fairly amusing.

"Why don't you ask Yuzuha out brother rather than troubling yourself with my business?" He just stood there with his mouth open.

Later during the day when the band practice was over, we found ourselves chatting away.

"I can't believe it... we came some long." Emma seemed quite happy with her achievement. She truly seemed delighted to have us as friends.

"Yes we going to be performing tomorrow, I can't wait," Hinata mentioned smiling from ear to ear. It felt like everyone was really excited to partake in the concert, myself included.

As we talked about our tomorrow's preparations, suddenly Mr. Nomura came in, causing us all to look at him confused.

"I know I usually don't make my appearance here, but I only came to wish you good luck on tomorrow's performance." But then he especially looked in my direction gave me a thumb up and winked towards me. Was this his way to tell me to capture Kisaki's heart by making him jealous? He was still our ship's number-one fan?

When we started to pack I received one of the vague missions.

'Would you rather go there or there?' Venus asked as scratched my head not wanting to have to go thru this. I was planning to head to a specific place because my preparations were complete, but complied knowing getting a punishment wouldn't help me with anything.

"Senju one or two?" I asked her as just blinked at me but actually did give me a reply despite her puzzlement.

"Two, but what is that about?" What's the best explanation I could give her?

"I was thinking about visiting one of two places, but couldn't decide myself, so I thought of asking you to choose in my stead." She nodded her head and wished me good luck. It seemed like the girls wanted to keep practicing.

When I arrived at the destination, a couple of guys surrounded me, why did I have a feeling they wanted something from me?

"Can I help you?" I asked as they presented something that looked like a lunch box.

"Please could you help us out to give this to our boss South?" But wasn't that rascal in juvenile?

"Since you two were on the news, we thought it be no problem for you to get a permit to visit him." I nodded my head, they sure did make some sense on that matter.

"And this is?"

"Brazilian food, we thought he may feel a little homesick." That guy? Homesick? In which dimension exactly? I took a look inside and realized the food didn't look right, so I tried it.

"Are you guys seeking death?" Sure this wasn't death sentence worthy but I doubt South would have been satisfied with this meal.

"But we tried our best to follow the recipe." I guess none of them had any experience in cooking South American food, despite they looked so hurt and they sincerely wanted to help that tower made out of muscles.

"I will help, just find me a kitchen to work in." Apparently one of them was living here nearby, his mom seemed surprised by my presence, but within minutes I got her approval. Yes, a charm that can make any parents desire me as their daughter-in-law.

Once we were finished with the cooking task and tasted my cooking, we concluded it was good enough. And since we made enough for a whole family after we ate our share we departed.

I never thought I would be here again, but I went thru the door, and once the person at the desk asked who I wanted to visit I mentioned.

"My boyfriend South Terano." It felt like all the pieces fell into place and I was recognized instantly.

"You finally came to visit him? I will give you as much time as you need." No please no, just give me something like half an hour that's enough.

In the end, he allowed me to see him for two hours straight, was such a lengthy visit even legal?

As I was waiting I heard one of the guards mention.

"So you're that girl that is cheating on that maniac... Well, he's weird in accepting it and even encouraging you instead." What was this man even talking about? What kind of nonsense did that tower tell him?

And a few minutes later I found myself sitting across South in an empty room.

"What a surprise to see you here." He expressed I guess he never anticipated me to seek him out.

"I came here to deliver you food because your subordinates asked me about it." I placed the bento on top of the table.

"Yet because none of them were exceptional cooks I had to make it myself, so be grateful." Yes, he needed to know how much effort I put in by coming here. He proceeded to open the lunch box and seemed surprised by the content.

"Oh~ Do you like me this much?" Did he pick a fight with a tough opponent and hit his head in the progress? Because this is how much crap I could tolerate.

"More importantly... tell me, what did you even tell that guard for him to be spouting such nonsense?" I questioned. Who wanted to be accused of being a cheater? Heartbreaker seemed more probable.

"He was trying to lecture me... something about leaving my poor girlfriend behind, so I just let him know the other guys that you have wrapped around your fingers could assist you." Wait, so there was another reason when he concluded to kiss me on live TV.

"So tell me, did any fights occur in your little harem because of me?" I shook my head.

"Tsk, boring." So he thought he would get to hear some epic battle taking place after performing that stunt? I really wanted to hit him right now, but showing my strength to this guy would have been deemed a mistake.

Venus came out again, ugh how the system was getting on my nerves today.

'Would you rather feed South Terano or hit him with full strength?' Why did most of today's choices involve some kind of violence? It was on, if he made people believe we were a couple he would get the annoying lovely dovely treatment.

"You must have missed me dearly, even to the verge of tears." He wasn't happy with the implication of him crying.

"Lemme feed my little baby who's been missing me terribly." I moved my chair close to him and picked up the spoon while saying.

"Say ahh." I tried to put it into his mouth but he wouldn't budge.

"You're starving yourself because you are engulfed in grief that was caused by us not being allowed to see each other as often?" I closed my eyes looking like I was moved by his actions or whatever, but then I felt his hand on my waist and I felt myself being pulled closer.

"You must have been so lonely without me around? How about experiencing some action with your boyfriend? We can be at each other's faces for a while." He winked at me and did he really suggest kissing in this situation, was he bored and simply wanted to play some game at who could say the most outrageous thing?

"Are we suddenly so close?... Does it mean I can smack your ass?" Well, I guess I made him laugh at least.

"Won't you hurt your hand doing it?" Did he just mock me?

"We won't know until I try." I shot him a smile.

Next thing I know this guy is hunching over the table and asks me to smack him with all my strength.

"Come on I don't have all the time in the world." Wow, my life was a joke at this point, but I went thru his request. Though just when my hand made contact with his ass cheeks the guard stepped in, and just looked at us stunned, talk about awkward. But he retreated pretty quickly.

"What's wrong why are you blushing, this shit was hilarious?" I guess he truly was bored behind those bar cells, yet then he looked at me being all serious.

"It's so strange, every time you're around, I feel calmer than usual." I just smiled smugly.

"That's because every person before me is just a baby that I can shoothe to sleep." I struck a pose, but he didn't seem to buy it.

"I guess you're just too intresting to not keep around... but since we follow thru your suggestion what about mine?" Shit was he serious about the kissing part?

'Would you rather give a detailed explanation on how you want to be kissed to South Terano or insult him in one hundreth words or more?' I didn't want to end up in the hospital.

"Only on my terms then." And then I mentioned something being picked up and pinned to the wall, but thankfully he didn't follow thru, told me he was just messing with me.