Family Play~

When I woke up the next following morning, I wasn't in the best of mood, my head was pounding like crazy, giving me the feeling of it splitting apart. And once I recalled what Keisuke was up to last night, I turned around to find his ass sleeping peacefully in my bed as if the things from yesterday didn't transpire at all.

Feeling wronged, I entered rage mode, sat up on my bed, and pinched his cheeks, hard enough to make it hurt. His eyes shot open right away while I screamed.

"You have a lot of nerve Baji Keisuke! How dare you knock me out unconscious like this! It was supposed to be a simple spar, not a full-fledged fight between two opposite gang members!" He caught me in his embrace, regret founding its way into his eyes.

"I'm sorry! I may have gotten a little excited during our spar! But I carried you back home and took care of you, can you forgive me?!"

"Excited? What are you Hanma? That crazed fight maniac?" I questioned him while struggling from slipping away from his strong grip.

"I'm sorry Michi! You were nearly on par with me, so I wanted to compare our strength more accurately, I never thought you would faint from it." Suddenly Kazutora busted thru the door and decided to hit me with this absurd line.

"Are you two having a couple's fight so early in the morning?" Causing me to send him a glare, also who allowed this guy to stay the night? Did he even tell my family the whole story?

"Do you call it a couple's fight when your friend knocks you unconscious?... Then I bet brother you had many of those with this fool!" Kazutora gasped hearing this, but Keisuke wouldn't budge so I decided to use another strategy.

"I will bite your arm off!" And actually proceeded with the promised threat, yet he dared to dodge my divine punishment for his insolence.

"See if you can dodge this!" I said attacking him once again, aiming for his other limb. I managed to bite him, but then we were struggling in some kind of wrestling fight. It ended with me being pinned to the bed, by my nemesis, that was blushing like crazy while he was hovering over me.

"Stupid," I muttered and kicked him off jumped out of bed, and ran to mom.

"Mom, dad, why did you let Keisuke stay the night? You know he was the reason I was knocked unconscious." I felt wronged.

"He explained to us it was a simple accident, caused by his miscalculation... Besides dear he cried so much last night, we didn't have the heart to chase him away." Once he walked down he was still apologizing, but considering how my parents witnessed something even I haven't the pleasure to see, for my sake. I could see myself letting it slide for now.

"I guess I can forgive you, but you are going to take responsibility and drive me to school." I declared and then asked mom to dot on me. Because my head was still in pain.

"You sure you want to go to school?" Dad asked as I agreed, nodding my head. Who wanted to catch up on homework on the weekend? It was better to do school assignments during school time.

So I was taken for another ride on Keisuke's motorcycle once we had our breakfast.

"Just don't spend too much time on that guy that happens to be your classmate." I waved my hand since Kisaki hasn't been talking with me for the past few days. Even if I tried to initiate a conversation he managed to either run away or make an excuse for himself. But it may as well have been caused by my snarky comments, asking him if he was afraid of my power and brilliance or whatever. Suddenly he wasn't as easy to agitate.

I sighed but such a thing didn't go unnoticed by my ride.

"Don't tell me you're still hung over about that guy." I couldn't stop myself from replying.

"Someone that knocks girls unconscious shouldn't have any say in this." I puffed my chest and walked inside the school building.

I thought I would have time to recuperate once the school was over, but who would have thought that not only would Haitani Ran come in person to pick me up, but Mikey as well.

"Are you two planning something? This is not an alliance you see often." Ran put his arm around my waist while proclaiming.

"My dear, what are you on about? As a faithful husband, I found time and gathered my lovely family out on an outing." I rolled my eyes as he was continuing spewing nonsense, but then he pulled out a couple of tickets for some amusement park attractions from his pocket.

"My treat." I stared at him wondering if I could just outright refuse them both. But Mikey kept looking at me with those eyes filled full of hope. I guess our play as his parental figures was setting his heart at ease. However, a mission came up that made me get annoyed even further because it just proved I was pushed into this predicament.

'Would you rather treat Sano Manjiro and Haitani Ran as your family for the day or complain to Sano Manjiro about his judgment regarding his gang and Kisaki?' So it either wanted me to comply with their whims or disappoint my son completely by giving him an unannounced lecture.

"Sure, but first let's make a stop at my house because I rather wear pants for this kind of entertainment." Once we arrived at my place, Ran took time to properly introduce Mikey to my mother.

"I must say... I was concerned about the mention of a grandson, so much so that I thought it was your intention to get my daughter pregnant." Like I would let this guy touch me at this age.

"I was ready to knock some sense into you with a broom, but as it turns out you two are just playing along with my daughter." She seemed amused, but once I came down when I changed out of my uniform I was ready to correct the false statement.

"It's more like I'm playing along with Ran." He denied it, and it ended up becoming a fight between us two. Mikey playing the role of dragging us out of the house.

"Right Michi, tomorrow we are going to have another Toman meeting, and I wish for you to be present." I looked at him, wondering what kind of plans he had in his head.

"I have a gift prepared for you." So he said, but all I could think of was him trying to trap me into saying yes to his gang invitation. But as a matter of fact, I had something else to present in front of him.

"It so happens I was going to seek you out tomorrow anyway to grant you my own present. So you're in luck." Mikey tried to pester me about it, to tell him details about my gift, but I refused while smiling suspiciously in his direction.

"Aren't you too harsh on our son?" Ran asked, but I sternly reminded him.

"It's none of your business, besides I want my present to be a surprise because I put so much time in effort into it, so I have the right to see some jaws dropping at the scene tomorrow." Mikey agreed to be patient and instead we decided to put our time into spending time as a family.

"I can't believe such a phrase left my mouth." I jokingly gagged, while Ran took it as a cue to be dramatic, faking tears.

"Mom you should be more kind towards dad. He is working so diligently for our family's sake." I wonder where Mikey learned to say something like this, did it mean I was a stay-at-home mom in this role-play of his?

"Don't worry son, it may seem like your mother neglects me, but she is indeed a tsundere." Bitch where?

"Good thing you have that figured out, let's go on some rides." I decided to take the lead, because who knew how outrageous would their next requests become.

And so we went on a couple of rides together, but considering how I didn't feel so good during the morning, it didn't take me long to become dizzy again.

"How about you two spend some time together? I truly need to rest." I took a seat at a nearby bench and Ran left me with Mikey while he mentioned fetching me something.

"You should have told me you didn't feel good Michi, then I wouldn't force you into this." I just waved my hand.

"It's nothing serious, besides you looked so happy when I agreed so how could I say no?" I said cupping his cute face.

"Sometimes I feel that you truly treat me as your own biological son, which is hilarious to think since you're younger than me." We laughed about it and then Ran came back with a lot of food for me to eat.

"Thanks." It was strange seeing his considerate side, was he taking his husband's duties seriously?

And once these two went out to have fun, at first everything seemed fine, I consumed some food and looked around trying to relax my body and mind, yet after some time passed by some annoying flies surrounded me.

Two guys sat beside me trying to hit on me?

"Did you come here alone?" One of them asked as I just crossed my arms while admitting.

"No, in fact, I came here together with my son and husband, so you two can piss off." I gave them a warning but they didn't want to seem to budge.

"You should have said a more believable lie... husband, even a son at this age, do you think we are stupid?" Great my headache came back, couldn't those guys mind their own business? Instead of accusing me of believing they were stupid? To be honest, they were, considering they didn't know when to take a no as an answer.

"Can't you just scurry along?" I asked not appreciating some strangers yelling at me when I was already feeling like shit. Not only from the headache but also the dizziness from the rides I experienced today.

One of the guys caught my wrist and before I had the chance to punch him into oblivion, Ran and Mikey appeared.

"You dare ogle and even bother my girl?" Ran challenged them. They must have recognized him in an instant because they yelled.

"We were in the wrong!" And they scurried away pretty quickly.

"Is your headache this bad?" Ran asked as I nodded my head.

"Well it became worse thanks to them bothering me, I guess it will be better if I return home." But Ran seemed to have another scheme in mind.

"How about spending time at my house? We can prolong our family outing, and I can tend to my wife who is suffering right now." If someone heard him they would think I had an incurable illness or something, but wait I could have fun with this.

"Oh, will my beautiful son and husband take care of poor me?"

"Of course." I didn't think I would be picked up bride style.

"You know I may have a headache, but I can still walk on my own two feet." Especially because he was doing it in the middle of a public space, and it was certainly embarrassing.

"I insist." He insisted on carrying me all the way to his house, Mikey let him looking all smug while whispering.

"Mom and dad are flirting."