House Tour~

When I woke up the next following morning, I got startled by the single fact that my boyfriend was awake and was staring intensely at my face. He's gaze sure didn't dedicate any passion or adoration, it felt more like he was trying to figure out something about me.

"Is my face that scary?" He asked me first with a raspy morning voice, and I wasn't too sure if he meant it or was actually being sarcastic.

"No... but you scared me because I wasn't expecting you to wake up before me and stare at my face as if you were admiring a fancy painting... Are you finally getting more aware of your feelings toward me? Should I start preparing for the worst?" I asked him making this into some staring competition.

"For the worst?" He repeated confused.

"Yes... like thinking about marriage and stuff." He choked on either his saliva or air, I couldn't be sure and he started coughing. Sitting up to aid his situation in turn.

"What?! We're 13, you idiot!"

"Yes I'm aware, and I believe you should stop taking everything so seriously, have you ever thought there is a thing called a joke?... Considering how you're purposefully frowning your eyebrows, it may not be the case."

"Ugh." Was the only thing I heard come out of his mouth before he plopped back onto the bed and turned away from me. He didn't seem too keen on talking but I decided to ignore the fact.

"I think you should loosen up a little. Sometimes you're behaving way too much like a grownup... how about getting some new hobbies? Since you like plants how about starting taking care of those, I bet they can bring you the tranquility you've been searching for." No response, so I added.

"Want me to buy you a cactus?" Since he refused to entertain me with a reply I decided to just lay there looking at the ceiling. However soon a question I had been considering for a while popped into my mind.

"Listen... there isn't a chance you're trying to deceive me in some way are you?" He turned around pretty quickly.

"You don't seem to trust me." He seemed kind of dejected in a way.

"Well at times I find it suspicious of how eager you seem, following thru my endless whims, despite your constant complains."

"That's a lot of accusations you got against me." Kisaki didn't seem too pleased.

"Can you really blame me? Last time you tried to use my feeling for your own benefit. Anyway, what I tried to say is, if you really did ask me out of bad intentions, I can overlook it but only if you confess the fact right now, however, if you don't-" Suddenly I felt his finger resting on my lips.

"Did you really accept dating me only to accuse me like this?" I blinked, and put some thought behind it. Yes, that would a shitty move.

"No of course not... But it's something that's been bothering me lately, and you know what they say... communication in relationships is key." Yep, I totally didn't sound like a thirteen-year-old did I?

"I just wanted to please my new girlfriend, can't I? This is my first relationship after all..." He seemed serious, I turned over my whole body to face him now.

"Ohhh~ How about telling your girlfriend how much you like her more often, or in case you're too shy for such daring confessions, I remember reading a story once where the husband squeezed his wife's hand three times to indicate he was saying he loves her, how about implementing something like this?"

"Where do you even find such stories?" Internet buddy, I'm an internet goblin. He sighed took my hand in his and actually proceeded with the gesture.

"Even if I'm a worm?" I questioned only for him to glare in my direction while expressing.

"Know your limits woman." I pouted but then I proceeded to grab him and hug him close to my chest.

"What are you doing?" He tried to wriggle himself away from my grip but couldn't because I was stronger.

"New seduction tactic." After a while I let him go, laughing.

"Yo, does my hubby care for some pancakes for breakfast?" He agreed to the idea, and then even aided me in the kitchen.

After we spend some time at his house preparing for our date's continuation in the middle of the city, at some point in the day Hanma joined in, being as annoying as ever.

"So how was the night? Did you guys sleep with each other by chance?" He didn't shy away from discussing such topics in the middle of the busy street.

"Idiot." Was the only thing Kisaki conveyed to him.

"Were you holding yourself back?" He questioned his buddy, but I was quick to kick him in the shin.

"Stop asking him about such topics, we barely started dating. Besides you should keep your nose out of other people's business... especially mine." We had only seen each other for five minutes but he was already getting on my nerves. This time for different reasons.

"How about you find yourself a girlfriend and leave us alone?" He groaned in pain, but it looked like he was still perfectly fine, did I need to use more strength next time?

"What if I have a girlfriend you gonna let me talk about such topics with Kisaki?" He dared to wink at me in this situation.

I sighed, started to ignore his presence, and just clung to my boyfriend's arm.

As we were walking I suggested karaoke as one of the places to visit. However, after a few minutes inside the establishment, something weird took place.

I quickly took notice of Hanma sending suspicious smirks in my direction, when he was trying his best to stick to Kisaki. At times his arm was hanging around my boyfriend's shoulder, and sometimes he was brushing his palm against his thigh, and if Kisaki asked one of us to pass him an item, Hanma came running to bring food and drinks closer to him.

So when he stood up one of those times to perform the song he chose, I inched closer to my boyfriend that didn't seem that all concerned.

"Is it me, or he's actually trying to make me jealous by flirting with you?" That's the only explanation that came to mind.

"So it wasn't just the case of him being more aggravating than usual?" I guess most of the time he ignored Hanma's weird quirks, Tetta then faced me while asking.

"Are you bothered by that?" More like I found it hilarious, what could the tall guy be even thinking about?"

"Is this his call for attention, or way of coping mechanism from facing repeated rejection?" I mean he was pretty desperate last time.

"Let's try this then..." I saw my hubby smirk, he quickly put away the soda and asked me to come closer, confused I followed his instructions. And before I knew he went in for a deep kiss. I got flustered pretty quickly because I could feel the other person's intense gaze on us.

So this scheming boyfriend was usually shy when displaying PDA in public, but if it came to showcasing his power to other gang members, he knew how to act slyly, even in those situations?

"Having fun?" I could hear Hanma's amused voice, and once Kisaki finished I couldn't do anything but cover my face with my palms.

"Look at you blushing like this just because of one kiss, you seem pretty whipped for this guy." So what?

"And if I am, what are you gonna do about it?" A smirk was still plastered on his face, but the next words shook me a little.

"Nothing, I guess I will just observe, for now, maybe I will have more chances in the future." He looked in Kisaki's direction, and I could instantly tell they were exchanging some nonverbal signals with each other. Even the system let me know something was amiss, it gave me aid because of my higher intelligence stats.

"What's that about?" I whispered to my hubby seeking answers.

"You wanted him to stop pestering you, so recently I fed him some lies so he would stop bothering you as much." I was shocked, he would lie to his best subordinate?

"Thanks." Since I didn't have to worry about this giraffe no more, life seemed so much better now.

Once we finished here, we moved to a restaurant next, knowing full well this guy wouldn't leave us alone until he was properly fed. But once that deed was finished we returned to my house.

"Finally freedom, no more pesky disturbances." Despite then I was stopped by Takemichi's friends that were apparently today staying at his place.

"Michi, why are you hanging with that guy?" Makoto was quick to ask me, did no one inform those guys of my dating news?

"He's my boyfriend now." I wasn't sure what kind of reaction I was expecting from this guy, but it surely wasn't this.

"You're one lucky guy, you don't usually find such open-minded girls." Where was he heading with this conversation? Kisaki just looked at me searching for answers.

"I would be already in heaven if I got to hold those boobs every day." Akkun smacked him on the spot.

"Sorry about him." And dragged him away while the other guys scurried away inside Takemichi's garden.

"H-he m-meant fake boobs... yeah." Why did he have to mention that event even of all the things?

"I would need more context than that." Kisaki pushed his glasses in, I guess this was his way of getting at me for all the times I teased him.

"Let's go inside first." But hold and behold the first people we saw while walking inside were Kazutora and Keisuke, it surely felt like a planned ambush.

"Mom, dad I want you to meet my boyfriend." Ha, perfect distraction.

"Ohh, look at this handsome man." Was the first thing mom said, catching Tetta off guard. We started to have a conversation not letting the other two voice any of their complaints, and at some point when mom started to get an idea of my boyfriend's character she suddenly declared.

"He does kind of remind me of your father when he was younger." Dad seemed a little bit confused at the statement.

"Full of schemes?" Kazutora asked, refusing to leave us alone.

"Mature and serious." Mom corrected him, and after mom and dad caught brother's sullen mood they sent us two upstairs meanwhile they decided to have a conversation with my big brother.

"So do I get an explanation now or?" I clenched my fist, why did he have to remember it?

"Um... I was wearing boobs I had made for cosplay... and they were heavy so I let him hold them for me?"

"Cosplay?" Kisaki asked, maybe he wasn't familiar with the term.

"You know when you dress like characters from different series."

"So where are those fake boobs?" I could feel how my palms started sweating, considering everything I just mentioned was a lie.

"I let my friend borrow them!" I gave an excuse.

"Ohhh, which friend?" Who was I supposed to throw under the bus? It couldn't be one of the girls, he wouldn't believe it.

"Jun!" Sorry bestie.

"Strange." But he never picked up this conversation again. After I questioned him about his current thought regarding his stay, a mission popped up.

'Would you rather play a pocky game with Tetta Kisaki or Keisuke Baji?' Was the system still stuck on Keisuke?

"Be right back!" I said to my hubby and ran downstairs to our snack cupboard, just as predicted there were chocolate pocky hidden in there.

"Awesome," I said, grabbed a package, and ran back up, yet when I was about to proceed with the game Kazutora busted into my room and broke the pocky we were holding in our mouths in half.

"Hey! Why are you doing it for?" I questioned, feeling sad since this game seemed fun.

"I'm protesting against you dating this guy." He fell onto my bed and refused to move, I guess even a lecture from mom wasn't enough to convince him otherwise. I never thought I would end up in a fight with him over something like this. A mission notice made its way to my system screen.

'Would you rather drag your brother out by his feet or let him stay?' I pondered on what to do, but Kisaki soon whispered into my ear.

"No, let him stay, and invite the other guest inside." I could tell he was planning something. And so we spent our day with my brother and Keisuke. Where Kisaki was annoying the two by acting lovey-dovey all of sudden.

And no I wasn't too happy about this turn of events, because I could tell he was only doing it for the sake of upsetting the other two. In the end, those three gave me nothing more but a headache.