Vahalla Joining Toman~

Initially, I was set on going to school the next following day, despite the extreme pain I was experiencing. I wasn't too sure where such mentality was steaming from, maybe from my past life, if I could call it as such when it was of utmost importance to keep near-perfect attendance.

But when I walked downstairs into the kitchen, looking worse than I did yesterday, mom was quick to shut down this idea of mine.

"Listen, dear, you say that even the painkillers barely work, and you're trying to head to school in this state?... This won't do, I will call you in sick and you will stay in bed until you get better." Dad agreed, nodding his head.

"Listen to your mother." This begged the question, would it be even worse the next upcoming two times? Would it be so bad I would need to ask someone to literally knock me out?

"What got you so motivated to attend school on a day like this?" Kazutora seemed confused at my dedication, but with my hazy mind, I just told him bluntly the first thing I thought could be the possible answer.

"Guilt, the more days I miss, the more I feel like I did something horrible." My family seemed concerned, and my parents were quick to wonder if this was something I needed to work on with a therapist.

"But unlike me, you have nothing to worry about, your grades are good no matter how many days you seem to miss. It's not like you're slacking off every day." Right I kept on forgetting that the school would give me slack on attendance because of my previous medical records, and I didn't need to worry about missing out since my grades weren't that bad.

"Thanks, Kazu-chan." I finished the food and my brother's idea of support was carrying me upstairs. It startled me a little since he didn't even ask if I needed any assistance he just did it.

Later when Kazutora left and mom went out to replenish our fridge I was thinking about what I was missing out on.

"Ah... and I thought bullying my boyfriend a little would make me feel a tad better." But then I recalled that giving him a call was indeed an option. I quickly reached for my phone and then dialed his number at the speed of light.

"My dearest I won't be able to go to school to see your handsome face," I spoke in quite a whiny voice.

"Are you sick? What about the Toman meeting?" He asked.

"I will be present, but my whole body is in pain, how about saying some reassuring loving words to make me feel better?"

"Forget it... I'm in a subway." Shy as always I see.

"So later?" He sighed.

"Ugh fine." And the call ended, but I heard back from him five minutes later.

"Yes?" I asked, feeling the excitement pour into my body. There was quite a long pause thereafter tho, but he didn't go back on his promise.

"I love you my little tiger, get better." He barely whispered, but the call got cut off right after.

"Was he that embarrassed?" I couldn't stop laughing.

When I calmed down, I used my free time for either drawing or reading books and adding stuff to my fan fiction. I was wondering whether to send this masterpiece to my boyfriend thru email or if was it better to print it and hand it over to him personally?

During the afternoon we got an unexpected visitor, my boyfriend came to give me a visit.

"Oh, you came all the way here to see me? So sweet!" I gave him the most careful hug.

"I just came to give you this." He stretched out his hand, which was holding onto a small paper bag, with a logo of a franchise that I remember seeing somewhere here before.

"Thanks." I received the present and looked inside finding out there was a cake inside.

"You bought me desserts?... So sweet, I may actually start crying." Assumably mostly from the pain.

"Just invite him inside already!" I heard mom yelling from the kitchen that was in the process of making food, I could tell what she was trying to imply.

"Would you like to stay over for dinner?" I asked him.

"I need to go home to do my homework..." Was his to-go excuse.

"Oh, come on you could do it inside my room just as easily."

"With you beside me? I don't think so." But I argued.

"I'm in no state to be in a constant teasing mood." I pleaded with him and he finally caved in. I stored the cake in the fridge assuring my boyfriend I would eat it after dinner. Mom was showering him with compliments once his foot stepped inside her territory. And then we went upstairs, there was just one request I had before he dived into his homework.

"Can you just hold my hand for a short while?" I asked, and he reluctantly accepted.

After roughly half an hour we were asked to come downstairs, it looked like this time it was only my parents and my boyfriend since my big brother was hanging with Keisuke out there somewhere. This time my parents decided to ask all the questions they couldn't before. Like what Tetta liked about their daughter, many questions of such nature. The more time passed it felt like this guy's cold exterior was suddenly melting? Or was this only my imagination?

Once the feast was finished, my hubby went back to studying, and I decided to take a deserving nap before the meeting. Tetta was kind enough to wake me up when he was about to head out.

"I need to visit my house now to grab the Toman uniform... are you sure you want to tag along?" I must have looked like I had no clue what time or dimension this was, but I nodded my head.

"They gonna reinstate Pah-chin's captain seat and I gotta be there to take the credit," I explained and then went to the closet.

"Also lemme change quickly and I can drive you back to your house and then to the meeting." He nodded, but then asked.

"What are you doing?" As I was about to take off my pants.


"Right in front of me?" I nodded not really seeing any problem with that.

"Are the meds getting to your brain, wait till I walk out... seriously." He grumpily stomped away. That caused me to think that was an interesting reaction.

When I changed into my Toman uniform, Kisaki was quick to complain.

"So what was that about?" And so I quickly proclaimed.

"I got nothing to hide."

"What's wrong with you? Don't tell me it's another seduction tactic?"

"I dunno... the question is would it work?" I narrowed my eyes at him, but all he did was flick my forehead.

I became a little bit dramatic and once we mounted my bike I requested my boyfriend to not hold me too tight, but unlike my determination on giving him a ride, we had to stop a few times because it was hard to deal with the pain. Once we made it there, I was quick on spotting my division within the crowd, Kisaki followed right behind me.

"Took you long enough," Senju mentioned as big brother was quick to explain.

"She's probably still in pain, so give her some slack." Which was indeed true, but then I looked at the timer that finally have run out, and I was finally set free. Kind of there were still aftereffects I had to deal with. My whole body still felt uncomfortable and it's not like the pain suddenly magically vanished.

"Next time I will just ask Mikey to knock me out cold for the day." I got weird looks from both my boyfriend and my squad, but thankfully the subject of our discussion changed.

"Right... Jun are you in possession of Michi's boobs?" Shit, I didn't think Tetta would remember this topic, much less ask Jun about it?

"I do?" It came out formed like a question from my bestie's mouth, so I quickly gave him a signal. He recollected his statement making it seem like he just remembered something important.

"Yes, I have them, of course!" I heard some of the guys from the harem choke on air.

"Ah, so you're also into cosplay... you do seem the type." And after starting such a questionable topic he just walked away? Like nothing happened? What the hell Kisaki? What was this conversation good for?

"What boobs? I want them too!" Ran this shameless gremlin sure had a lot of nerve.

"Sure I can sew you a pair, and transform you into a beautiful gal with big boobas." It took some time for him to respond.

"And we pose for a lesbian pairing photo shoot afterward?" I sighed and then turned to Izana.

"Can you just take this clown away? I have enough to deal with as it is." Kazutora demanded an explanation so I simply whispered to him what the deal was. And it didn't take long for another commotion to take place.

"What is it now?" I asked and suddenly my eyes met with Draken's that gave me a thumbs up.

"Suspicious... What's going on?!" I yelled but this guy just pointed at Kisaki. My gaze trailed to where he was standing and I could see him covering his neck looking embarrassed.

"That doesn't tell me much," I noted walking in closer.

"We saw it!" Wow, talk about being as vague as possible.

"The hickey." Draken soon added, were they making such uproar for something so minor? I heard some people teasing Kisaki for it, and a few guys asked me if I had one too, let's just say everything spiraled out of control so Takemichi prompted Mikey to hurry up to start the meeting, which he did. And suddenly everyone turned serious.

"Oh thank god," I muttered to myself thinking it was too much chaos for the day. But after we announced our victory and gave Pah-chin new territory, Mikey granted him the title of the 7th captain.

"But I wanted to be the 7th,"I admitted sadly. Draken just put his hand on my shoulder.

"I think 6 fits you better." I was so confused about where he was going with this until he added.

"666 makes you closer to the devil you actually are... and then when you divide 6 in half you get 3. Just like the division of your boyfriend?" Did I need to ask Emma to pick up her boyfriend, he was spitting a lot of nonsense for someone that was supposed to be the vice-captain.

"I will turn you in, to Mikey for discrimination." He didn't seem phased by my threat in the slightest.

And then it happened Valhalla joined our ranks, so I turned to our vice-captain.

"I know that fighting between gang members is not allowed, but in case of sexual harassment could I bash someone's head in?" He looked at me and then genuinely answered.

"We never had to think about such matters before... I guess a slap would be overlooked by our captain."

"Great to know, see the giraffe guy? I bet my money that someday he will be slapped by me." It seemed like he didn't know how to respond to such a blunt confession.

When the meeting ended, I was out on a mission. I went to Kisaki and proposed an idea.

"Me and you, tomorrow on a date after school how does that sound?"

"What are we going to do?" He asked but I decided to deliver the same line he gave me.

"Wouldn't be a surprise if I told you." I wasn't expecting Hanma to so openly approach us.

"Tetta... your lap dog is here... do I need to leave you alone so the two of you can talk?" I questioned, it seemed that my hubby found Hanma's new name amusing.

"I can be also your lap dog if you want~" Doubtful, he sure didn't look like a bottom, but then Venus suddenly came out and gave me a mission.

'Would you rather call your harem a bunch of dogs or cats?' I looked at them and then back at Hanma.

"I need to go back to my whole ass shelter of attention-seeking puppies, excuse me." When I came over I set my man Ran on a mission.

"See that giraffe guy looking in our direction?" He nodded his head.

"Great now send him a mocking smirk." Which he did.

"So what was that for?"

"You announcing your dominance." Was the only explanation I could come up with.

"Are you telling me this guy is also interested in you?" Izana asked, he didn't seem too pleased about the news.

"Nope... he's just a misguided fella that doesn't know what he wants from life." From that point on I was just asking Senju for good date ideas.