Glimpse Into Future~

I looked around, finding no one in my vicinity, just shelf's upon shelves filled with movies, so I took a stroll around the DVD store and found Takemichi talking with the shop assistant in another aisle. He seemed deep in thought, probably still processing this new timeline he found himself in.

Once the other party disappeared I walked in closer and tapped him on the shoulder to inform him of my presence. When his eyes landed on my figure he gasped in shock, even spooning me around, to make sure every detail of my outfit was remaining the same.

"You traveled here with your own body?" He was fascinated by it, and I sure found his endless enthusiasm quite cute, but I couldn't stop myself from commenting on his current outfit as well.

"Shouldn't we discuss your gate-up tho?" His hair was slicked all the way back, and he was wearing something that looked like an expensive tracksuit paired with probably limited-edition sneakers and a luxury watch.

"No matter how I look at it... you look like one of those tacky Russian rappers, that have no ounce of fashion sense."

"Michi!" Takemichi yelled, and we sound found ourselves laughing at the fact.

"But you do have a point, every single item I'm wearing seems quite expensive." After some quick chitchat, we decided to exit the store to see the new world before us.

"Let's go discover the new timeline." Due to both of our nervousness, we decided to hold hands for the moment. Being conscious that we had each other's backs made us feel so much stronger and ready for what was to come.

"I thought you were going to rent movies, not hit on minors..." A dude hit up Takemichi right off the bat. I started to analyze all his features, trying to pinpoint if this was someone we knew. And although this fella had a more intimidating and fierce aura than before. By recalling his future self that I witnessed in the manga I could finally tell who we were dealing with.

So when I figured out it was Kazushi standing before us, I found this interaction odd. He jumped to the worst conclusion and absolutely didn't recognize me. I looked to my side and quickly realized how Takemichi wasn't worried in the slightest. Making me believe because of this guy's current look he had yet to recognize him.

Recognizing the severity of our situation, I quickly whispered into Takemichi's ear and gave him instructions.

"Why should I?!" He seemed so confused, but after I glared in his direction he quickly recollected himself.

"She's actually my niece!" Kazushi gave me a dubious look but quickly spoke up.

"Whatever just leave her behind and let's go, or we will be late." Takemichi appeared to be a wrecking mess and couldn't muster the strength to stand his ground. I elbowed him to make him go against the dude in front of him he was so afraid of.

"Actually she's coming with us!"

"You know that's not the wisest of ideas." I could see some pity in his eyes aimed toward me, but I wasn't concerned in the slightest, I could protect myself no doubt.

"Just follow my uncle's commands and stop wasting our time!" I took the lead. Kazushi just sighed and opened up the back door to the fancy car waiting for us, as he himself crawled into the passenger seat.

Once the car engine started we whispered among each other.

"Listen Takemichi... would someone that was pinned to a bed by a girl, suddenly forget about the incident even if it took place like in middle school?"

"Not sure where you're going with it, but I believe that would be a quite memorable experience to have." I couldn't believe this guy was blushing just because of the sole image in his head.

"Great, then we are on the same page... I was asking because I did it to Kazushi, and now when you look at him sitting in the passenger seat, I'm being treated like a stranger... isn't this odd?" Takemichi nodded, but it took him some time for the information to sink into his brain.

"What?!" I gave him a questioning look.

"That's Kazushi?" He whispered as I nodded my head.

"And you did what to him?" He yelled even louder this time.

"Is something the matter?" Kazushi questioned, glaring in my direction as if he was suspicious of a mere middle school student, maybe he had a hunch that I wasn't who Takemichi claimed me to be.

"No," Takemichi responded in a trembling voice becoming his timid self once again. But this was all the information I needed to conclude we were in the bad timeline, or maybe there was still some speck of hope this wasn't the case?

Takemichi started to freak out a little, so he reached for his phone. He most likely tried to find Naoto's number to get all the details he needed to solve this situation. But to no avail.

"Shit it's not here." This just added us both additional stress, so Takemichi decided to question.

"Where are we going?" Kazushi rose his brow and simply answered.

"Back to your place just like you ordered before."

"Oh right." For the next couple of minutes, we sat in silence, holding hands to comfort each other as I tried to remember all the other details from the manga.

Wait, wasn't Takemichi ought to meet Chifuyu soon? Maybe he could answer our questions? So when the car stopped Takemichi was greeted by a whole squad of people, of course, he was both freaked out and fascinated at the ordeal.

"Looks like you're the boss here so try to act like one," I whispered into his ear.

"Wait who is this kid? Why are you dragging her along boss?" One of his friends inquired, thankfully Kazushi took over.

"He says it's his niece, weird because I have never seen her before." My worst fear became reality finding out it was not only a one-time case, none of those guys remembered my existence.

"So what's your name and what are you even doing here?"

"Name's Michi and as of now I'm planning to protect my uncle as his bodyguard." I guess my bold declaration shocked everyone even Takemichi himself, but there was a reason for it. Supposing this occurrence was following the manga's storyline it was unavoidable for him to end up in danger. But despite the obstacles, I needed to make sure that everyone's case was the same. And the easiest way to do so would be to meet up with everyone.

"What's this about?" Takemichi asked.

"I'm just making sure that no one can separate us." I gave him a thumb up.

It seemed like everyone just assumed this was just a simple kids tantrum so they let it slide, and we were allowed inside Takemichi's building which he apparently owned.

Despite the grave situation, we found ourselves in, it didn't stop Takemichi from getting fascinated by his achievements in this timeline.

"I live here?" He whispered, more people greeting us inside. I quickly looked around and found Chifuyu standing by the window, gazing outside. I couldn't stop my mouth from smiling, since I finally found a more friendly face that I was better acquainted with.

"You're late... and I see you dragged along some poor middle school kid, what's the meaning of this Takemichi?" My bright smile quickly vanished and all the hope I build up was once again shattered to pieces. This must have been some kind of bad dream, that I simply couldn't accept. Before I knew my legs moved on their own, and I found myself grabbing the future version of Chifuyu's sleeve.

"You really don't know me? Please just think for a minute, tell me this is just some kind of sick joke you all agreed to play on me!" Everyone became silent because of my sudden outburst. It felt like the crowd was silently anticipating the outcome of this show.

"Michi..." I could Takemichi calling my name from the other side filled with nothing but worry. I could tell Chifuyu wasn't lying to me, but I kept on trying.

"How about Senju, tell me you at least know her name." It looked like in this timeline they haven't met either, I could feel tears forming, and in desperation I called out his name, knowing full well I would at least receive some kind of answer.

"What about Keisuke?" I guess since he always called him by his surname Chifuyu didn't connect the dots.

"Baji Keisuke, what the hell happened to him?!" I could see anger form on his face, I suppose from his perspective it looked like someone was playing a sick joke on him instead.

"I don't understand how you know of his name, but it's been 12 years since his death." His fierce gaze turned to Takemichi, I guess he assumed it was his idea because I was too young to have met him.

"Care to explain?" Everyone could hear the coldness in Chifuyu's words, but before Takemichi could utter a single sound, tears started to stream down my face, as I couldn't stomach the unfairness of this cruel future. I quickly ran back to the only person that recognized me in this room. I never thought he would be the one consoling me.

"It's alright Michi, we can always take this time to figure out what went amiss." Chifuyu must have deduced something was amiss, so he quickly acted on his intuition and guided us both to an isolated room. Chifuyu handed me a handkerchief which I used to blow my nose into.

"You just came from the past didn't you?" Was the question aimed at Takemichi as he agreed it being the truth.

"Listen you two, I don't know what's going on here, but we are running late to a meeting, so meanwhile Takemichi changes into a suit, can you two explain what is going on." When Takemichi was fumbling with his clothes alter I quickly updated the other guy in the room of our circumstances.

"Just bear with me will you." I began quite seriously being aware that the timeline shifted to the original one.

"I traveled together with Takemichi from the past." He rose his brow and looked in Takemichi's direction seeking confirmation.

"She's speaking the truth."

"Thing is... since I came here I noticed that people that should have known me forgot about my existence..." I took it slow, Chifuyu sat beside me on the bed taking it all in, holding onto his head due to the shock.

"After some further observation, I arrived at the conclusion that every single memory of me, every single deed I performed vanished with my existence."

"So you're saying in the original timeline without your involvement, Baji was bound to die?" Takemichi questioned as I nodded my head.

"It looks to have been the case."

"Wait are you guys trying to tell me that in your timeline after the Bloody Halloween Baji-san is still alive?" We both agreed that was the case.

"You're not messing with me, are you... so what about Senju, who's she?"

"That's your girlfriend." For some reason, this piece of news seemed even more shocking to him.

"I have a girlfriend? When did the two of us start dating?"

"Summer 2005." His eyes went wide.

"Before Bloody Halloween? I had a girlfriend? I'm at a loss for words." It was comforting to see the future version of Chifuyu so happy.

"Yeah... I guess we must have entered the timeline abounded by god." I joked, but Chifuyu lifted up my spirits with his newfound determination.

"So how are you two planning to resolve this? I will try to help as much as I can!" Our conversation must have given him new hope.

"If there is a younger version of me that doesn't need to part with Baji, I will do anything in my might to maintain that happy past." He admitted.

"Thanks, since it came to this, I'm planning on paying everyone I knew a visit... and you mentioned something about a meeting, who's gonna be there?" I asked as he listed some of the members of Toman and of course Hanma.

"You think, you can somehow sneak me inside the meeting?" I inquired.

"We won't know until we try..." Since my luck points were high, there was a chance the security would overlook my case, at least that's what the three of us were hoping for.