
On Wednesday when I woke up, right off the bat the system was up to no good, still trying to interfere in my love life as if it didn't do enough damage already.

'Would you rather ask Keisuke Baji on a date or someone else to break his heart?' I groaned being pissed off not only because it was merely yesterday I vomited from all the stress this stupid thing put me under, but also because it dared to even suggest the unthinkable.

Cheating of all the things? For real? Didn't it hear the phrase how you should treat others like you wanted to be treated yourself? That's the bare minimum requirement to stay faithful in a relationship, what kind of image did the system have of me really? Like there was a limit to how much of my rules of conduct I was willing to break for some silly system points.

Besides, I didn't feel like moving out of bed today, because I needed a deserving break after being in a constant sea of people. Even if all of them were friends, I felt like I had enough socializing for the week.

"No, I will do neither!" I yelled out and hid under my blanket but it was not like it was enough to tune Venus out, since the punishment wheel window was in front of my eyes, even when I closed them.

"Ugh, fine." I spun it, per the system wish and it landed on 'Genderbend'

"No complains here." But then I thought out loud when sticking my head out of the blanket.

"But nothing much has changed... except my boobs vanishing... I wonder how I would actually look as a guy, like in an older form." Something similar to Ran's age.

"Recalculating." The system seemed to have heard my wish since suddenly I became taller, and when I jumped out the bed to see my new reflection, my hair was shorter, styled in an undercut.

"Sweet, I look hot, kind of like a k-pop idol." After I spent the next fifteen minutes admiring myself in the mirror, I decided it was time to show off my new body. So I busted thru Kazutora's door.

"Guess what?!" Was the first thing I screamed being really excited in fact, but I must have startled my brother in the progress because I saw him falling out of bed.

"What, what? What is going on? Is there a fire?" 

"No silly I became taller than you." It took him a while to process my new look causing him to cautiously ask.


"Yes, here and now, in flesh." Then I proceeded to make a small victory dance, as he was gaping in my direction.

"Yes, stare all you want, I'm the most handsome guy around the block." But he didn't seem to agree with my words, but then an idea hit me.

"Yes, you're totally right Kazutora?"

"I didn't agree with your previous statement, so don't become delusional." I ignored his words since he couldn't face the sacred truth.

"I should totally visit Keisuke in this form and ask him out on a date, that's the best idea you had in years brother." 

"I never-" Before he could finish his sentence I put him into a headlock and messed with his hair.

"What's with the sudden bullying?"

"I'm just using my tall privileges because I can... despite you can tag with me, to Keisuke's house I mean, I bet you're curious about his reaction too." Kazutora nodded his head as we both siblings went downstairs for some breakfast.

"Mom, dad, special offer, only today can you witness how it is to have two sons... of course, such a deal will be present again once we convince Kakucho to join our family." But wouldn't we need a bigger house then? Or could I make him sleep in my room? Like in bunk beds? Then again maybe he would prefer to have a room on his own.

"Wonderful, I guess the sudden growth sprout will be gone tomorrow as well?" Mom asked as I nodded my head.

"I just asked the system to show me how I would look as an older male version of myself, I must say I like what I see." I nodded my head having my hand under my chin.

"So why are you planning to see Keisuke for? Don't tell me it's for some kind of boyfriend trial so he can show how dedicated he is towards you?" Where was Kazutora getting those ideas from?

"What is there to test, the system basically said his love level was the highest, why would I doubt that? I just wanted to see his wonderful reaction when I try to flirt with him in this form." And then I laughed like a villain in a TV series, causing Kazutora to facepalm.

Once we finished eating we headed out together and the first person we met when arriving there was Keisuke's mom.

"Oh, Kazutora... and who is this? I have never seen you before." She let out when her eyes landed on me.

"But I must say you do remind me of Michi." She added.

"We are kind of related in a way." Kazutora gave a questionable answer, but we were let in nonetheless, and my glorious idea was to chat up his mom, but that's when Keisuke arrived.

"Oh no, you will not." He grabbed my hand and dragged me inside his room.

"Michi don't even think about flirting with my mom in this form."

"Wow, Keisuke you recognized me right away?" I was astonished, I thought it would need an explanation at least.

"Kazutora gave me a heads up that the two of you were coming and to expect something freaky." I send a glare toward my brother, how dare he interfere with what was supposed to be a surprise visit.

"Then you already know what I'm going to ask of you I presume?"

"A date, yup I heard." So he wanted to proceed nonetheless?

"Is this a yes I hear? From my dear hubby~?"

"Why would I decline?" He asked tilting his head to the side. So he really saw no problem in this? 

"You're so cute," I said while pulling him into a hug.

"This... this reaction is too unexpected." He froze up all of sudden.

"Why?" I asked perplexed by his response.

"I'm more used to you pushing me away." I just chuckled darkly causing more confusion in his state.

"I warned you of clinginess, there is no escape for you anymore. You're not allowed to change your mind no longer." 

"I wasn't complaining you know... but it's strange to see you being longer than me." That's when I stood up reminding myself of my original resolve to come here.

"Right I wanted to check if I was indeed longer than you Keisuke... which happened to be true." And then I made another victory dance while chanting.

"I'm taller than Keisuke, I'm taller than Keisuke." From the corner of my eye, I caught Keisuke looking in my direction his gaze filled with affection, which caused me to come closer and cover his eyes.

"Too much." But instead, he decided to ask.

"So where should we go on our date, I hope you haven't changed your mind." I pondered about our destination.

"Nope, how about a cat cafe?" I questioned.

"And then volunteering in a shelter? We could take their dogs for a walk." He suggested.

"That's the strangest proposition for a date I ever heard," Kazutora admitted as I nodded my head along.

"But it works, I love dogs!" I confessed.

"Yet we have a cat." Kazutora pointed out.

"That's a simple explanation for this, it was either taking Cupid under our roof or buying a snake. Venomous one at that. I have no problems with snakes, but I do not feel like wasting my time on research." Which probably would be needed if I didn't want to get arrested for owning something illegal and to keep the poor guy alive.

"Besides I can like both, like your friend over here, but then again Keisuke is a special case. Wait I got this." I looked at my phone and then changed his nickname from Moth Boy to Snow White and showcased it to my beloved audience.

"Why, Michi why?" Keisuke let out a cry. I guess he didn't like the change.

"I mean the animals love you... who knows maybe someday you will find a couple of dwarfs to spend time with?" 

"Your hair is black, your skin pale... you just need red lips to seal the deal... and you're fourteen, huh?" The both of them groaned.

"You expect him to eat a poisoned apple as well? So you can wake him up with a kiss." Kazutora asked, so I put some serious thought into it, before turning it into flirting.

"Sure my dear, for today I can be your prince that will save the day." And then I winked in Keisuke's direction.

"Then start moving, let's go on this date you promised." And so meanwhile Kazutora went out to spend some time with Chifuyu the both of us headed out for a date.

First, we hit the cat cafe.

"Get whatever you want dear, I'm paying after all~"

"You won't mind even if I order the whole menu?" Keisuke questioned a little bit intrigued.

"I mean if you can finish it all, be my guest. I don't mind spending my money since I have an abundance of it. But I would prefer if you wouldn't this much sweet stuff wouldn't be good for you." I pointed out.

"Are we already at this stage where we look out for each other's health?" He questioned.

"I guess." And then I proceeded to shrug my shoulder.

Once our order was taken a bunch of cats surrounded Keisuke.

"You have been taken a prisoner." I pointed out.

"Why?" He asked, baffled at my word phrasing.

"Look this little cat fell asleep on your lap, by the laws of the universe it forbids you now from moving now," I noted in a serious tone.

"Does it mean you will feed me?" He posed a question. I hesitated to answer and the system must have realized that because a mission came up.

'Would you rather feed Keisuke Baji once his dessert comes or take the kitty and throw it up in the air?' 

"Yup totally will do it."

"Did you just get a mission?" He asked, rising his brow in suspicion.

"How did you?" I was stunned.

"Since you spaced out there for a while." 

"Don't worry I didn't agree to feed you just because of the mission...or maybe I did. No wait, I changed my mind, this will be fun." To spice it up once our order came, I decided to start things like this.

"Here comes the airplane little guy~" His brows frowned.

"Okay, okay no baby talk I get it. Some other day perhaps." Later I was patting this one cat that approached me instead of Keisuke, its temperament totally reminded me of Cupid. Such troublesome kittens sure had a type.

So once we spend like two hours there cuddling with cats, because Keisuke was their star, we moved to our next location.

"How about we also donate some dog food as well? I mean I don't mind spending money for a good cause."

"That's a great idea Michi." Once we were there something hit me, wasn't Keisuke usually taking care of stray cats on his own? Using his own allowance to feed them? So I slipped some money into his pocket.

"Don't tell me you want me to strip right here." I just laughed at the silly proposition.

"No, it's child support, considering how many cat children you're taking care of in your free time. I have to contribute somehow."

"Oh..." He looked at the amount while flipping thru the bills.

"Isn't it too much?" He was capable of counting? Magic.

"If so you can spend it on yourself and your mom, take her out on an outing perhaps?"

"You shouldn't spoil me like this, what if I get too comfortable and start to expect this kind of treatment all the time?" I shrugged what was I supposed to say to that

"All the more reason for you to stick with me. But don't expect any sports cars in the future." 

"Can I expect something like a motorcycle?" He questioned probably out of curiosity.

"Maybe on your 18th birthday? By then you be stuck by my side already for four years."

The staff all the shelter was thankful for the huge amount of food we brought over, and they got us two dogs to go on a walk with. And when we finished I let out.

"This was nice, let's do it again someday. This and feeding the stray cats as well."

"Or the fuzzy children as you called them once." I just laughed.

Then I got the bright idea to carry Keisuke in my arms.

"Another mission?" He suspected but I shook my head.

"My bright idea."

"Then I bet you won't mind this." And I got kissed? By him? In this form? What? Shortly after we said our goodbyes since he decided I needed to rest considering the events from yesterday.

But this scene didn't leave my mind even when I was ready to head to bed.

"He really did that didn't he?" I asked myself questioning if that was some kind of fever dream I experienced.