chapter two

Yasar p.o.v

Rrrriiiinnnngg! Rrrrrriiiinnnggg!

My phone kept ringing and I had a hard time answering it until it suddenly fell from hand.

I struggled picking it up but finally managed to answer it.

"Hello son, how are you?" Asked a female voice.

"Who's" I asked in a sleepy voice.

"It's me, you're mother,I called to ask if maya  is with you?" She asked.

I quickly got up from my bed, trying to process what my mom asked.

I was surprised by her question about maya  knowing that she lives in Australia.

"Wait ... hold on, you are asking me about  maya  doesn't she live with Aunt  Rose in Australia? Don't tell me she ran away?" I asked her.

"No, she didn't,  actually she is coming back to stay with us as a transfer student. am just hoping that you will take good care of her for now that she's about to graduate from college, " she informed me.

"But you know that I am always busy with my career, and taking care of her will be hard work, and for her school, did you have to transfer her all the way here come on mom?" I whined.

"Sorry son, I have already sent her to you and am not going to listen to you whining better take care, she will be waiting for you at the lobby so go pick her up and wish you good luck " she said as she hang up the phone.

"Come on, no way, I barely have time for myself, and now I have to take care of my cousin way to go to me , be the cousin of the year," I complained to myself.

As I was looking for a short to wear, I got a notification on my phone, and I took it to look at the message it read:

Your cousin is waiting for you in the lobby. Pick her up, and please take care of her

Love you.Mom ❤

I chuckled and changed my clothes and left my room to go and pick up maya.

"Going out so early in the morning?" Jake, as he came out from the gym room.

"Yeah, I am picking up maya, she's...."I didn't finish my sentence.

"Maya, as in your cousin? Is she visiting you?" He asked excitedly.

"Yeah maya  and no, it's not just visiting. She's transferred here for her final year," I explained to him, but he walked away before I could finish.

"Great, I better get cleaned up before I see her," he said, running fast.

I don't know why he's so excited to see her while I have no idea how I will survive for the rest of this year, knowing she's nothing but a troublemaker.

I walked in the elevator and used the card to close the door. The door closed as I waited to reach the ground floor.

I walked out of the elevator before it closed, as I looked around for tori, I saw her talking to a guy, and they were shaking hands.

I got curiouse that I walked towards them, but he walked away quickly.

As maya stared at him while he walked out, I slowly walked behind her and told her how much I missed her.

But as usual, she would reply to me sarcastically.

We then walked back to the elevator, where I used my card again.

Maya  snatched it from my hand and kept turning it around, and she almost bitten it, and it would be useless to use it.

We entered the penthouse and showed her her bedroom and walked away. Otherwise, she would complain, none stop.

As I walked into the living room where the rest of the boys were. I sat next to Nate and was busy writing on his iPad.

"Is everything ok? You seem lost, " he asked as he put his iPad on the table.

"No, not really,'s just that mom sent maya  here while we happen to be busy with our own schedules and it seems like it won't be easy for me personally" I said as I rub my hand behind my neck.

"Why do you think that? It won't be just you. We are all here for you and am sure maya  won't cause any trouble for us, "I am sure," he said .

"Well, I wish it was that easy, but the thing maya   is a trouble maker. Why do you think mom sent her here to me?" I asked him.

"Don't pressure yourself, we will all be here for you and besides it's just one year and she will graduate and don't forget she's a teenager now and not some five year old " he said.

"I hope nothing goes wrong while she's here," I prayed silently.

Soon  filex looking hungry joined us, and we discussed the work and other things.

"By the way, I heard maya    is here. Did she come to visit?"  I  asked as we walked to the dining room.

"Yeah, she's here she will join us soon for dinner," I said as I helped a maid with a tray of plates.

"Hey guys, guess what? There's a girl who just moved in our building. I think her name is be.."

Before James could finish, jess came in and sat on the chair without looking at us and took a bite of chicken from a bowl.

She then looked at all of us with an open mouth, I wondered why.

"Maya  are you alright?" I asked as she kept blinking her eyes as if she was seeing a ghost.

Suddenly she screamed and started pointing at us.

"W....wha...are you... you.. what are you doing here?" She asked him.

"I ...I live here, and why did you scream for?" He asked as he put his hand in his ears.

"Am.... sor... sorry for startling you, it just th... never mind, " she said, going back to eat her dinner.

It was so weird how she behaved towards them she acted like some fan girl.