chapter five

Yasar p.o.v

To be honest, I never intended to see maya again. After I left her with mom, I was sure it would be a long time before I would see her again.

Back then she used to stay with me and my mom who is her aunt which means she's my cousin but she happens to be rebellious ever since she came into our lives there was never a time she wouldn't be in trouble.


One time we were invited to one of our classmates' birthday party ,her name was Alisha,she was standing with her friends when suddenly maya came out with a water gun and started spraying it around.

It wasn't long before everyone was running around trying to cover up, but unfortunately, Alisha ended up wet, and she started crying as her hair messed up.

She cried so loud her mom came running, wondering what happened, everyone pointed at maya.

Maya apologised, but Alisha's was so furious that she didn't want to listen to her and took her daughter away as she was crying.

Everyone else looked at her and she left the party, I followed her as she sat down in a corner of the room.

"I didn't mean to get her wet," she said as she looked down and tears fell down her cheek.

"You shouldn't have brought the gun in the first place, maya"

"I was trying to get everyone to have fun,"

I didn't say anything as I was mad at her for what she did, Alisha's mom told her driver to take us away.

Maya still apologised before she left but neither alisha nor her mom wanted to see her.

I didn't get time to give her present that I bought for her.

So the next day, I took it to give it to her and she accepted it but when maya wanted to give her she refused.

Maya looked at me, I took the present to give it to her but still refused to accept it.

I even tried to apologise on her behalf but Alisha still refused so maya took it and walked away.

After that day,they both never spoke to each other and I was between them.

I did my best to get them together but it would end up being awkward as time passed everyone moved on.

Maya changed and I had no idea she would turn rebellious to a point she had to be transferred here.

End of flashback

It's been years since I last saw her I barely had time ever since I left for college and as usual maya wouldn't talk to me whenever I call.

I didn't think much back then as I knew she barely spend time with mom as well.

And now she had come here to stay until her final year and she doesn't like the way am treating her.

It's not like I don't want her here,there's so much going on in my life that I don't want her to know.

And now am given responsibility to look out for her as she's a notorious and always get into trouble one way or another.

I couldn't sleep well that night as I was thinking about her coming here.

Next day

As I get ready for work as usual, harith would give me updates about my schedule for the day as we drove to my office.

As he was talking my mind wasn't there, I thought about what maya said the previous night.

As we got closer to the building, I saw two fingers in front of me I looked at harith who looked confused.

"Earth to you, are you OK you seem lost today?"

"Sorry I was thinking about....

"Maya, you don't want her here right?"

"Its just i don't want her to know about anything at all but I don't think that's going to be easy"

"As far as I know we should keep low profile and don't make her suspect anything"

"You're right I don't know what to do for now"

"Don't worry, let me handle it, I'll be by her side and won't let you down trust me"

I nodded and we both entered the building as usual everyone would greet me and I would enter the elevator with harith beside me.

Harith is also my best friend we met in high school and ever since we've been together till today.

After work we went back home, found maya in the living room as she changes channels.

A maid took my coat as another one brought me a glass of water.

I sat opposite maya, she looked nervous as I cleared my throat.

I decided to let her stay as I was given the responsibility and told her my final decision.

She looked happy and as for her celebration I invited her to private party which was being held in one of my friend's house.

We all got ready by night,maya came out wearing a long red dress with black hijab and red shoes. The theme of the party was black and red.

She looked stunning and the guys couldn't stop staring at her. I snapped my fingers and they all looked like they were caught red handed.

We left the penthouse together and booked a limousine to the party by the time we reached the party.

The place was crowded with photographers and people were taking pictures.

We all got out as harith and James were the last ones to come out with maya.

As soon as she got out the flash of cameras caught her eyes which made her almost fall down but she got caught by two hands.

Both of them caught her before she could fall. She managed to stand up and thanked them both.

I couldn't help but to watch as maya and harith kept whispering to each other. I guess he was trying to get her stay calm as she wasn't expecting the party to be like this.

After getting photographed we entered the place after showing our invitation cards.

The place was elegant, there was soft music at the background and the host Mr. Marcus who's one of our client came to greet me.

I introduced him to my friends and maya. He greeted us as he did the same with his wife and his daughter, by the look she seemed familiar but I didn't get to see her as she walked away.

Maya and the guys were invited to a table and we all sat together. Mr. Marcus was called to give a speech and the party went on.

On the other hand as the place got busier,I was invited to see Mr.marcus in his office.

Before that I made sure that maya was safe first before I followed one of his butler.

I texted harith to watch out for maya and take her home if she got tired.

I walked  inside and saw Mr.Marcus on his desk looking at some papers.

Even though it was a party,it seemed like he was a workaholic.

"Take a seat Mr. Yasar we have unfinished business"

I nodded and we started talking about the project when my phone rang, I was about to cut the call when I suddenly received a message.

Harith:maya passed out after taking a drink, am taking her to the hospital now.

It was from harith, I couldn't believe what he said, I apologised to Mr.Marcus and left his office in a hurry.

I quickly entered the taxi and got to the hospital as fast as I could.

As harith saw me, he had teary eyes and my heart sunk as I thought something bad might have happened.

I silently pray that nothing bad happens or else I would blame myself for the rest of my life.

Question is who wants to harm her and why?....