chapter 7

Yasar p.o.v

I just left the doctor's office after he revealed that maya was poisoned and luckily got saved just in time.

My heart was racing, wondering what would have happened if none of the boys were around I was glad that I made sure someone to look out for her as I was going to have a meeting with one of our investors.

Now, here I am, standing in front of the window looking at maya sleeping as the nurse checks her vitals.

Now more than ever, I have to make sure she's fine and has someone who will watch her. I have to make sure I find the person who almost got her poisoned.

Harith looked more worried, and I knew he felt guilty for not noticing her being drugged as he was trying to get to her.

"Don't worry,it's not your fault," I assured him.

"But I am partly blamed for not being keen, I thought she was just having fun with her friends,"

As soon as he mentioned friends, that's when it clicked. Maybe someone who knows her could be behind all this.

"You know what, now that you've mentioned friends, let's find out who's behind it, OK?"

He nodded and left to check on his phone. The doctor came to see if there was any problem, but then James was staying with her as I was outside talking to harith.

Maya woke up, and we were all there with the doctor as he told us to take care of her and should be bed rest. James volunteered to sleep for the night and the rest of us left.

The next day,we brought maya home, and harith made sure that everyone was alert and paid attention to her needs.

I knew he was doing this out of guilt he felt for not being able to protect her that night and am glad he's doing his best.

As the rest of us are already graduates and only James was going to be graduating this year so it's easy for us to know he'll be watching out for her.

Knowing his mischief and bad boy attitude, I'll have to make sure he keeps his eyes on her whereabouts.

I on the other hand have to fund out who tried to poison her,harith checked the footage of what happened that night and it turned out to be a man who spiked  her drink as she was busy talking to someone.

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the man's face. He was one of my rivals employee.

I stormed out of the office with harith behind me, I was lucky to get into an open elevator, and harith was already next to me.

We didn't speak as I was burning with rage, knowing that someone who not o ly is my cousin but also dear to me almost lost her life because of him.

As we reached the ground floor, harith stopped me and stood in front of me.

"I know that you're mad, and so am I, but facing him like this will bring trouble for us,"

"You think I don't know that? He is messing with my family, I almost lost maya because of him, then tell me what am  I supposed to do?"

"Do you even have a plan?"

"I don't, but all I know is I'll storm to his place and give him a piece of my mind."

"You forgot last time you did that you almost died and you know that if something like this happens again, it's not us who will be devastated, same goes for maya now that she's living with us we have to be more careful "

I noded knowing that if maya knows the truth she will be scared even though, she acts rebellious I know she has an innocent heart and I'll do whatever it takes to make sure she never finds out about our secret life.

I took a deep breath and asked him to cancel my meetings as I wasn't feeling well and drove myself away.

I didn't go home and just went for a long drive. I stopped my car next to the beach and took off my shoes, the place was full of people, kids were playing, others were sun bathing, and I took a seat near the water.

As she splashed on my feet, I couldn't help but remember the times when maya and I would come to play here while making sand castles. we were close and enjoyed ourselves.

As we grew up,she and her family moved out and I was sad to see her leave, sometimes on holidays like summer and New Year's Eve our families would gather and enjoy the holidays together.

We would also take funny pictures and write down our hopes and dreams about the future.

Though not everything we wrote came true except that we will always have each other's back,from that day I promise myself to protect her no matter what.

Things changed on the way. After losing her parents, her behaviour changed and would cause problems too.

That's why I never agreed to look out for her when my  mom told me to, but what would have happened if the same thing that happened last night happened when I wasn't around.

Even so, I didn't know how angry and sad I would be if I lost her whether I was with her or not.

The fear of losing someone I care about is so scary that time when we found out about the accident, it wasn't just my parents who were worried I was too.

My parents and I were watching tv when my mom received a call from the hospital, she answered the call and immediately left the phone hanging as she took her coat and keys, dad and I followed her.

"Where are you going this late?"

"My sister and her family got into an accident we have to leave."

Dad took the keys from mom as he drove us. He knew mom wasn't herself,so she and I sat on the passengers seat as dad drove us to the hospital.

As we reached the entrance, three ambulances stopped , and doctors and nurses came out with stretchers as the paramedics helped the doctors to take maya and her parents to the emergency room.

They were all unconscious and were bleeding, too. I couldn't see anything else as they closed the blinds.

Hours later, a doctor came and broke the most heartbreaking news, which not only broke my mom into tears at the same time for me as well, thinking that they all died.

As luck has its way,maya was the only survivor, and I couldn't tell how happy and sad I was that she was OK.

As we went to visit her,she fell into a coma after the surgery, and it was heartbreaking to see her laying there, not knowing that once she woke up, she would never see her parents again.

Seeing her in that same condition made my heart skipped a beat, I don't want to see her in that state ever again now more than ever I'll do whatever it takes to make sure her safety comes first.

As for that person who caused her that pain is going to pay for what he did, I'll make sure he ends up there in the most horrible condition of his life....