chapter 8

Maya p.o.v

As we both for out of his car, the look of everyone's face, mostly girls were giving me disgusting looks and angry looks which I didn't mind at all.

James greeted his group of friends both boys and some girls who were giving me confused looks.

"This is maya,my best friend's cousin" he introduced me and greeted them back avoiding the girls looks.

James took me to the Dean's office and left for class. AS I waited for the Dean to call me in , a boy came out and saw me he greeted me and I did the same.

"Hi am luke,are you new ?" He asked as he extended his hand for me to shake.

"Am maya am new" I said without shaking his hand.

Before he could ask any questions, the Dean called me and I went inside.

"You must be maya,your aunt told me everything about you and since she's the biggest donator in this school and applied you here am sure you won't be causing any trouble " he said with a firm tone and I just nodded.

He then asked me to take my schedule from the secretary. I thanked him and went to the secretary to take my schedule as I was new to the school, the secretary called a student whose back was facing me.

As he turned around I realised it was luke the boy who left the Dean's office a while ago.

"Hey luke mind helping our new student to fond her class am a bit busy?" She asked as she pointed at me.

He agreed and we both left the office, as he showed me around I couldn't help to admire the school, it looked more fancy for the rich kids and it totally looked like more of a hotel than a school.

As he was about to show me the library, someone called his name and we both turned to see a girl coming towards us. She jumped on him as she looked at me.

"Macy,this is maya a new student" luke introduced me.

"Nice to meet you "she extended her hand and I shook it.

The bell rang and I looked at my schedule, I happen to have English as first class and I didn't know which class to go.

Luke and macy saw my face and took my schedule.

"You have English, lucky for you we have the same class" macy said as she took my hand and we both left luke alone.

We both walk to class as we were about to enter, James came back. And macy smiled at him.

"Are you and luke...."

"What? No he's my brother what made you think that?" She asked.

"I don't know, sorry I just assumed " I said.

"It's OK, if you don't know where to go I'll be your guide for the day" she smiled as we got ready for class to start.

The class bell rang and a man in a blue jeans white shirt walked in as he looked on his phone, suddenly everyone's phone started buzzing.

As I looked around, macy showed me a cover of a book and the teacher read a paragraph of the story and asked the class to get it before the end of the week.

As the class were busy with work, the teacher came back to class and asked me to leave the class.

As I followed him outside he told me that a member of my family wanted to see me and before I left he asked me to make sure that I had the book ready.

I nodded and left,before I did I saw James coming out of his class and he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the school.

We walked to his car and before I could say anything he started driving.

"Care to explain why I had to leave the class right after it started?"

"Sorry but it's an emergency and yasar wants us to be at the hospital as soon as possible " James said as we drove towards the busy road.

"What? Why?what happened?" I asked curiously.

"He didn't say much so we have to be there now"

Luckily the road wasn't to the hospital wasn't that bad and as for James he's a good driver.

We quickly parked the car and ran towards the entrance where we saw yasar and the boys.

"What happened yasar?" I quickly asked.

"It's you,why didn't you tell us about your condition and had to do a background check is this why you turned all delinquent and had to be transferred here?"

"So what? It was one time thing and aunty paid for the damages?"

"Are you for real maya?"

"I already apologised so can you please just drop it?"

"Just tell us why you did it ?" He asked

"I won't tell you anything, looks like you guys are just bothered by my actions and you know what how about I ask aunty's to take me back looks like you're looking for an excuse to send me back any way"

"That won't be necessary I just you to take some test to make sure you're fine to continue your studies"

"So you just made up story to make me come here for this?" I asked as they all stood in front of me.

"Sorry for lying but you wouldn't come if we didn't say that and besides it's just a test to make sure that are well"

"Well I didn't ask you to do it let me go now"

"Not after we saw what happened last night do you even remember what happened to you?"

"All I know is I was having fun with a friend and had some drinks I didn't have any alcohol if that I'd what you are asking"

"No I mean do you remember the person who gave you a drink, you know you're not suppose to take drinks from strangers?"

"Sorry I don't all I know was I took a sip and went to join my friend to dance why do you ask?"

"Well you ended up passing out and we brought you here and the doctor took blood tests and turns out you were almost poisoned Luckily the doctor managed to take it out before it destroyed your organs"

Before I could say anything, a doctor came with to us,yasar and the boys quickly went to him.

As the doctor handed him the report what he said next made me feel like my world was coming to an end.

"Am afraid the patient doesn't have enough time to live,she needs a kidney treatment or else