Chapter 12 : Decoder Heart

Ash’s POV

Tomorrow was a new day, and after getting Ma to bed after a new episode of High Noon to make her forget about all the horrors of the day, I was more than eager to call it at night.

By the time my alarm went off, news of my impending death had lessened in our minds and I was, for once, excited to go to school.

Because today was Wednesday, and that meant Newspaper Club.

Which meant a little under two hours, I’d be almost one-on-one with Suzy Sykes.

“What do you think of this, Ash?” Suzy had tied her hair back in a singular French braid, the ruby studs in her ears shaped like little hearts. A present for her sixteenth from her grandmother; Suzy’d talked about those earrings for weeks and hadn’t stopped wearing them since.

I glanced down to where she was pointing. It was a picture with tomorrow’s headline: “Mayor or Murderer? Mayor Stevens’ Fall from Grace!” splashed on the bottom.