Chapter 3 : Ilios Nightlife

Theodora’s POV

Nightfall in Ilios was quite the sight. Two suns meant two sunsets. Glittering the sky with purples and pinks, three different moons rose and took their place in the sky—various sizes and colors. Just as unique as the mountains decorating the horizon.

The only lights were dimmed lanterns marking the open buildings. Bars. Restaurants. Night shows. The dim light preserved the beauty of the stars glowing, making me feel so small in the vastness of the galaxy.

My brother hated it. Loved the stars, but hated feeling small.

I found comfort in it. No matter how badly I fucked up, it would only ever be a blimp in the grand scheme of things. Peaceful silence, after all, was said and done.

For once, it made my life feel simple.

I leaned against the open bay door where we had docked. Daxton and Benji were setting up chairs to drink the night away before we met with the Emperor in the morning. Usually, I would join them.

Not tonight.

I had to get off the ship tonight. And what better place than Ilios? Truly a beautiful planet and I’ve seen dozens. A light cool breeze blew some strands of my hair back, tickling my nose. With a glance over my shoulder and a “see you later” to my brother, I zipped up my jacket and headed out on the town.

Fresh, crisp air filled my lungs, smelling like the color green. I sighed, the tension leaving my shoulders. Don’t get me wrong, I loved my crew, but something could be said about cabin fever. Plus, the biggest bonus in my field of work was traveling.

Seeing different cultures. How people survive in different environments. I wondered how my ancestors traveled without translator chips. How hard communication was back then. I chuckled to myself.

Even with all the languages in the universe implanted behind our ears, it still didn’t stop the wars. The imprinted human nature to take and take—a big reason I deserted the military. With so much beauty in the universe, it felt wrong to keep taking.

Chatter of locals surrounded the dock as they packed up their merchant stands for the night. It wasn’t a bustling metropolis like Juniper, but the quaint serenity was like a breath of fresh air. I followed a stone path, the worn footpath to the city center at the foot of a mountain. The footpath continued upward in a steep staircase.

I glanced up, trying to see where the steps led, but all I could see was the outline of a magnificent castle sitting on a cliff face like a jewel on a pedestal.

I bet it was even more beautiful in the sunlight.

Most storefronts seemed to close after the sun went down, except for one bar lighting up the stone pathway with golden light.

Ah, perfect.

The patio was open, and there are a few people drinking and chatting outside. An archway of modest, but well-kempt azure wood, held the doors open to welcome the breeze of a nice night. I stepped inside the building and a few eyes snapped over to me.

I didn’t blame them. I looked out of place; worn leather jacket, jeans, and a six-shooter on my hip. I got those looks just about anywhere I went.

But at least time, I was wearing sexy underwear. Can't be too careful.

I sauntered up to the bar, taking a seat in front of the bartender. There were a few empty seats next to me, with a few patrons scattered among the stools. It was fairly empty, but I didn’t mind. I could use the quiet.

“Good evening,” the bartender greeted. “What can I get for you?”

I tapped my lower lip. “I’ll just take whatever is an Ilios specialty.”

The older man raised his eyebrow but didn’t argue. “Fourteen credits.”

I reached into my pocket and offered him my card, tucking it back into my pocket when he gave it back. The bartender turned to shake up my drink, trying to muffle a snicker.

Oh, no. I order a drink and get a laugh. That can’t be good.

“You have no idea what you just ordered,” a smooth voice said from a few seats down.

“Don’t worry about me, sweetheart. I can handle my drink,” I retorted, tossing some of my hair over my shoulder.

A deep chuckle ruminated from that direction again. “Suit yourself.”

I kicked my feet up against the bar, swiveling around to look at the man talking to me. I was met with amber-flecked eyes twinkling with amusement. He had deeply toned skin teetering between dark brown and a rich gold-like terracotta. Plump two-toned lips sipped a glass full of something emerald green.

His gaze stayed on me as the bartender placed an identical glass in front of me. Emerald green and sharply scented. I narrowed my eyes, pursing my lips as I analyzed the cocktail.

“Go on, give it a taste. Fermented from an herb only on Ilios,” the mystery man stated teasingly.

Me, not being one to back down from a challenge, boldly picked up the glass and brought it to my lips, tilting it back and taking a generous gulp.

The man next to me sputtered on his drink, eyes flaring wide as I coughed hard.

My eyes watered as I choked down the rest of the liquor coating my tongue. “Oh. Bad idea! Bad idea!” I wheezed, bringing my hand up to my mouth as my entire face went beet red.

The bartender erupted in laughter. “Ilios specialty. 185 proof fermented green ecarthed.”

I sputtered, “You use this shit to melt adhesive off of machinery.”

The mystery man couldn’t help but laugh, too. “Oh, it takes the paint off of walls. We also use it to sterilize gunshots.”

I blinked away tears. “Oh, that’s horrible.”

“Well, it’s only horrible if you decide to down it like water.” The mystery man scooted over, sitting on the stool next to me. “I’m Javier,” he introduced, holding his hand out to shake mine.

“Theo,” I replied, shaking his hand.

To my surprise, his hand felt cool against mine. Oddly comforting like the cold side of a quilt. “What brings you to Ilios?”

I scoffed. “I’m very obviously a local.”

Javier chuckled, flashing pearly white teeth behind his plump lips.

My tongue darted out to moisten my bottom lip. “I’m just here for business. Got here a day early and wanted to get off my ship for a little while.”

He brought more of that ghastly liquor to his lips as he asked, “What kind of business?”

I shrugged. “Freelance. I move around a lot.”

Javier hummed, his broad chest rumbling slightly. “That must be exciting. I’ve been looking forward to getting off Ilios. Seeing what else is out there.”

I leaned in, eyes dropping to look at his lips again. I watched his throat bob as he took another gulp of his drink, a coil of delight weaving through my belly.

Maybe this is what I needed.

To flirt with a stranger.

“I recommend it. A galaxy full of opportunity,” I murmured, leaning even closer, entranced by him. “Never know who you’ll meet.”

He flashed me a smile, sliding his tongue across his bottom lip to catch an emerald bead. A bolt of heat stroked between my legs. “I guess not.”

“What do you do for a living?” I asked, resting my chin on my palm and letting my thick hair fall into ringlets down my side.

“Nothing too exciting. I work for my brother.”

I laughed under my breath. “I know what that’s like.”

“Family business?”

“Something like that,” I answered, nudging his shoulder playfully as we leaned in further, so close I could smell the booze on his breath. It smelled terrible in the glass but somehow smelled great on him.

Slowly, his hand pressed against my thigh, causing the skin inside my jeans to thrum with the desire to have him touch my bare flesh. Javier moved his hand in subtle motions, lazily, giving me the opportunity to back away from him if I wasn’t interested.

But I was more than interested as I parted my legs ever so slightly to offset the heat beading between them. I watched his honeyed irises darken with lust when I reciprocated, playing with my hair.

With teeny tiny sips and good conversation, the green ecarthed liquor didn’t taste so bad. But that didn’t mean I was going to finish it. Trying something new was enough for me. Besides, I was too distracted by Javier’s hand on my thigh to even consider finishing that drink.

I didn’t want to dull my senses.

He traced a casual circle along my leg as we talked, making my body ache. It had been so long since I’d had sex. I felt starved of it. My core wept for it. To lose my inhibitions. Get over myself and give my body what it desperately wants.

“Do you want to get out of here?” Javier asked, his eyes dark with desire as my skin trembled under his hands.

“I’d love to,” I replied breathily, eyelids fluttering and another spear of lust fired through my body.

He tilted his head to the door, getting off the stool and leaving a tip of a few credits on the bar. With his hand on the small of my back, he led me behind the building to a small parking lot.

While most of the planets I went to had hovercrafts or some form of a flying car, some places didn’t need them, settling for land rovers.

The parking lot was empty for the most part, aside from a shiny oversized land rover. I didn’t need to know the model number to know it was expensive. Javier clearly had money. He stepped over to the vehicle, using the biometric scanner to pop open the locks.

“I don’t live far if you don’t mind a ride. Unless you want to take me back to your spaceship,” he offered.

Taking him back to the Peacemaker spelled trouble. Besides, I wasn’t eager to take my conquests to my bedroom. I’d prefer not to fuck where I sleep. “Yours is fine,” I replied.

He opened the door for me and I got in.

His rover smelled like he did—rich and musky. A scent that urged me to sink my teeth into his broad shoulder. I felt hot all over as I closed the door beside me.

When Javier got in on the driver's side, I reached over, tracing the corner of a sharp jaw with my fingertip. “On second thought, why should we have to go anywhere?” I asked, enjoying how a ripple of goosebumps cascaded down his throat.

“I thought a lady might like a big plush bed,” he answered. His voice had gone deep and gravelly, making me shudder. I’d love to hear that voice groan when I pulled his cock out of his pants.

“I don’t need a bed,” I stated, throwing my leg over the center console and straddling his lap in one smooth motion.

I heard his breath hitch, a hard line in his pants growing even harder. I bit back a whimper, body on fire. His hands trailed down the front of my jacket, unzipping it and splaying it open. My nipples pebbled beneath my shirt and Javier found them instantly.

My back bowed with a quiet moan when his thumbs played with the sensitive tips.

“Oh, yes,” I murmured, cupping his jaw and bringing him closer to me for a hungry kiss.

And that man knew how to kiss.

I needed friction, something to take some of the pressure away. I rocked my core against his cock, releasing frustrated moans from both of us. I was puffing against his mouth, desperately needing to get off.

It had been too fucking long.

Javier reclined his seat, hitting a button on the door that blacked out the windows. Both of his hands cupped my face, devouring my mouth, and tracing my tongue with his in a kiss that felt incredibly messy.

I broke the kiss, leaning back to slide my jacket off and pull my shirt over my head. Javier breathed hard as his eyes dropped down to my breasts, concealed with a thin bra. His mouth found mine again as he unclipped it one-handed, the other hand fumbling with the button of my jeans.

Bare-chested, I pulled his shirt over his head, ravenously devouring the golden skin as it came into view. Dark hair dotted his defined muscles and immaculate golden skin. Not a tattoo in sight. I dipped my head down, drawing a line with my tongue down the bulging chord in his throat.

He groaned, hands finding my tits as I pressed them flush against his chest.

His skin felt cool to the touch, a welcome reprieve against the growing heat. I fumbled to get my jeans off, sliding them down my legs as Javier freed his cock from the confines of his pants. My panties were practically drenched by how aroused I was.

My insides clenched when I saw it, long and thick, the ruby red tip beading pearlescent arousal. A rush of wet heat flooded my body again.

But at least I wasn’t the only one who was desperate.

He reached into his pocket for a condom, unrolling it down his dick while I watched. I made a noise of approval deep in my throat as he fisted his cock, guiding it to my entrance. I moaned loudly as I raised my hips, sliding down the thick length until I was fully seated.

Fuck, it felt so good.

There were no pleasantries. No sweet nothings. I didn’t know him and he didn’t know me. He was something to use to get off just as he was using me. I spread my legs on either side of his hips, riding him like I was trying to break a horse, but Javier wasn’t complaining.

His head fell back as he gripped my hips, fucking me faster and harder. It hadn’t even been ten minutes and I was weeping from the intensity of my impending orgasm. Talk about pent-up.

This was what I needed. A sexy stranger and a casual fuck. Efficient as hell. An orgasm from something other than my hands.

Javier’s dark eyes met mine as he put two fingers in his mouth, moistening them to play with my clit. And that was all it took for me to come undone on top of him, working him up and down until he finished. I rode out the waves, hips stuttering to a sweaty, filthy stop.

I got off of him, panting heavily as I got dressed. “Thanks. I needed that.”

He didn’t say anything, pupils blown out in blissed-out pleasure as he discarded the condom into a small bag of trash, tucking himself back into his pants. He breathed heavily and I could tell he wanted to say something.

But I didn’t want to hear it.

Not the awkward post-orgasm small talk. No thank you. I wanted to get out of there so fast that I left my panties on the floor of his rover.


You’re welcome for the trophy and the orgasm.

I grabbed my jacket and opened the car door, slamming it behind me before Javier could say something to ruin my high. I finished zipping up my pants and snapping my holster around my waist on the way back to my ship.