Chapter 8 : Honesty

Javier’s POV

One hand outstretched to offer me a glass of starshine. Popular beverage among space goers. And now I know it was Theo’s drink of choice. I accepted it from her slender hands, my fingertips brushing hers. As she leaned forward the robe tied around her waist seemed to bow a little around her neckline.

Then it hit me all at once.

I barged into a half-naked woman’s room.

The fact she was wearing a bathrobe didn’t once cross my mind until I saw the plush navy blue fabric give away to her collarbone, contouring to her generously sized tits. Pure lust bolted down into my pants, thickening my cock when I remembered how they felt in my hands.

How much she liked it when I caressed her nipples, tightening against my fingertips. I couldn’t help myself as my gaze slid across her collarbone, eager to know if her nipples were as pink as her lips.

Those pillowy lips, blush pink, curled around the rim of her glass as she took another sip of the pearlescent drink.

I fought the urge to pull her up from her seat and let the robe puddle around her feet. I wondered how fast I could get her to crumble around my hand. She didn’t seem like the type of woman to beg, just the type to give orders instead of taking them.

Fine by me.

But as tempting as it was to kneel between her legs, part her thighs around my head, and devour her nectar from now until we dock on Zeus 9 until she came hard around my tongue over and over again. It still didn’t change the fact that she was hired by my brother. Indulging in my desires was highly inappropriate, despite how badly my cock tried to convince me otherwise.

I brought the glass to my lips, noticing how Theo’s gaze found my mouth, following the liquor as it cascaded down my throat.

Finally, Theo started to make sense. Her distrust and tight bond with her crew. I tasted the liquor, sweet and citrusy warming my throat. Like her. The taste of her mouth was similar to the brightness of her favorite drink.


Far more palatable than green ecarthed.

I tilted the glass, watching how the light seemed to shift off the surface of the alcohol. No wonder they called it starshine. Her warm gaze was on me, enrapturing me as I gazed down into them. Electric energy roped around me, preventing me from moving away. A poor excuse.

I didn’t want to back away. I wanted to feel her warmth flutter across my skin.

She tormented me.

As she stared up at me with youthful wide eyes, scars hidden within those depths, I wanted her to trust me. That alone would feel like a gift greater than her body.

“You have my word, Captain Walker, I will value your contact’s privacy,” I said firmly. All Cyrus had to know is that we were getting third-party information. Didn’t need to know who or when. I wouldn’t violate Theo’s trust for Cyrus’s curiosity.

Theo tilted her head to the side, the beauty mark on her cheek apparent in the glow of her nightside lamp, resting in the divet of her single dimple. “I’ll hold you to that, Javier.”

A bolt of lust shot down my spine. I loved the way my name sounded on her lips. Didn’t say it much in my rover, but I would pay good credits to have her scream it. My eyes trailed down the collar of her robe to the way it split around her creamy thighs.

And again, I was tortured with the desire to lick my way up her silken thighs and feel her velvety core flutter around my tongue.

As if she could sense my lust, I watched her thighs press together. My attraction to her wasn’t one-sided. I could hear her heart kick up, hammering in her chest, blood rushing and warming her face in a glorious crimson.

The scent of it flooded my nose in a rush, mouthwatering like spun sugar. My jaw started to ache with the urge for my fangs to slide out and rest against my bottom lip. Feel her wetness against my fingers as I sank my teeth into her flesh.

I bit back a groan.

Women never affected me like this. Not human. Not fae. Not wolf. Not a single other woman brought this craving out of me. I thought it had been lost to time, that daywalkers had evolved away from craving human blood.

But as I looked at Theo, the vein in her throat throbbing, I knew the primal side of my lineage still thrived beneath my skin. Craving both her blood and her body.

Temptation beyond compare.

Fuck, my cock thickened, pushing hard against the front of my pants. Desire zapped across my skin. I hated this. Not being in control of myself.

I could feel my eyes flood with black, the animal inside stirring, but I pushed it down, forcing it back into the dark depths where it belongs. I clenched my eyes shut, not opening them until I had willed the beast away.

Suddenly, I heard Theo snap her fingers together. “You still with me?”

My gaze shot up to hers. The warm brown was as comforting as the Ilios soil. “I am. Tell me, what contact do you have on Zeus 9?” I asked, maintaining her gaze to distract my wandering eyes from any bit of naked flesh visible from her robe.

“A guy called the Pantomath,” Theo answered. “Ever heard of him?”

“Unfortunately.” A warlock who sold his soul to a demon for the ability to remember everything he’s ever been told. A man who claims to know everything. “Why would you be in contact with him?”

Theo shrugged nonchalantly like the Pantomath wasn’t incredibly dangerous. “I know you like to think that no one knows Sol is missing, she is a daywalker, blood as valuable as platinum, out somewhere in the universe…”

“He’s going to know something,” I finished for her.

She nodded, swiping dark hair behind her shoulder, the ink of her tattoo peeking out from a slipping sleeve. My mouth fell dry again.

“I’d be happy with a breadcrumb,” Theo sighed. “Anything, no matter how small, to point me in the right direction.”

I would, too. With any hint that Sol was okay. My niece was too young to get wrapped up with crimelords and kingpins. It seemed like just yesterday she was excited to have tea parties and play pretend with her Tio Javi.

I remembered being there when her mother died, offering her support when he father was too busy trying not to fall apart while ruling a whole planet. He couldn’t be there, so I was. And I always will be.

Sol grew up too fast after her mother’s burial. Didn’t smile as much. Kept to herself. Buried herself in her studies. Responsibilities. She was too young to carry the weight of the world on her shoulders. It didn’t help that Cyrus would say that it wouldn’t be much longer until she’d take the reins of power from him. Her father put too much pressure on her.

But that was the only way Cyrus seemed like he could cope. I felt useless, watching it all happen. If I could take some of the grief, I would.

“What are you giving the Pantomath in exchange?” I asked, dragging myself out of my thoughts to the woman in front of me. For once she was being honest. Letting me in and giving me her trust. “A warlock only accepts things of value.”

“Depends on what he wants,” she answered quietly. Quieter than she usually is. “There are some lines I won’t cross.”

Her response piqued my interest as I took another drink, letting the warmth soothe the dryness in my throat. “Such as?”

“I draw the line at people.” Theo frowned, downing her glass as if the alcohol was chasing something else down her throat. “I don’t give over people.”

“Does he ask for people often?” I probed, now more curious than anything.

“People think that the Pantomath only deals in information, but he also deals in death,” she took a deep breath and for the first time, I could see her ghosts raise their heads. “Now, we are only half a day away from Zeus 9 and I want to get some rest. I recommend you do the same.”

She stood, the pillowy robe continuing to slide off one shoulder, but she seemed too distracted to care. I tore myself away, turning away from her altogether.

My jaw continued to ache, and I grappled with my own hunger. “Yes,” I murmured, stepping over to the door, and pushing the button to open it. I paused, looking over at her from my shoulder, “Thank you for being honest with me.”

A pink hue dusted across Theo’s face again, something I found endearing. She nodded, throat bobbing as she replied, “Get some rest, Javier.”

I left her room and managed to get one last look at her before she closed her door, oversized robe sliding off one shoulder, wet hair starting to curl. Too fucking breathtaking. Lust churned in my belly as I stepped back into my room, closing the door behind me.

Now that I was alone, I couldn’t stop the darkness from flooding my eyes, canines extending past my lower lip. Hunger flared across my body, burning my throat and tightening my cock.

Fuck it.

I stepped over to my nightstand, popping a few extra blood supplements. I needed to get control over it, otherwise, this mission would fail.

The bitter taste of the pills washed over my tongue, giving me instant relief from my bloodlust.

Now to the other problem.

My cock pulsed, aching for relief. The image of her vulnerability was fresh in my eyes. Unable to stop myself, I reached for the button of my pants. This wouldn’t just go away. I was too hot under my skin, the head leaking liquid silver, leaving a wet spot against my briefs.

I groaned as I released it, thick and hard, veins ridging the underside. I kicked my pants off, sitting on the side of my bed.

“Fuck,” I muttered after the first stroke, pleasure tightening my belly. I stared out at the stars and imagined Theo in front of the window, somehow more enchanting than the view.

I would dream of her mouth. Pink tongue darting out to moisten her lips.

Fuck, I wonder how she’d look on her knees. I didn’t believe Theo ever got on her knees for many men, but I’d entertain the idea.

Imagine how her mouth would look parted wide, the crown of my thick cock dipping into her wet lips, swallowing me down her sinful throat.

The image of Theo burned into my eyes as I filthily let myself take advantage of the fantasy. I worked myself up and down, faster and harder. I imagined the noises Theo would make around my cock.

Moaning as she sucked me down. Gagging with tears in her eyes. She would look so fucking beautiful with my cock in her mouth. But her mouth would never be enough for me. I’d need to sink myself into her soft, rosy pussy. I imagined that would unfurl like parting petals of a blossom, eager for me.

I’d been inside of her, but I hadn’t had a chance to admire her body. Instead, she took me, bouncing hard on my cock, taking what she wanted. But this time, I would have her, and it wouldn’t be a race to the finish line. I’d give her a night she’d never fucking forget.

My cock kicked, the cords in my neck straining as I stroked. I’d fuck her against the window. Bend her over the bed.

Fuck, if she wanted to be on top so bad, I’d let her; the galaxy a breathtaking background behind a mesmerizing woman.

I groaned, paying special attention under the head, right on the sensitive bundle of nerves that stole my breath. I imagined it was Theo’s pussy I was fucking instead of my hand, working her closer and closer to an orgasm, only finishing when her core clenched around me, milking me hard and taking me with her.

A grunt fell past my lips when I came, fluid spurting across my hand at the filthy fantasy. My shoulders fell slack, breathing heavily as I rode out the rest of my orgasm with a few strokes. When I was done, I cleaned up my mess, fighting the urge of getting hard all over again when a flash of Theo licking me clean plagued my mind.

I fell onto my bed, not completely sated, just enough to take the edge off.

This was going to be a long fucking mission.