Chapter 27 : Save Them

Theodora’s POV

My mom outstretched a coffee to me. I took the hot beverage, bringing it to my lips to warm my insides. I sighed happily, enjoying it during the cold morning. I wore my leather jacket, and holster on my hip as usual.

We would be leaving any day now. Only a few minor fixes. And with my dad’s electrical experience, repairs were moving much faster. It almost felt like I was a teenager again, fixing up a ship with my dad.

Comms were up and we could use the frequency from my ship to radio in on the wavelength if anyone needed anything. Definitely saved me the trouble of looking around the homestead for my brother.

And saved Daxton the embarrassment of having his sister walk in on him and Ellie.

I don’t know what really happened between them, but I noticed the fleeting glances. The indigo flush on Ellie’s cheeks. The handholding. All toothachingly sweet. So damn cute. I was happy for them.