Chapter 51 : Epilogue

Theodora’s POV

Life was so different now.

It felt like yesterday I was dodging military phasers and jumping off skyscrapers. Fighting with my dad. Avoiding Mads. Lying to my brother about my relationships. Having flashbacks every other day from wartimes.

But now I was sitting around a fire pit on my family farm while we passed around a bottle of starshine and reminisced about odd jobs. Mads to my left. Javi to my right. Daxton across from me laughing about something with my dad, arm around Ellie.

Benji complimented my mom’s cooking. Mads joined the conversation, both dimples proud and on display.

Unguarded. Just as visibly happy as I felt inside. Playfully nudging Ellie in the ribs and making her release a big belly laugh.

My heart flushed with warmth. I loved him so much.