There's a Good Show Tonight

"Wang Ye, the three of you, come and help."

"Remember, don't abandon us, don't give up. We are soldiers, and unity is the first thing we need."

This time, they ran together for three kilometers, unlike the morning when they were split into two groups. Wang Ye and the other two muscular soldiers were even asked by Ye Sanshi to assist the other recruits of the fifth squad.

Ye Sanshi himself was also helping but in a more forceful manner. He positioned himself at the back of Class Five, and upon noticing anyone lagging behind, he would shout and push them ahead.

With their muscles aching, Ye Sanshi's pushes caused them to take a few steps forward, their faces twitching.

"Don't stop! It's just a little soreness. What are you afraid of? I'll give you a massage later!" Ye Sanshi's words had a strong impact. The recruits from the fifth squad, feeling their sore muscles, immediately trembled.