Explosion, Enemy, Gunshots

However, their names were certainly remembered by their respective class monitors.

Wang Ye also returned to the leftmost row of Class One and stood there, holding his flag.

"Company commander, 1st Platoon, full strength... actual strength..."

"Reporting to Company Commander, Second Platoon..."

After reorganizing the platoon, taking attendance, and confirming that no one had fled in the chaos just now, Wu Jianfeng did not respond to the platoon leaders.

He gazed at the recruits with a stern expression.

"Look at how you all appear. Are you deserving of your military uniforms and your roles as soldiers?

With an explosion and the sound of gunfire, he became disoriented.

Someone even wet his pants. How embarrassing."

When Wang Ye heard his words, he was momentarily taken aback. However, since he was at the far left, he couldn't even turn his head to see who had wet their pants in fear.