Cheers to the Martyrs, Return to the Camp to Donate

This monument stands as a tribute to our Iron Bones Hero Regiment, the very source of our heroic legacy.

A grand total of 1,182 martyrs, a number synonymous with sacrifice.

These revered individuals are the forebearers of the Iron Bones Hero Regiment.

Beneath the monument, within the Martyrs' Cemetery, the regiment commander stood, his countenance solemn. His voice rang out across the recruits assembled before him.

Indeed, the regiment commander, present today, had entered the cemetery ahead of the recruits, explaining to them the rich history of this place.

Wang Ye was truly taken aback.

Who would have anticipated that every soul at rest within this cemetery was once a valiant member of the Iron Bones Hero Regiment?

According to the regiment commander's account, when war erupted, the Iron Bones Hero Regiment forged ahead as vanguards.