How Great it is to be a Rich Second Generation Is Really Good!(2)

"This is not just because you're soldiers, members of the Iron Bones Hero Regiment, but also because you come from a lineage of warriors.

The blood of our people courses through your veins."

A profound silence followed.

Indeed, this was the truth. The entire Class 5 and even the entire second floor had fallen silent.

When Wu Jianfeng had spoken those words at the doorway, his voice had carried to other classrooms as well.

"Alright, continue writing. Wang Ye, step out for a moment."

"Yes, sir!"

Wang Ye acknowledged and followed Wu Jianfeng.

In the dormitory...

He observed as Wang Ye and Wu Jianfeng exited.

Qin Li immediately slapped his chest. "Damn it, scared me half to death! How did the captain manage to appear at the door without making a sound?"

Someone glanced at Gu Yingnan and remarked, "Old Gu, why didn't you heed my advice?"